what causes blacks to have uncontrollable outbursts? i'm black and i have them sometimes to but i don't know why
What causes blacks to have uncontrollable outbursts? i'm black and i have them sometimes to but i don't know why
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>What causes niggers to be niggers?
...Popson? That you?
le ebil white man keeping them down
That's bullshit you plan them. I see it in my brother's face he is waiting for a "trigger" so he can unload all his anger bottles.
As a black person your only solution is to open your dumb fucking mouth THE IMMEDIATE MOMENT YOU HAVE A PROBLEM.
also try to understand that artificial sweeteners are equally as fucked up for your body as sugar. stick to meat. diet is the most important factor in mental health.
Mudder fuggin bix nood gene
There's only so much we can handle. Tolerance levels to many things are different by race. Psychological stimuli have interesting outcomes too
it's because blacks had to be violent and loud and aggressive to survive life in africa. it's literally hard wired into their dna and brains. throw in some anti culture and you have a recipe for a chimp out
you mean like how white kids are hardwired to act as gay as possible until their parents disown them?
White guy here Lol. The pressure seems to be building on us all to do something in this failing country. Personally don't want a race war, but wouldn't mind segregating and helping those unfortunate negroes who grew up in a society of criminals.
extra energy absorbed into skin from sunlight. niggers like batteries
>White guy here
>Personally don't want a race war
>helping those unfortunate negroes
I'm sorry to tell you this but you a most likely retarded
Scottish have their moments too lol.
Any form of accountability
> sipping drinks on the balcony, watching the chaos at +0:04.
> comfy
a rare sighting of chad while he beats niggers
monkey dna
>Childish meme creatures lack self control.
What's new?
It's called having a nigga moment.
Why this exclusively only happens to blacks - I have no clue. Maybe muslims chimp out too, but not nearly as often.
Deep state has been fucking with you guys for years. Aids was created to kill blacks not gays.
sauce on vid?
That's a costly message Hong Kong.
>Apes have fossils too.
You lot seem to over look that reality.
>Apes that still breathe air.
Other apes walk the earth, why is it inconceivable that nigs are a link between humans and apes?
Bad parenting. If children don't begin to learn higher cognitive functions, - things like social cooperation, reading and writing, language skills etc - by about age 4-5 then the data shows they will never learn them to an acceptable level.
Working in education you see the results, if a child didn't begin to learn language and reading skills before primary school then their reading and writing comprehension by the final years of High School are usually only on par with a Grade 6, often lower. If they fall behind early, they tend not to ever catch up again.
The same goes for interpersonal relationships, children who were raised in broken or abusive hones, which often are poor and black, they tend not to learn the basics of social cooperation. They act out, they abuse other children, they are oppositionally defiant and these are all traits that lend themselves to criminality and antisocial personalities. And the root cause of all this is failure to provide proper early childhood care, which propagates personality traits that lend themselves to failing to provide early childhood care. Suffering begets suffering and we all pay the price.
This is why
Vitamin D deficiency causes irritability and rage.
You need more sunlight which is hard to get at this latitude
Reverse reason we Irish burn
or fortified mlik