On Java man and Homo sinanthropus. Gooks the worst race after niggers and other colored shitskins. Idiotic sloppy eyes, closed mind, robot consciousness, flat monkey face, slavish flirting with white people, hive mind and
lack of personality, intelligence without real creativity (they still steal western and european patents).
My country full of half mongoloid hybrids, it's like living on cemetery. 40% of east slavs are mongrels with admixture of paleoasiatic subhumans, pathetic and passive inbreds with low androgens. Gooks already takes your colonial place in Africa: edition.cnn.com
Betas which mating with gook garbage girls BTFO. We know that white dumb roasties and coal burners need to be tortured and killed in the most horrible way, but euro losers must be ashamed by white society castrated and killed by their hapa sons.
Kikes want you to spoil your heritage with GOOK AND NIGGER DNA
The weakling? Freak? Fatty? Is your penis very small? This is not an excuse to give your fucking genes an exit in the form of an ugly hapa. Do you want to find a submissive slave wife? You're an idiot! You're a complete and naive idiot! All females are the same, the function and behavior are the same. If you can not find a worthy female among your community, you are just a weakling and a loser and will stay. Completely disabled? Super freak? Blast the wealthy Jews on Wall Street or shoot niggers in the ghetto and do an hero for endless Valhalla and peace
Other urls found in this thread:
750,000 years ago Peking Man with Mongoloid features
"On the Relevance of the Regional Continuity Features of the Face in East Asia" also found that a form of facial flatness is unique to China (i.e. only appears there at high frequency, very rarely elsewhere)
Shovel-shaped incisors are commonly cited as evidence for regional continuity in China.
"It is the pattern of shoveling that identities as an East Asian regional feature, not just the occurrence of shoveling of any sort
a non-depressed nasal root, non-projecting perpendicularly oriented nasal bones and facial flatness are unique to the Chinese region in the fossil record and may be evidence for limited regional continuity
Bushman are an example of original human founding stock that show a combo of both: Mongolid (epicanthic fold, flat face, flat head)
Negroid (dark skin, curly hair)
both of these phenotypical groups also share the traits of: flat nose (platyrhinus), prognathism
also, if not from the ancient stock then it can be attributed to: Fetal alcohol syndrome, fetal features of human (undeveloped nose etc), neoteny etc
basically, the undeveloped human fetus is exactly a Protohuman (having features of Mongrid)
neotony is retaining the features of protohumans that also exists in the fetal state
those infantile/fetal features are shared in Negrids and Mongolids.
True Caucasids are distinctly less infantile than all other races. Caucasids morph out of the fetus-face state.
though some borderline "Caucasids" have infantile features retained from the fetus due to either:
upper-paleo origins (non-neolitic)
mongol/negrid mix
fetal alcohol syndrome
>Platyrhine (flat nose)
>receding chin
>hairless body
>bow legs
>long torso, short limbs (short legs)
>tibias (lower legs) shorter than femurs
>flat ass
Get in on this thread, niggers.
The man behind the yellow fever threads has been identified as YouTuber and sargonite Louis Le Vau (THOMAS NELSON)
Known usernames: LouisLeVau, TomApollo, Tehblasta, thomas.nelson.96, Fuu-sama
Real name: Thomas Nelson
Education: Started at Buffalo State in 2013, graduated in 2015. Political Science degree (lol)
Birthday: June 30th 1990 (27 years old)
Information Leading to and Resulting from info:
roasties are trying to false flag, but failing as you would expect
Fuck off soyboy dicklet. Shut the fuck up gook lover. You are lower than insect. I am with dick which bigger than yours
He looks like a autist
here is
Hi Ching Chang Chong Lil Man Dong
Hope that yerrow pussy was tight, here’s your consolation prize.
Gookfucking, not even once.
All Sargonites are
I am trying to marry my japanese qt friend
You mad?
I don’t give a fuck about soyboys. You are lower than roastie.
Also bump niggers
Lol im glad this is on here
You're trying too hard.
White subhumans get out.
White people, lmao
Subhuman white whores
Last of all, just know it.
You worthlessness little Muslim krokodil shit :)
Hi Ching Chang Chong
what the fug
> a midget spanking a fat women in a dinner
no moar pornog 4 you
chinks are the worst
great bread!
I notice that many asians have long trunks--just as long as a caucasian or black.
But us asians have very short legs, arms, and limbs!
It's so unattractive with such a long torso and short legs, especially in girls
long-torso-short-legs syndrome. ^_^' I don't know why, but I have noticed that in Korea, it's not uncommon to see people crouching in the streets for long periods of time. Maybe hundreds of generations of crouching made bow-legs a genetic trait.
have both long femurs (upper legs) and a long torso. they are like proportional and reflect my height. but my tibias (lower legs) are wayyy shorter than my femurs. they're my weakest link (height-wise)
oh this is very keen observation!
long trunks, flat ass, big calves, short legs
>petite bodies, long trunks, flat ass, big calves, short legs
Asian women are known for big calves and petite boyish bodies but when it comes to their legs, it’s not proportional.
very very short legs. Their height is average for an asian, but their legs looked disproportional to the body, ie, short. Looks funny when they walk.
short legs also shortens the stride.
the short legs of east Asians. Something dwarfish about it, unnatural, perverse.
The long torsos and short legs.. the way they scuff their feet when walking because they can't talk regular strides... they tend to shuffle along as if they were wearing flip flops because they can't raise their feet very high off the ground.
they are more heat tolerant than other races and tend to wear warm clothes on warm days, when everyone else is in t shirts.
it's even more glaringly indicative of geographically isolated human evolution than some of the other obvious racial differences because it affects the basic frame of the skeleton.
their women look like boys with freakishly asexual dwarf legs. A pity.
It's always the same. fucking. russian. tard. Fuck off already
t. Dicklet soyboy with gook fever
stfu your country has gone to shit
Maybe. But you are still dicklet, soyboy and cocksucker.
>Last of all
>keeps posting
you ruskies are no better: you're uncivilized, barbaric, and violent
Fellow russian, you shouldn't do such a thing
I once did an anti-asian gf/hapa hate thread and was banned ... 250 replys later tho
You think this thread is Russian? Lurk more newfag.
Protec doggo
Out of context. In my opinion you are a degenerate.
Oh! You are american:
>bugman with yellow fever
> long torso, short limbs, big calves, usually bowlegged
they are basically a race of tall midgets. european included the mongoloid race in their mythology as the angry, malevolent dwarfs always stirring problems.
not only are they midgets, but they are the least sexually dimorphic of all humanoids!!
the females have little sexual phenotypical divergence from males. the male has a clit that exceeds his female counterpart by only an inch! both sexes share the same hair, shoulder, hip, breast, ass proportions. the mongoloid female is just prepubescent boy with a vagina, where the mongoloid male is a prepubescent girl with a large clit
this is striking when comparing the immense sexual divergence between caucasoid sexes.
have a bump, friend.
Fucking bump apes