Friendly reminder that the only people who rip on JP on here are Shareblue and small-dicked faggots who do it because they think it's edgy.
Friendly reminder that the only people who rip on JP on here are Shareblue and small-dicked faggots who do it because...
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Saul Alinksy tactic: accuse your perceived enemy of exactly what you are doing, this will deflect all attention away from you
I love Jordan Peterson!
why is everyone always taking shots at small dick people
>dont be tribal if you're white
That is Peterson's whole message in one sentence.
What a shill meme. Shareblue in full force.
What am I shilling, you stupid fucking retard?
I want whites to fucking wake up, recognize they are being eradicated by Globalist Jews who seek to establish a global slave state of communism ruled out of Israel. I want to see all Ashkenazi Jews exiled to Israel, with death as the punishment for any Jew seeking influence in any business operating outside of Israel. Who am I shilling for?
If white people (and by extension, any (((subhuman goyim))) racial group) are to survive, the JQ must be resolved. Peterson's individualism (which is really just an accelerant for consumerism) is a white sedative and it has been working it's sleepy magic for 70 years. How's that been working for us?
Fuck you I'm a shill. YOU'RE the fucking anti-white shill and I want to see you and everyone like you hanging from lamp posts.
You're shilling because your meme is shit.
Peterson wants to help people self improve, he doesn't want identity politics nor does he want to agree with the radical left/right ideology
Don't reply to these bait threads, JP is a boomer neocohen plant that only canadians can be proud of
canada is fucked
Any issue you have with jews is just because you're jealous. -J. Peterson.
>be vapid spamming shitposter
>spam Sup Forums for weeks with your shitty jp hate threads
>get tolled to fuck off tens of thousands of times
>"i got it"
>"the only people who hate on jp are dirty nazi hillary clinton supporters"
>spam this a couple thousand times
>this will make everyone lynchmob the antifeminist leaf
JP, open Hell's Kitchen.
I love JP
He is a cuck
I was scrolling and saw this comment and had to let you know it made me kek.
Friendly reminder that your e-celebs are trash.
you're probably a half irish, half wog or one eighth abo piece of shit mutt.
>Stop becoming right-winged, goy!
Fuck off /ptg/ cunts
Bilbo: "My dear Bagginses and Boffins, Tooks and Brandybucks, Grubbs, Chubbs, Hornblowers, Bolgers, Bracegirdles and Proudfoots." [cheers]
Old Proudfoot Hobbit: "Proudfeet!"
not an argument
its true, JP actively shills against white people collectivizing against their mass displacement.
Do you even know what the term "baby boomer" comes from? Peterson is too young to be a boomer. (Hint: WWII ended long before he was born).
>It's edgy to talk shit about a man who's ego is so fragile that he would rather have hair surgically graphted to his head than shave it off and be bald like a man
Whatever you say cuck
>t. too stupid to comprehend JP's intellectual prowess
i do like watching him interpret trivial historical shit like this, though
>5 minute video on why hitler liked to take baths
i appreciate some of his stuff but "grow the hell up" isnt a valid response to "my homeland is being destroyed by subversive elements and their lapdogs"
except that scenario didn't happen
PeterCHILD, please.
this lol it's so obvious because they make it a point to use at least one expletive per sentence to make themselves seem more down to earth
Stop this racism against Asians!
t. cathy newman
He says he's against identity politics in general, not just "if you're white". Provide evidence of your claim.
>has literally stated on several occasions that it's his intention to prevent European men from forming movements to protect and advance their own National and Racial interests.
>>has literally stated on several occasions that it's his intention to prevent Annunaki lizard people from forming pedophile trafficking rings to protect and advance their own globalist and intergalactic interests.