You have two choices, Sup Forums.
>loyal and subservient qt 3.14 Muslim gf who hates Jews as much as you do
>a white, Godless whore gf who likes to go out clubbing with her friends and hang out with niggers and listen to nigger tunes
Pick one.
You have two choices, Sup Forums.
>loyal and subservient qt 3.14 Muslim gf who hates Jews as much as you do
>a white, Godless whore gf who likes to go out clubbing with her friends and hang out with niggers and listen to nigger tunes
Pick one.
Other urls found in this thread:
There are plenty of White Muslims. I'd take a Uzbekistani woman any day.
#1, as it's not breeding outside of the Caucasian race.
I'd choose an ugly white girl that's traditional any day, of course.
Girlfriends are annoying and I prefer dedicating all of my time to myself.
>all Muslim females undergo genital mutilation
spotted the brainlet
An Iranian model. Caucasian, "White" R1b/a haplogroup, a pretty alright phenotype. Yeah, I'd take this over a Canadian bulldyke any day.
This is assuming the Muslim is an Arab, Iranian or other brown Caucasian.
Lots of Jungle Asian and Negroid Muslims around.
Definitely date a qt. Kurdish girl with green eyes
>what type of mongoloid wouldn't want that?
To bleach 3 Arab women? Interesting...
Anyway, i have Arab friends, we’re meming antisemitism, i don’t care much about whiteness, i care much about kikery.
>Muslim gf
Muslim isn't a race, but I'd pick a loyal Arabic girl over a white whore any time of the day.
no. Don't let google fool you. Kurdish chicks are rough.
This is pretty much all white girls. At least until they're like 33 and totally undateable
I unironically think whites should convert to Islam and take it over.
I live in a city with a huge Kurdish population, some are rough, but some are super cute
you leaf neets get neither. beggars n choosers plus your illusion of choice. plenty of jew skeptic cnristian women to fit whites fancy. they just dont use online to meet. they use a church network.
sorry not sorry that all my ladies love bounce and not viking death metal. careful with that double sided edge you hypocritical lukewarm casual or agnostic/secular "deist"
>Post yrw you wont be a FoundingFather of the post Trib world.
Member that verse about the barren womans beef curtains and no shame? you dont get it both ways you sinner. You have sinned just as much.
I dare to say you arent even a baptised christian, just a wolf who wishes to fuck sheep and lead them astray under the guise of pseudointellectual enlightenment. Grow the fuck up and a pair while youre at it.
well the mudslime is still Caucasian at least, and there is no reason to believe why she would stay with Pisslam if she is traditional and married to me. so i'll go with the mudslime.
tfw my gf is a pro-Assad, anti-Israel Syrian fellow medical student I first bonded with by talking shit about the evil Zionists and their impact on local domestic politics around the West. Normally it would be a bad idea to go full 14/88 at a med society event since damn near the entire cohort is Jewish, Leftist or shitskin, but this time it went better than expected.
Islam is a shit religion made by a shitty ethnicity.
muzfu anyday
where to find a white qt muslim like this? they're all usually brown or black
Muslims are niggers, so neither
>implying there aren't white muslim converts
May as well delete the thread and try again, leaf
>implying I implied that
I'm learning Mandarin Chinese, bro.
>tfw more and more Chinese are already Christian, hate niggers, and want to have a traditional family.
Neither. Wholesome Christian white girls absolutely exist, despite the pol memes.
fuck off, sandnigger
its interesting you post the whitest pic you could find as if you knew that most muslim girls are hairy niggers with beards and hips the size of a hippo
>specified white in the second option for no reason whatsoever
Okay leaf
so much muslim shilling lately. wtf is happening to pol
I met a Muslim girl who was about to be married off to her cousin. She went and got knocked up by a nigger so her cousins wouldn't want to touch her ever.
Don't be fooled by this Muslims are based bullshit.
Now she's a single mom.
Reminder in order for a muslim man/woman to marry a non-muslim woman/man, the non-muslim must convert to Islam.
false, not if you are the male
Is this even a question?
Its posts like this that make me think that Sup Forums isnt really nationalist, you just want to engineer a society where they are legally defined "alphas" with a legally defined caste of submisssives, so its basically a power grab.
How does it makes you feel , my fellow mudslim brother?
Meant to arite muslim , sorry
If I want a brainless submissive pet that I can fuck, I'd go with a sex doll. Biocunts will literally become obsolete in the next 30 years.