Jew here

Dear people of Sup Forums, yes I am a Jew. We do not wish to end the white race, random Twitter users, dumb leftists, and fake quotes prove nothing. Stop blaming us for all your problems, hating us does nothing. Because leftists think whites are evil prove nothing, many leftists also think Jews are evil. Because some leftists claims to be Jewish on Twitter, that does not represent all Jews. Please quit your blind hatred of Jews

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Why not?

I don't hate the people in the tribe of snakes, but don't ask me to befriend a snake either nor prevent me from learning history

Fuck you. No.


You're disingenuous and pathetic. No use in crying about it now.

Because your subversive Jewishness won't be tolerated any longer you fucking subhuman filth.

It's hard to not hate them when the majority of jews aren't speaking out against the injustice that the minority of jews are taking out against the white race. They don't care that the white race is being genocided using laws, deception, lies, and government by the small group of jews that openly hate whites. That minority is making the majority look bad. Thus, the majority is also being blamed for the minority's sins. Change that, and we can work together to end white genocide and your jewish race/religion will be considered allies instead of enemies. That minority of jews must be destroyed in order to save both of our races.

I actually agree with this bait OP.

Wew the jews are getting desperate. Pipe down schlomo

>the majority of jews aren't speaking out
how are we supposed to do that exactly?

Everyone on Sup Forums knows that every jew is a jew before anything else. You """right wing""" kikes can come here and try the same tired old jewish trick where you claim that leftist jews are leftists before anything else, and that their leftism is more responsible for their behavior than their judaism, but we know better than to believe you. We have historical perspective. We know jews engineered and implemented communism, cultural marxism, and the 1965 immigration reform. It's too late to try to shill your lies to us now. You can't stop what happens next.

You can't pander to the goy in this manner. It's like trying to reason with a goat.

A lot of whites are doing all of that as well, plus many left wing Jews would willingly throw themselves into the oven in the name of virtue signaling and appeasing Muslims

Jews are destroyers

Whites sure are superior

They support open borders for Israel you know


We must fight the Jew to the death

True, but still, goyim are pretty garbage man

I know this jew shill tactic. I've seen it plenty of times before. The kike learns he's unable to win the gentiles onto his side, so he changes tactics and tries to convince us that we aren't fit to live since his people threaten our existence. Good for you, jew. You're only capable of destruction, and you destroy us from the inside, like a tapeworm. You're clearly trying every trick in the book right now to slow down my peoples' awakening or quell the hatred your people earned so completely. Are you afraid now, parasite? I hope every moment of the last of you jews' days is full of misery and existential dread that equals all of the pain and misery you have ever inflicted on my people.

>blind hatred
Sorry you aren't in the club, I guess...
Imagine if what people say about white privilege was true to the extreme. That's what being a Jew in many industries is.

>all Jews are responsible for a stupid immigration policies

I’m pretty sure Ted Kennedy wasn’t Jewish

As much as I am disgusted by muslims, I do admire their self-sacrifice against the Jews. If only muslims had brains, then they'd be effective.

>If only goyim had brains, then they'd be effective.

Do you know where you are? You won't be able to hide your guilt behind a shabbos goy proxy here, kike. The goyim know. It's too late to shut it down.

Jews are weak, effeminate parasites. The only thing keeping them safe is our own goy police, at least for now.

Raise awareness for South Africa
Raise awareness for the fact that Jews are grossly overrepresented in all positions of power.

Acknowledge the fact that the top .1% is all Jewish.

Start speaking out about Jewish privilege.

Get on Twitter, find a Jew talking about white privilege and expose their jewishness.

>Please quit your blind hatred of Jews
how about you fuck off, it's the internet. I don't have to be specific. it's easier just to say jews.

get me a qt jewish gf and I will accept you

because they need someone to pin all their problems are and we're an easy target

>fake quotes
they'real nigger
every last one
if you're a jew
better start to run

it'l like also you didn't do anything , right
you hate our guts already and we know

perfidious snake, filthily parrying your critique with an unending stream of lies
> I’m pretty sure Ted Kennedy wasn’t Jewish
the 1965 Hart-Celler immigration act was though
you liars you fucking 0 probity slimy scum we want you OUT OUT OUT

what you think that truth is a PR game (yes, you think that because you're a fucking hollow jew)
the goat will fuck you because you are incapable to judge your own behavior, like a fucking child

retarded fucking kikes , only think they're better because they're immature little shits

Eat shit and die, dirty kike.

you're a fucking idiot.

>frequently calls people out for reddit spacing

theres no hope for you, you overstayed your hospitality go to fucking israhell NAO

1/4 Jew blood here and I hope the Jews get what's coming to them. It would have been better for mankind if Jews weren't fucking up every country they reside in.

totally incongruous reply are you even sure it was for me you stupid fucking kike, blind and dumb like some random whore

please include a timestamp picture of yourself and do some jewish pose (happy merchant) or a picture of your nose

otherwise sage and hidden

Your books you worship tell me you lie and also want me to be your slave.

He was a supporter, many non-Jews supported it. If no one liked it than vote in people who will get rid of it

So do we

I just hate when jews pretend to be white to bash whites. I mean that shit is documented and true.

1/3 of the supreme court is jews and .2 percent of the population of the world is jews.....

they brought it in literally on purpose
no ted kennedy or ted bundy or al bundy or whatever othewr fake faggotry you will bring to the table
HART-CELLER jews ruined the land "open the floodgates" the kike hapilly said after they got Americal to lose its WHITENESS you stupid fucking kike you literally can't tell the truth because you are a born liar

They are leftists, they do what is convenient during the time. I’ve seen them bash whites saying they’re white, then bash Jews and say they’re Jewish. Most leftist Jews would throw themselves into ovens to appease Muslims and virtue signal

Stop mass immigration or get deported at the very least
Your choice

Your leaders don't give a shit about you

Aren't most Jews leftists?

Get a real dad and start improving your life, OP. The absolute state of you.

>America voted in leftists
>be surprised they do leftist things, weather they’re Jewish or not
>post conspiracy theories

3/4 yes. this will change in the next election tho. probably gonna be closer to 1/2


In the US yes, most seem to hate themselves because of things Israel does


Fuck off you filthy jew your plot is on its last leg

you dont speak for all jews.
your interests dont align with all jews.
no more than I can speak for all white people

>reason with a goat

Oy vey

that's ok..what yous did to the russians and germans is more than enough reason to exterminate you

conspiracy therories, is this fucking koolaid you serve yourself to calm the disquiet for looting and destroying the countries you human-looking scum live in ?

get lost from my sight you worthless lying kike , subverting and misleading scumbag

>you are literally sealed with faggotry at birth and your spiritual leaders unironically suck dick for a living

we have no problem with jews

go jew somewhere else.

Jew here, this jew is a liar. We actually do want to kill the white race.

Too late for that. Too many people of all races are aware of international jewry. Shouldn't have tried to enslave everyone, you evil, vile scum from Satan's ball sack.

I hate aryonic jews. That is 1% of jews that are the jews of jews they need to be exterminated. The rest can stay and get high with me.


Their verbal iq is too high for their own good. I'm sorry schlomo, they've got to go into the oven.

Seriously, fuck off kike.

This is a true man of pol. The oven dodgers won’t be in control much longer

>verbal iq too high
you mean run of the mill bullshitters

dear Sup Forums i am a yehudi (jew) and you are goy cattle that will be exterminated

>Secretly filmed SPLC meeting
>"Why the rise in 'Hate' groups?"
>"It's the rise in the demographic dispossession of white people in America"
>"You can't stop it"
>"It's been planned for a while"

>sounding exactly like a screeching libtard autist

Wow, pol is sooo redpilled

You've gotta be a crafty kike to weave the lies that regularly entrap the left.

Ill stop hating jews when the penalty for a jew leaving israel is death.

Speaking out about privilege would just cause more issues. If everyone were to state how much privilege they had, then the snowflakes would start pissing and moaning at the ones that do have it. It doesn't matter if you're a jew or not. There are privileged white people, privileged black people, privileged men, privileged women, etc. The worst thing to do would be to fake an apology about having too much power or apologize out of unnecessary guilt. That would only add on to the blind hate problem that's been going on. I'm not saying that people who have privilege are innocent, i'm just alluding to the fact that it truly doesn't matter what race, gender, or any of that you are just because you're the 1% or have a lot of control. There are good people and there are bad people in the world, and it's a pretty broad range of people that are both.

that same rationale can be used to say that all white people, all americans, all europeans, etc, deserve punishment because they don't resist their government's foreign meddling enough.

go to hell you fcking kike

kikes are no 'crafty' you dung eater, they are recalcitrant liars

t. Jew

God will lift up Israel against all its enemies.
Read Ezekiel 38.

resorting to biblical nonsense now that you have nothing to say about your shamul and despicable conduct in our countries ?
>more bs
read John, if you think God is unfair then you missed the part He will destroy you

My problem with people who complain about the rise of white nationalism is that you never see them propose shit to defend white people from the gangbangs they regularly receive from academia and the mainstream media.

If you aren't gonna help whites out of universalism, your tribalism will be responded in kind. Want to deescalate tensions? Speak out in favor of whites, non-whites. As it is, you just want whites to take it in the ass and shut up.

Fuck off Shlomo.


If you knew Jews IRL you'd know that majority of Jews are fucking filth.