You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You took a joke too far.

Other urls found in this thread:


I’m sorry...that I didn’t stumble upon this gold sooner, fucking kek


what is her her disability called?

Delayed abortion



How tremendously horrible. We need to completely master our genetics to prevent such things from happening to other children.

you must be at least 18 years old to post here

>Implying this girl should be alive
What a sick society.

jesus christ that thumbnail should come with a warning

I thought putting disabled people "out of their misery" was part of the leftist ideology's push for abortion. What gives?

Pol is a pro-choice board, fuck off rabbi

God she should have been aborted. No shot at a regular life. Just suffering and ridicule.



I mean, the point is still valid

pretty much


not my proudest fap


Joke? What are you talking about? Don't say that you believe that this thing is better off alive and suffering than resting peacefully, you're a monster user.

damn the le 56% memes became real a little too quick

That poor girl won't develop the same as her family and friends, won't live life to the same age or nearly to the same extent they do, honestly keeping her alive is to spite God and a sadistic act on someone who has no control over their deformity or illness. Fucking do her a favor and kill her she'll thank you in heaven when her face doesn't fill people with grotesque and pity.

Did you randomly slap the keyboard with your cock?


What do you even know about that you docile goy ? stop talking out of your ass please

She's from a first world country, America while at it with easily the best available medicine on earth, is white, has good IQ perhaps even more than average, has decently wealthy parents that will take good care of her, has a loving family with plenty sisters and brothers, probably will have working disability so incoming state-bux.
Adding to that, we are in 2018, twenty one century (21st century), surgery exist, reconstructive surgery is advancing faster than the speed of light and they'll be easily able to recreate most of the missing natural tissue of her mouth, she may even be able to speak at one point after they fix her shit up and she follows speech therapist sessions.

One disable white is worth more than the entire races of non-white combined including all the insectoïd chinks

Literal nightmare fuel


I'm sorry you're a fag OP.

Rett’s Syndrome.

The ultimate nu-male face

>Implying I ever said that nonwhites are worth anything.

holy fuck she is absolutely terrifying


Damn France


Imagine if some normal ugly guy would have the privilege of being called disabled, then everyone would feel sorry for him and lie about how beautiful he is. But no, they are not ugly enough so now they get shat on constantly and treated like human garbage.

Jesus fuck my sides

As it should be, mentally disabled people are human trash by default.

fifth post best post

>in bed relaxing
>see this
Thanks for the nightmares tonight OP


I'm here to eat your dreams, user


This shit was far more rare when midwives were commonplace. If the monstrosity came out, they would smother it and says it is stillborn

Seeing people like this makes me feel like the most awful person on earth.

Why is this Sup Forums?

No one said anything about mental disability. I said there's a line in ugliness after which you start gaining sympathies instead of insults, which is obviously illogical. You should be getting more and more insults.

omg eww like wtf is that fucking monster
i have no clue how you can love something as horrific and ugly as that thing
imagine how many times that thing just comes around the corner and spooks the fuck out of you

Nah it's drolling retarded. It can't walk, talk, feed itself, control its bladder, & likely doesn't recognize its name. That thing is a waste of taxpayer money, her family's time, & natural resources.

el abominacion


Thread about mentally disabled thing, you say how ugly persons should be treated as disabled, just assumed it.
Ever heard of empathy or pity?

I wish I was aborted and I don't look that bad so if I was her I'd be a megasuicide

Fuck off OP
You were laughing at the time as well.

Empathy and pity is exactly the argument for abortion.

Everyone is commenting on her looks you fucking idiot. We don't give a shit whether she is mentally disabled or not, the first thing that strikes you is her monstrous looks.

>Ever heard of empathy or pity?
Where's the empathy for the mildly ugly people? Is what I'm saying.

dude that's a photoshopped picture with that thing wearing tons of makeup, mark my words.

Stay ITT and let some creeper anons post the original pictures that started this thing. You may not sleep tonight.


How do you make sure your kids aren't retarded, Sup Forums. I'm sure I would just smother mine eventually if it was.


Exactly, why let this thing "live" a life of being completely inferior to everyone and not even being able to recognize it because you can't recognize anything to begin with, killing it is the most human thing to do.

Sorry. Now take your children of the future. This is your future now.
>Mfw only trips can stop it.

I've heard the sounds of angels scream

Well, being a mildly ugly guy myself I can say that unless you're a goblin there's not much problem with being ugly, sure women won't pay as much attention to you as they do to chad but it's not hell.

Have them eat a poisonous spider or choke on a macaroni noodle.

We did it, guys. CNN is now against abortion.

Based Frog

this is why Sup Forums can never die.

Imagine all the drooling retarded grunts that mutant will make when some desperate lonely loser decides to plow her.


Where do you think we are?

Hey, fpbp could be "fifth post best post". Cut the kid some slack, he's trying.

No shit I feel bad for the girl but her parents should be shot for doing meth while having kids

Hans get the flammenwaffem



The best part is that CNN is giving the message huge free advertising
>implying it's wrong



I'm so sorry

you cant be disabled if you were never able in the first place. KILL IT WITH FIRE

P-please tell me the girls face is shopped
I've seen Chernobyl mutants who look way better

At what point in a fetus' development stage can you actually determine if your child is going to look like this or not? All jokes aside, is it to late to abort when the doctor actually can tell?


my sides have been sent to another plane of existence, holy kek


>desperately want abortion
>but dont want to use it in logical cases

so you're saying everyone deserves a chance? hmm

Its' parents cant possibly be sane, right?

I see plenty of stupid shit and yet I'm still surprised by the stupidity of people. Why go out of your way for this thing? It will never be happy. You will never be happy. What the fuck are you trying to prove? Parents like these need to be deported to a slave colony, if not outright killed.


Her lifespan probably will be 12 years

Those are the poor kids that would be left to exposure in the old days, we have all this wonderful medicine that would prevent it's suffering and social isolation such as aborting the kid, yet they chose not to. Makes no sense.

Same here leaf


You advocate dysgenics.

Don't fuck a relative

CNN is great at making social justice propaganda. Just look at these headlines and find the common strand

we're assuming she has a normal number of chromosomes here, and that some sick fuck would breed with that.... actually scratch that last bit.

Agreed. This is just evil pride on the part of the parents.

>you took a joke too far
You guys started with "equality"