There's no saving white women

There's no saving white women.....

They seem pretty based to me

I'd be grossed out too if i found a canadian in my food

>A legitimate leaf
Whats an illegitimate leaf? a Canadian?

>Not knowing what a bay leaf is
Amerimutts are absolute fucking peasants when it comes to food.




Laughed out loud. It's always a leaf.

this thread triggers me

>There's no saving white women.....

More like "American white women", you dumb nigger.

>rake day

Laughed out loud, jesus.

>eating at chipotle even after that shit disease epidemic

I see that Adams apple ;^)

That burrito is going a little to well for my liking

I don't get it

Their complaining about bay leaves.

Its a bay leaf, a common spice


it shows how little they know about cooking


Women should know how to cook, so these dumb roasties should know it is one of the most common seasonings.


Isn't it actually really bad to directly eat a bay leaf?

Best fpbp in a while

So? Just don't eat it...but don't be disgusted by it either

oh chipotle is using bay leaves now
i might have to try their food again
i put those in fucking everything but i pull em out right before serving so everyone always wonders what my secret ingredient is


This was a literal meme to post about. It was posted ironically by many people. Fake News.

It's like the photos where people post a photo of them "sleeping" where a reflection is obviously showing them taking the picture themselves.

All the butthurt foreigners don't get American humor (spelled H U M O R)...

inb4 : "Only pretending to be retarded"

inb4: "reddit spacing"

>look how cute i am
>look how i act like on of the girls from your anime
>i am not kawaii?

how fucking retarded are the men who fall for this shit?
