Time to go back faggot
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> I'm a larper
they will.
Nobody's deporting me any time soon nigger, I'm staying here and fucking all your white women
Looks like an illegal to me
>so the hispanics and immigrants leave the Democratic party
Never gonna happen paco. Now fuck off.
That's not really you in the video faggot.
Just wait til dear Trump passes the immigration bill and it'll be taken care of, honey
Didn't Reagan do an amnesty and it did shit all for long term support.
That's why there should be massive funding for the border coupled with the amnesty this time.
"I'll have those spics voting republican for the next two years" -reagan
white genes mixing with white genes, sounds ok to me
Sharpy in the pooper.
Albanian faggot
Lithuanian**** faggot
Why did you dox yourself faggot
I don't want to take in 2 to 3 million to 11 to 25 fucking million 3rd world fucks just so we can keep your perfect fucking hairline.
Won't happen without wall funding. Dems wont agree to wall funding under any circumstances.
Dreamers will never vote Republican even if they give them 100% amnesty, leftism runs through their veins.
Not my real name
>I'm a white DACA recipient
>implying slavs are white
holy shit why do you look like a mexican if you're lithuanian
what the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i have never seen lithuanians like you before
are you half?
kill yourself we are not slavs
who gives a shit, we won with trump without you
fuck you niggers, go home
So give amnesty to everybody already here while pouring billions into border security. Deporting all of us would crash the economy, be logical.
You're either against DACA, or you are against American whites.
There's no room for compromise.
Go back to your shithole, you mutt.
Dude I got them Stalin genetics
This thread is at least 65% opposition subversion.
I'm going to demonstrate nondiscrimination by saying that you need to go back. If you aren't a net drain you should be able to get into the country illegally.
stalin isn't lithuanian though, he's georgian. and all georgians look like middle easterners
>deporting all of us would crash the economy
*citation needed
I actually laughed at your post, thanks for that.
>republicans every compromising on immigration
yeah never going to happen, even with a voter enabled, growing hispanic base.
Maybe if you held a nuanced view of the importance of Judeo-Christian culture instead of "durr muh whiteness" you'll help avoid making the US into a failing nation
Americans are dreamers too. You have to go back!
Nobody give this nigger views or (you)s
You have to go back.
You're pretty naive if you think a Republican-led DACA deal would win over most Latinos. 3/4 of them would still continue to vote blue. In their minds and hearts, the Republicans are the party of rich white men, while Dems are for the downtrodden and minorities.
Too late, thanks for taking the bait guys, I got a great boost for my first video
Reported to ICE for being an illegal shitskin.
Reported to the SPLC for being a racist alt right Nazi who posts on Mongolian cartoon forums.
Why'd you post this on Sup Forums?
You're a fucking jew kike and I'm buying two shovels just in case you have a fiance so I can be twice as efficient in my shoveling of Hebrews.
Dems might agree to finance the rest of the fence which was already aproven and mostly built by Obama
>judeo christian culture
lol yeah ok bud. Let's take our cues from kiked sets of values. You probably support Israel too huh?
America was founded as an explicitly White Nationalist nation.
The US is a failing nation because of judeo-christian homosexual influence.
Memes like "tolerance", and "we are a nation of immigrants".
The 1965 immigration act is why America is failing.
Entitled nonwhites such as yourself are why our country is failing.
It's not whites wanting to be around whites, in a country they built.
You are a retard.
Republicans already amnestied millions of beaners and it cost them several congressional districts in Florida
You have to go back OP, operation wetback 2.0
If he's in the DACA program, he's protected from deportation.
At least until his previous application expires, and assuming Congress doesn't codify DACA into law before then.
Give me proof that America was founded as an explicitly White Nationalist nation, or else you're jerking off to shitty fantasies
Give up on yourself and eat a bullet
I get laid too much to do that, but thanks for your input
No it would do the opposite that is such bullshit I have my degree in Economics. Less DACA beaners means less money spent on law enforcement,social services and overall community safety would go up significantly.
Deporting DACA means better job wages for Americans, more jobs for Americans, more money spent in American economy and less money stolen from the American economy to be spent in DACA countries.
Americans are the dreamers DACA people are just parasites of the Americans and need to go with rest of the illegal alien beaners.
Fuck off we're full
>how dare you! they had no decision on it!
>by the way you're responsible for enslaving africans and we're never going to stop harping on it
Pick juan of those things. I hope you have to go back and I hope you embrace your true heritage by getting beheaded.
That's very nice.
Now let me help you pack those bags because.
Wait this guy is White, dude just get married
showing your true colours pedro?
How much would it cost to deport all the illegal immigrants in the US? Since you're such a genius economics major, I'm sure you can deduce that.
find a white american wife and get married dude.
No thanks, I'll just get married and exploit the welfare system some more so you keep aggressively posting on Sup Forums
it would cost 32 million illegals. checkmate
Send him back.
It would cost less to round all of them up in no-knock raids and fly them to their home countries than what the government spends on them annually
Working on it. But that doesn't change the fact that the immigration system is broken, and deporting all the illegals would cost upwards of $230 billion. We should use that money to ensure the border is secure.
But you folks can keep jerking off to your ethno-state, while the rest of us actually find pragmatic solutions.
This guy is a dreamer? He looks like that guy from one direction
get married my dude.
>and deporting all the illegals would cost upwards of $230 billion.
Literally a bargain compared to what the government spend on them
I'm Catholic but nice try bud
With all that welfare and social security we don't get, right? What does the government pay for, genius?
Public education and infrastructure
considering there's something like 20-30M illegals living in the us. you probably won't get deported any time soon.
>Republicans need to pass an immigration bill so the hispanics and immigrants leave the Democratic party.
All those dumb assholes do whatever the fake new media tells them to do. It doesn't matter what the R party does.
Adios, Draugas
How long before we start shooting these people? The government is letting us be invaded and we're the biggest cucks of all for having gun rights and just letting it happen.
>Republicans need to pass an immigration bill so the hispanics and immigrants leave the Democratic party. It would be the end of the liberals, they would never recover.
Hispanics and most other immigrants will vote majority-Democrat for as long as that party keeps promising free shit and providing a scapegoat in whitey for everyone's problems. I am well aware of the fact that there are outliers to this, and that there are in fact "Dreamers" out there who genuinely love this country and what it stands for and don't buy into that system, but you have to be aware that they're an extreme minority and always have been.
The media is dying. Look at Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson. They're generating heavy interest from minority groups. Conservatism is coming back with a vengeance in this country, you guys need to wake up from your "white people rule!!" fantasy and become leaders of the future USA.
You can't put a price on the future of our people and culture. Who the hell cares how much it costs? When was the last time White Americans saw anything from our tax dollars? We would have a one time cost to save almost the same amount every year forever.
I'm fine with that, so we need to establish a more nuanced system for who should be embraced within the country. There's plenty of shitty illegal immigrants, as well as shitty Americans who are trying to break the country apart. We have to fight the extremist tendency of reacting to the stupid liberals with logic, not with the same brand of irrational thought.
Yeah that worked so well for raygun
Deoprting you is a one time solution. Keeping you here till you drop dead would cost more. I hope you have an encounter with ICE
fuck you faggot you dont get to tell us what to do.
>The only future allowed for White people is their demographic replacement
Fuck off kike
So while it takes 20 years to deport everybody, a whole new batch of illegals come in. And then you'll wonder why you spent all that money on an issue you'll have to revisit in the next generation.
Just did, cuck
Based hindu sidekick
"trust me im a genius guys!!"
ok, fuck off
>Build wall
>Kick beaners over it
How is this difficult?
Read closely: this is your future
I'm paying into social security and medicare with my income taxes, and paying for my university tuition out of pocket.
ICE can't do shit buddy, but thanks for the kind words
Based Modi. Killing Muslim cucks in riots since 2002
What Trump wants is a deal, if Democrats keep autisticly screeching then you guys are gonna get deported because we're not going to do DACA for nothing
if you think dems are going to help you are are stupid and deserve to get deported.
So you're using a stolen social security number to work illegally?
"I can't respond with any logical argument, let me write passive aggressive cuck comments! That'll show him!!!"
USA is a country not a hotel where you can pay for your citizenship. If everybody starts paying taxes to justify their stay whats the point of even having a citizenship?
Dox this faggot and report him to ICE. GET THE FUCK OUT.
Fact of the matter is Both Bushes, Clinton and Obama just kicked the can down the road refusing to enforce immigration law because corporations needed their cheap labor. We need the world to know you can't just come here illegally and hunker down for yet another set of amnesty. That's why the Democrats need to give everything up if they want DACA to pass.