Jesus was a jew

>Jesus was a jew

Other urls found in this thread:

>Jesus was the king of jews

Jewsis is a myth

People on this board really need to get over the thought that jews runs the world.
They dont, it's just run by whites with stupid ideologies, stop being anti-semetic.

>Jesus was usually referred to as "Rabbi"

no it's def jews.

does that mean Christianity is a Jewish religion?

No, because it’s a retarded statement. Thus the brainlet Pepe.

Jesus slapped a whip in the face of Jews for being too jewish. He hated them.

Flag checks out


Christianity is a religion which came out of a reformist movement within Judaism. Only a retard would reject the Jewish origins of Christianity, Christianity could not have existed with out Judaism

>Islam isn't the true religion

Christianity is reformation of Judaism which means we’re all Jews.

And they hate him to this day for daring to be a decent human being.
Fuck I loathe orthodox kikes...


>jesus wasnt even white

you can't prove a jesus any easier than you prove a god. miracles and magic? oh please.

Literal Marxist tier autism

fake flag = fake opinion.

And judaism didn’t exist until 200 years after Christianity. BUT GOD FORBID I STATE A FACT THATS NOT MAINSTREAM AND KOSHER.

Yes and he broke away and called out the rabbis for being money grubbing fuck wits who allowed stalls out the front of the temple of sabbath.

And as the saying goes you always kill a traitor before and enemy. Jesus was more dangerous to the kikes then Hitler ever was.

"What is Record Keeping? Who even are apostles?"

No he wasn’t. Stop caving to that narrative. He hated jewry but he was no Ashkenazi nor whatever mutt uses that label today.

>Jesus wasn't a Jew


Not really. More like a bunch of dopes in the desert actually believed this dude when he said he was the messiah.

The true jews outcast this lot for this.

>>Jesus was a jew
You are not incorrect.

>People on this board really need to get over the thought that jews runs the world.
>They dont, it's just run by whites with stupid ideologies, stop being anti-semetic.
Racism is the bluepill, the real redpill is being a culturalist/ideologist

Jesus is the bread

>And judaism didn’t exist until 200 years after Christianity. BUT GOD FORBID I STATE A FACT THATS NOT MAINSTREAM AND KOSHER.
lol i remember some ponytailed commie on fark trying to meme this like 15 years ago he was the only one i ever saw claim that

The example he set is let yourself be crucified by jews

The irony of modern Israel.
The Palestinians they hate are ethnically closer to the first Jews than they are.


Then wtf do call the monotheistic religion of the Judeans centered around a Jersusalem temple?

lol kaffir.

fake journalists and nobody wrote about him until a century later when he was a zoroastran ripoff

No they aren’t. Stop cucking yourself like that. You don’t have to believe your savior is alien to you in compensation for racism on a shitposting forum.

Please suck my blood.
The blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of me.

>The irony of modern Israel.
>The Palestinians they hate are ethnically closer to the first Jews than they are.
this is 100% entirely wrong look at DNA tests palestinians are mutts and they are not even the same mutts depending if they come from gaza (mostly Egyptian stock) or the other side (mostly of Syrian and Jordanian descent)

they don't even speak the same dialect of arabic, arafat needed a constant dude next to him to remind him of the right words to say because he spoke the gaza kind since he was from cairo

Some bullshit the Pharisees were doing long after Yahweh’s direct interactions.

>over 500 people saw him for 40 days after he was crucified according to sources dating to months after his crucifixion at the earliest
>all of them were clearly hysterical, seeing exactly the same thing

What do we do about the fact that current day jews have nothing in common with jews in the chirst's time. Since they are talmudic khazars and just lied about being lost 13th tribe? Last 20 or so mins is what opened me to it.

>Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children. - Matthew 27:25
The Jews rejected the Messiah, and for that God rejected them.

The Pharisees didn't run the temple, they were just a bunch of scribes who tried to expand on the ambiguity of the written Torad. There's no reason to think temple practices were any different in 0 than they were when Jerusalem was razed by Babylon.

Bunch of slavs LARPing as God's chosen.
They are still closer to the Israelites than the fucking euro-kikes that founded Israel.
The Palestinians are mutts, I'm not saying otherwise.
I'm saying they have a drop of old Jew in them.

No, it's the reptilians

>The Jews rejected the Messiah, and for that God rejected them.
yeah no
>Psalm 94:14 For the L-rd will not forsake His people, nor will He desert His inheritance.

The fuck are you on about?

He named their leadership as serpents, sons of the devil, the synagogue of Satan and so on. Do you suppose they've somehow seen the errors of their ways in the last 2000 years?

Shill harder kike.
Earn those shekels.

Cuckeeists were cuckold atheists.

>They are still closer to the Israelites than the fucking euro-kikes that founded Israel.
>The Palestinians are mutts, I'm not saying otherwise.
>I'm saying they have a drop of old Jew in them.
Nope, check any DNA studies that were made in the region. A few tribes of "palestinians" do, but those are descendants of Jews who were forced to convert to Islam and they mostly still marry within tribes
the khazar meme is a failure

>being a cuckeeist

I think they are mix of russians and georgians/azerbaijani/armenians in terms of dna. Or to put it better, they are like mix of those people in terms of dna. Since thats where khazaria was before they went north and west. I still have yet to listen the whole speech by benjamin h. freedman. I mean who can know better than one of them, even tho he went the good guy route. Brother Nathanael says the same thing, since he is more known here, some people need to pay attention.

im an orthodox jew

Yeah, a few tribes is a drop in a mutt race.
The Israelis don't even have that.

That explains a lot.
You are like one step up from Wahabbists in my book.

You rejected the Son of God, and for that will burn for all eternity unless you repent.
>But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. - Matthew 3:7-9

>That explains a lot.
>You are like one step up from Wahabbists in my book.
Thankfully its not hobbit related so that book won't ever leave nz

Which is why Christian is the opposite of Redpilled. Literally worshipping a Jew zombie

I don't where Brother Nathaniel lives, but the vista behind him in every video is stunning.

>You rejected the Son of God, and for that will burn for all eternity unless you repent.
Just because someone shows up and makes a claim doesn't mean we have to actually believe.

There are criterias that show and define who the Messiah will be. It wasn't your guy, because he didn't fulfill any of those.

The books were written in england a hundred years ago, just like the jewish claim to Israel.

Hell is for ever!

And christians go to it


I’ve seen mostly just Slavs embracing their chosen status and as a result their countries are preserving themselves far better than the west. The Anglos embraced it fully and were rewarded with huge empires. Once we remember who we are God gives us our inheritance. That’s why the jews try to keep us in the dark and mistranslate our books. When we forgot and ignore our God we die. We are a holy people and as such we require God for sustenance.

>Jewishness can only be carried down through the women
>Therefore Jesus was not jewish

that's right goy, jesus was a jew who ate foreskins

Jesus tried to teach the Jews to change their sinful kike ways to little avail unfortunately

Apart from being jewish, which is 100% true, as jesus by his own admittance was jewish, one has to consider if the religion would be true, which isn't the case.

If I remember correctly the Talmudic shit was starting to catch on in Jesus's time and is what he was fighting against in the first place

Jesus was a Jew
Who fulfilled Jewish law
No law = No Jewish Faggotry
No jewish faggotry = no illuminati shit

Of course, we live in a fallen world where the Jewish elite literally try to get everyone to worship a devil.

Joke's on you, it's really not the jews this time arround, the reptilians are real

Jesus tried to claim his birthright as the king of the Israelites. The post Babylon Jews were hardly the same Jews of the birthright of Jesus.

except modern jews bear literally no relation to the judean tribe of which jesus was a member of

>Behold those who say they are Jews, but are not, but do lie; I will make them kneel before thy feet, and thou shalt know that I have loved thee.
Rev. 3:9

>Behold those who say they are Jews, but are not, but do lie
This means false believers that internally worship the devil, christianity tells the tale of a false humanity that are sons of the devil whom worship the devil internally but hypocritically pretend to be normal.


>I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Rev. 2:9

Guess that makes Protestants Catholics, huh faggot?

Jesus was a jew who REJECTED judaism in favor of God, the Father. Every single jewish sect abandoned judaism to follow jesus except for the sect of whom judas was a member, the fallacies, who are the ONLY jewish sect still practicing judaism today. They are literal Christ killers.

John 8:44
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires.

1 John 5:19
We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.

Matthew 10:21
Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death.


As you can see, there's a counterfeit humanity according to the bible that serves the devil.

Yes, thank you. God bless you.

It's not a "counterfeit" humanity, sin is inherent to humanity, dating back to when Eve tempted Adam. The scripture speaks of teachings and ways to strive away from sin, so that one can be closer to God and live a more wholesome life. The Jews, or more correctly the Ashkenazi are a tribe of gentiles masquerading as the ancient Jews, who use their wicked ways and talmudic teachings to profiteer and benefit off of the sins of man, enticing him to indulge ever more so in them.

There are 3 major different people that claimed to be Jews.
1) Israelites the originals, bloodline of David. Jesus
2) post Babylon Jews. Likely mixed while in Babylon captivity. Loss of basic knowledge. Major difference in how 2nd Temple was constructed versus the first.
3) post Roman slavery -. After 100 ad and the death of 1 million Jews (post Babylon) only 90000 survived and were taken into slavery. Jews arising after this period are heavily mixed. Not even the same people genetically.

You are either a child of god or you are a child of the devil , it all depends who you work for do good= god do evil= devil ... its all really simple

thats as retarded as saying bhudda was a catholic!

thread = pic related

Christians don't even comprehend their own religion, or maybe they're scared to admit (or in denial) of the tenets that makes the religion look like a conspiracy theory.

All in all, that aspect of the religion is the only true aspect of it.