I'm a Jew, Ask Me Anything.
I will try my best to answer, until I get bored or distracted.
I'm a Jew, Ask Me Anything.
I will try my best to answer, until I get bored or distracted.
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thats like the fourth one going on right now
yea i guess i could have checked
I think we know more about the jews than you by now.
Why do you kikes feel the need to shit up this board so much?
Its probably because all you do here is talk about us. And you assign us so much importance.
You're projecting. You assign US so much importance. We are decentralized and don't assign anything. You are a think tank and get orders and talking points.
Sorry, that might have come out wrong.
I go to pol looking for some generally right wing opinions and takes on current events. But all I find are people talking about the Jews. No matter what subject, someone will quickly mention the Jews. Something in the world happens, "it was the jews!" Every single time. That's what I mean by assign importance.
I'm not sure who the US you're referring to is, the community of pol, or the white race, or perhaps Americans?
I am a person, no one else knows that I am here. I would be ashamed to tell any of my friends that I go on here.
HOW DO YOU CONTROL EVERYTHING??????????????????????????????????????????????
The board. I think you fundamentally don't even understand who it is you're talking to. You think that this board is filled with a bunch of white supremacist racists. First of all, that's wrong, this is the most diverse social media interaction on the internet since anyone can post. Second of all, you need to understand that zionism and jews are the driving factor behind the turmoil the world is facing today.
The Rothschilds control Israel.
Why did the pharisaic jews kill jesus christ?
Holy shit, I just realized how retarded you guys are. You actually think that people here are white supremacists, that's why the alt-right is all about ethnostates. That's why you have Paul Nehlen (controlled opposition) pretending he's an ethnonationalist.
Do you realize that everyone who isn't a shill or controlled opposition thinks ethnonationalism is retarded? Do you realize that most people in the world hate israel? do you realize that you're shilling to COVER UP CRIMES committed by israel and zionists?
where do you hide your jew gold?
That's silly. I don't come to this board to find racists. I go to b, for humor generally, with a side of porn. But i get sick of the fucking trap threads. So i check on Pol. Fit if I'm trying to work out more. I've been doing it for years. I love Sup Forums for precisely the reason you mentioned.
And I despise Israel. I despise all invading armies.
But I really don't think its Zionism that drives the turmoil in the world, I think (post WW2) it's the US and our legacy of war and economic influence around the world.
zionism is the problem. That's why Orthodox jews are anti zionist
how did you gather that information from what i said? I never mentioned white supremacy or ethnostates.
To your 3 questions: Yes, Yes (me too), im not even sure what you think i'm shilling for?
No clue
bottom of a lake
Oh I see, you gathered the information from your previous experience interacting with people that aren't me, you'e just including me in that group.
Why not
Tell me, what's more important to you....World peace or the state of israel?
Yes zionism is a problem. Its jewish ethno nationalism, which I'm obviously against.
It's just not THE problem driving the problems in the world. That would be greed for money and power I suppose? If I had to put it to one main thing.
My maternal great-grandmother was jewish. Am I infected?
Rothschilds are the money and power part of zionism. israel and mossad are their personal state and terrorist army.
why do you do that shit with the bread, and with a blanket
I despise Israel.
Obviously world peace.
I went to Israel. It sucked. they tried to indoctrinate me. It's called a birthright trip. They lied to my face, tried to dehumanize Arabs. Tried to convince me their treatment of Palestinians was fine, and that they were the real victims.
Fuck Israel. And fuck the United states for selling them weapons, and generally making their existence (in a state of constant war with their neighbors) possible.
How do I find and seduce cute Jewesses?
you talking about the matzoh at passover? wrapping it up and hiding it?
Cuz its fun for kids to look for. So they don't annoy the adults by fidgeting. The real reason I think has something to do with sacrifices, like instead of killing a sheep or something we just put some bread aside. To not ruin the carpet or whatever.
We are only slaves to israel because they blackmail our government with pedo shit.
You seem okay though. At least you're not a zionist
Get a post graduate degree.
Jew girls love a guy with a masters. You don't even need to get in shape.
Thank you, noble Jew. I assume that a large bank account would have a similar effect?
Were you distraught when you were diagNOSEd?
How LONG do you think you have left, spoke to any doctor that KNOWS?
I hope a cure is found, hearing this news israel sad.
this. Pol literally blames every bad thing that happens in the world on us. Then when we try to defend ourselves we get REEEd. Fuck all you niggers
why do jews subvert their host nations?
why do jews promote faggoty and porn?
why are jews so materialistic and greedy?
do you think jewish ugliness is caused by generations of degenerate behavior manifesting itself as a twisted countenance? And what's with that schnoz?
I just really don't believe that. I believe we use Israel to basically have a whole country that acts as a military base in the middle east. And then, when we (US and Israel) do fucked up stuff to get our way, the US gets to hide behind "oh the poor jewish people."
So to get our (US) way, we excuse their fucked up religious dogma and racism. Like Saudi Arabia... yes theyre a bunch of psycho cunts... but theyre our psycho cunts (Says the US government.) same for Israel.
I mean anytime there is a foreign leader that wants to disconnect from the world power structure (UN, USA) or generally create their own systems, reduce their interdependence on the system at which the US and the EU sits at the helm of...
we try to overthrow their country. And we instate some murderous fuckhead that knows, above all, that the US is his friend.
Yea you seem fine.
Any Jew that supports Israel, as it currently exists and acts, is an asshole, brainwashed, or just sort of dull and not free thinking.
Well you are just pawns like everyone else don't worry about it, most the people here have the IQ of a watermelon
why don't jews consider themselves white? I've basically considered jews white my whole life until I started noticing what they believe/how they behave irl and on the internet
wouldn't the optimal survival strategy for the jews at this point to stop the kikery and just integrate into a greater white identity? The Jews have never been more powerful or richer or more interbred with the white population in history and they're decoded to dial the kikery to the max
Why don’t jews believe in heaven?
well colour me surprised, an user using a meme flag is a jew, who would have thought???
Yes it would. But you should also read the bougie book of the week or whatever.
Jewish girls (like all girls) want a man who is well ranked in the social hierarchy. However, for Jews, being a member of the intelligentsia is important as well.
To be accepted, you would need to be able to debate her father and not sound uninformed. This will probably not happen actually, but you still need to appear to be able.
Why are kikes terrified of the white race?
Honestly I need to wear a neck brace most of the time. You could 100% diagnose my jewwyness on site.
>No matter what subject, someone will quickly mention the Jews. Something in the world happens, "it was the jews!"
and half the time it's a jew doing it. Every time there is some figure on the right that has gained any sort of attention, the kikes swarm pol to accuse those people of being jews.
Why can't you admit your white?
Because Israel is Illuminati HQ faggot so in a sense it is the Jews you are an army of useful idiots for the Illuminati and have been millenia. So the "Jews" who aren't jews anyway are behind it all, the Khazarian mafia
Don't agree.
Don't agree.
Because they like money. I honestly think the centuries of pogroms bred out all the non competitive Jews.
There are many attractive Jews. There are many ugly ones. Many groups of people have a distinctive and large nose, like Arabs and Italians.
Jews just banned a Congressional candidate from Twitter for not being before them.
More than that your leaders decided to try and ethnically cleanse us. If your angry at negitive attention blame them.
Our hand is forced we are fighting against Extinction.
the jews are the slaves of edomites and your acceptance of the talmud in your religion makes you just guilty of all their crimes against humanity.
Either you kikes do what God commanded and genocide those fuckers or we'll have ovens warmed up for you too. Handle your problems, shlomo. And if we don't gas all of you, the edomites will.
Did you steal the Uranium device in Mexico?
what do you think of these selections from the talmud? You're thinking "shut it down!" aren't you?
I did consider myself white before going to pol. Now its white with an asterisk or a ((())). It's pnly because some people don't consider jews to be white that I changed my views.
It's a small group of the worst people that do that so called Kikery to the max.
I'm from new york. Why don't Italians integrate? The answer is, some do. others are proud Italians. Same for jews.
I don't believe in any supernatural phenomena
>Why don't Italians integrate? The answer is, some do. others are proud Italians. Same for jews.
the difference is that Italians that don't assimilate don't have a religion that justifies the murder of every race but their own.
i don't fault you for fighting against extinction. i fault you for blaming literally EVERY fucking bad thing that happens to you on us. How do i possibly benefit from whites becoming a minority? im a white minority in my shithole town in california and its fucking hell. you don't think im white but thats not how shitskins see it
Kikes never assimilate in the way Europeans do. Are you legitimately this stupid?
Wow a cherry picked quote from 90 years ago from some guy that no one has heard of... that must be every jews ideology
It is. Kalergi set the groundwork your people follow if if you've never heard of him.
I have never heard of an edomite
the descendants of esau.
You got this backwards buddy the kikes started this and are clearly anti-white, however again you are being played same as everyone else. You know their plan is to Israel right?
sorry to destroy Israel I meant.
I am white.
I go up to police and say, "how you doing officer? what a splendid evening" White girls don't consider me some taboo foreign dick. Store owners don't watch me extra closely. White women accuse me of cis white male priveledge.
But since some people don't consider me white, i'll put an asterisk on my whiteness.
What's one weird trick goyim could use to be better with money
Good god this kike is retarded. Delete this thread you have nothing important to say.
"Some people" IE yourselves.
That's what confuses me about the ubiquity of Jewish institutions advocating for open borders.
I remember reading a case about a Spanish rabbi calling for all Spaniard Jews to flee to Israel in light of the then recent terrorist attack. I feel as though I'm lacking some crucial piece of information.
Maybe it's instead more so a case of the proverbial scorpion and the frog.
>And the frog, twisting back its head in agony pleaded to the scorpion "But why? We will now both drown."
>And the scorpion meekly replied "I am sorry, frog, for it is in my nature."
And then the reptilian whispered in my ear... white bois just cant compete
When i read something like that i worry about people's mental health
>points out reality
>deflects with muh reptilians
Delete this thread, kike.
Do you believe that it's manly Jews advancing the neo-Marxism white guilt shit in America?
No offense, but
nearly every religious text, read and followed directly, is incredibly fucked up.
They are histories of war and prescriptions for more. Just don't be a fundamentalist.
Why shouldn't we eat shellfish? because in a time before refrigeration that was more dangerous. The old rules shouldn't apply to a modern world.
The truth doesn't need you to believe it, it is true regardless. Everyone lives in their own illusion it is quite ironic you talk about others mental health when you refuse to acknowledge or be able to recognize what is or is not real ion this world. You and everyone have been being played for a long time buddy this is not something new
How many banks do you own?
Feel like if you cherry picked the bible (old and new testament) you could find some justification for killing your religious enemies
catholic church certainly went to war many times
and in Europe for that matter
Replying again but, Have you ever met a jew?
oy vey you're missing my point. have you once heard me deny certain jews have caused problems for the west? Im saying jews arent responsible for you stubbing your toe
>Sup Forums isn't one person meme
Anybody who's lurked for more than 3 days cant be fooled like that, also
>actually trying to have a constructive convo with a LARPer like it's a live debate
Never change Sup Forums
They are our greatest ally. If shtf for the US, most European countries would bail. Leafs have barely over 9000 troops. Only Australia, UK, and Israel would stand by our side. They are a beacon of freedom in the ME.
Lots do. They just stop calling themselves Jewish after a generation or two.
Like the other day I met a girl who after talking for a bit said she had a Jewish grandfather. Otherwise, scot, italian, something nordic. Just basic white girl now.
It happens but it's definitely not anything close to whats average. The Jews didn't spend 2000 years not assimilating to abandon it all know they are as much of a state within a state now as they ever were.
Yea sure, a few bad apples.
Don't force me to look for shitty things said by shitty pastors and shitty imams. Cunts with an agenda gonna cunt the whole place up.
The Israeli trifecta behind 9/11:
>Dov Zakheim
Head of the Pentagon on 9/11. Major Zionist. Certified rabbi during his short Pentagon employment. Left SPC, an advanced military aero company
specializing in remote/automated systems, for the Pentagon shortly before 9/11.
Elite Israeli soldier and paratrooper. Spoke fluent Arabic. Trained in hijackings in Israel. Was aboard Flight 11, first plane to hit the WTC.
Lewin is on record as the first casualty of 9/11. It's reported he was stabbed to death by Muslim hijackers before it hit the WTC. He was in seat 9B,
directly in front of an alleged hijacker in 10B. His peers in Sayeret Matkal (Israel's Navy Seals), say he could not have been stabbed to death
(see WND.com reports).
>Urban Moving Systems
These are the five "Dancing Israelis" arrested on 9/11 for celebrating Flight 11 hit the WTC, before anyone knew it was a day of terrorism.
They were seen photographing the flight hitting the WTC from Doric Tower apartments in Jersey.
Their names are: Oded Ellner, Omer Marmari, Yaron Shmuel, Paul Kurzberg, Sivan Kurzberg. Their boss was Dominik Suter, head of Urban Moving Systems.
After 9/11, he was questioned by FBI, then quickly sold his home, abandoned Urban Moving's offices (for which he was sued over),
and left for Israel with his wife. These five Israelis were there to document the attack, and to provide services and transport etc before the attack.
Possibly only two or three "were in on it."
Dov Zakheim handled the government end. The remote control tech with the aircraft. The coverup.
Daniel Lewin handled the operation aboard Flight 11, and may have spearheaded much more.
He either sacrificed himself or parachuted out of the plane (not as far fetched as it sounds, given SPC technology at the time).
Lewin was a rabid Zionist. His father Charles Lewin hates the United States.
Urban Moving Systems - interns of 9/11. Israeli grunts. Arrested because sloppy.
Yes they are stair Jew is a massive faggot
Because, as a jew, I don't research the underpinnings and evidence of Jewish conspiracy. I've known hundreds of Jews, they were all normal ass people.
There's a different problem ruining the world.
why do Jews lie so much about the Jewish conspiracy?
You're just one dumb kike. Obviously not every Jew is behind world domination but through Nepotism and Jew's natural hatred of Goy any Jew can become a part of it.
every Jew is behind it
I mean, its hard to entertain a theory that relies on me believing in Ra and Baal. It just seems so divorced from reality.
I can't argue with something when I can't even read it without being forced to look up ancient gods or something. Like is life a fantasy novel to you? are there demons that influence peoples behavior in your idea of reality?
Israel = ISIS RA EL
yah you are stupid everyone should leave thread
I'd say SJWs mostly. Some jews probably, but not the driving force. I don't see that ideology a malicious attack to corrupt society, I see it as a misguided snowball crashing into shit.
why do you sacrifice children?
This is why I linked this and you were to busy gaslighting to do something smart like read it
you have no idea who these people are or even your own history you are the goyim here bucko in fact you are the biggest goyim of all
What is or is not real... Baal and Ra... y'all decide
>good goy. don't use the elevator. use the stairs. (((its healthier)))
They are the same thing, different names from different cultures that merged see when you are actually educated you know stuff, it's pretty cool because you look like a massive imbecile
Nice deflecting kike.
Is it true that you guys are hostile towards islam and chrisitanity?? and yes then why. Would like to know your brief perspective.