Sooner or later the USA will fall into democratic hands again.
What will stop them from letting all the immigrants in, give them right to vote and assure that democrats will rule forever?
Sooner or later the USA will fall into democratic hands again
Sup Forums isn't thinking that far ahead. Low IQ people tend to not plan for the future.
3 years is too little time.
yep. the right is dead. with every white person that dies it gets smaller and smaller. like its just going to happen, they aren't breeding at replacement level kek stay mad Sup Forumscuck
t. white guy who will never breed
>Rainbow flag
>Supporting the party actively trying to get all gays killed by associating them with pedophiles
lmao this is what republicans actually believe
Want to know how I know you're new?
>lmao this is what republicans actually believe
They are afraid of the beaners. They know if they get full DACA and open borders alot of mexicans will ditch the dems and vote right leaning. The party will have nothing for them other than higher taxes to pay for the lazy porch monkeys 'gib me dats'. The Democrats heart beats with that of the negro. When the blacks are removed so is the dems.
Depends on several factors. The biggest one, of course, being the immigration legislation passed during the Trump administration. But we also have to consider that Democrats may fuck themselves over by continuing to support mass immigration because I have seen no evidence of any statistically significant majority supporting completely unrestricted borders like Democrats do. Democrats are quite fragmented as well, so their infighting may create low voter turnout and I expect more whites switching to the Republicans as the Democrats get ever more radical. Furthermore, immigrants are mostly clustered in certain areas and generally don't move far from them. The biggest danger is losing Texas and Arizona, albeit Arizona is practically lost already given how the congress"men" that represent it are too lazy to change their R to a D. And we also have to take into account other happenings, such as the California secession movement that declared independence last month. International movements may play a role as well. If we see nationalists get into government in western Europe, we can expect them not to play nice with a Democrat controlled congress and exert pressure from without
I don't expect this to be solved through democracy and indeed, I expect it to all come to violence, but there's a lot of things that are going to delay the point.
The Democrats had their fucking legs blown off in 2016 and they still have shown no signs of realizing it.
ok. now point me to where that means they want to kill all gay people
all faggots should be executed
*the stench*
nope. but heres a reality for you, the white race will go extinct
ayyy lmao
Once millennials start getting into positions of power and influence you are going to a see a massive shift to the left. Right now the millenials are still hampered by debt and lack of jobs but all of that will change when the boomers start dying off.
Its funny because democrats are constantly importing people with an ideology that in many cases calls for the killing of gay people, you think these "misunderstood proud people" are not gonna start throwing faggots off the roof? Its the same with niggers, even the most blind liberal knows you dont just stroll around compton with your hipster shit and not expect to get robbed.
We have a legislative system. The GOP can veto any bill
Nothing. Once Texas goes blue (which will happen in the next decade or so despite what delusional Texans will tell you) we'll become a de facto one party state and the pozzing is going to kick into overdrive.
Most immigrants don't give a rat's ass about the Constitution. When they gain power they'll gladly vote away their rights in return for the promises of more handouts.
That's why we need to increase our red-pilling efforts to get enough people ready to conduct the ZOG purge and race war.
quick, abolish democracy before that happens
>I don't expect this to be solved through democracy and indeed, I expect it to all come to violence, but there's a lot of things that are going to delay the point.
This goy get's it.
Nothing - that's why it's so critical to get shit like the wall and immigration reform set up while we still can.
Read Siege, faggots.
If the Feds go full commienigger, then we'll just stop paying taxes en masse, go innawoods, and conduct guerilla warfare. Nogs, cholos, and soyboys can't run a government effectively by themselves.
>ok. now point me to where that means they want to kill all gay people
Let me explain my concern. Pedophiles are often associated with LGBT+++++++ (I don't know all the fucking letters). This isn't entirely unfounded. Amidst the gay community it is a thing where older guys will have relationships with teenage boys. It's known about. It's well known about. People that deny it are usually not insiders.
There's that, and then there's the "transgendered kids" shit that's being actively pushed. That's Munchhausen's-by-Proxy. That's a totally different thing, and it's child abuse.
So between those two things if they go forward with trying to make society accept pedos or the nature of these things becomes more and more public? Gays may lose the rights they've managed to get. Because unlike homosexuality and transgender stuff, messing with kids breaks a very serious taboo. And people may just decide that's the point where people need to start being roasted alive on a bonfire.
It's the association and the feeling that the association will be pushed and used in political games. It's why I'm desperate for the LGBT to break away and stop being all-inclusive for the sakes of the rights that it took decades to get. It isn't worth dying on a hill fighting for the acceptance of child molesters.
>w-we're totally gonna revolt THIS time, I swear
>get's it
nice apostrophe you fucking retard.
Meanwhile in the future ... /leftypol/ is now the counter culture and black cops start shooting white for speeding
You all will never be counterculture until you let go of
>TV other than FOX News
>The education industrial complex
>Silicon valley
>the advertising industry
>the civil service
>the fucking Republican party
Get out of all of these and then you will be counter culture. Until then, you're a puppet of the bourgeoisie
Civil war, now pepe are done woke by Trump, they'll not take it without a fight.