How do i convince my asian girlfriend to let my dog fuck her?

How do i convince my asian girlfriend to let my dog fuck her?


Degenerate behavior is discouraged strongly on these boards, shill.

star by posting bigger pics

You have to be careful with this shit, some Australian guy tied up his gf and had his dog fuck her a while back. Turns out she was very allergic to dog spunk and died from it.

pretty sure i recognise this video from limewire

That's Knotty, or some name along those lines. Hot fucking videos. Post the webm pls.

By telling her she can eat him after.

/b tier thread, sage.

Will I get banned if I post some?


Need some Cupcake videos, too. What happened to Cupcake anyway? Did she stop making videos?





So many sage shill threads wtf


Why do you want your dog to fuck your gf?

Why did you mention her race?

Maybe because they don't like their food fucking them?

real men don't tattle, faggot

by taking her back to her asian homeland, staying there with her, and never, ever coming back here you mASSIVE FUCKING FAGGOT.

This isn't Sup Forums you degenerate subhuman nigger.


10/10 lold

I finally found a reason to post this

what the fuck

>why do you want your dog to fuck your gf?
user wants bestiality porn/slide thread

>why did you mention her race?
user thinks that makes his question political


fucking nips


Classic leafpost 10/10!



You should have been the first post.

name your dog Tyrone