>white people will survive if they follow my top secret plan
>no, I can't tell you what it is yet
White people will survive if they follow my top secret plan
Other urls found in this thread:
white women should fuck nigger lmao
Name the Jew
Blame the Jew
And when you're online
Frame the Jew
After midnight we get revenge
He later told JF his plan. It was to get white people to travel the world, bleaching as many women along the way as they can. Sargon is a fucking idiot.
His secret plan is to sit on his fat ass and continue to rake in $8,000 a month via patreon.
Make America great again!
The plan is just keep expanding the definition of 'white' to the point that White people remain the majority.
Sargon basically just wants things to stay as they are for as long as possible so he'll croak before push comes to shove. Fuck everyone else and everyone who comes after him. He basically ha a boomer mindset.
whats the difference between this and the race mixing going on today? it ends up creating a mutt culture
People don't realize what’s about to come.
The alt-lite is taking over, and this is our plan. Pic related.
His secret plan is to create a new master class of white men that are not bound to any soil and go around the world bleaching shitskins. I doesn't too bad.
it sounds like jews
Is Laurence Fishburne white?
Yeah, but instead of spreading a materialistic culture, Sargonites will spread western culture. This is my basic understanding. I don't think it's a bad idea.
are you black?
>western culture
that would mean we'd have to marry them
That's a loaded question
he is a werewolf
He is 1/8th nigger, is he?
I hate black Italian
His plan is classical carrot and stick. He can't tell Andrew Anglin he's the stick, yet, because it'll spoil his plan to turn himself into the carrot.
its called americanization
everyone belongs to no where and there is a mcdonalds on every street corner and micky mouse stands in front of paris
Sargon isn't a smart guy. There is something about creating a neo aristocracy that isn't bound to any master. Sort of like a large group of white ronin. There may be something there that could be explored more. Why are we bound to our governments that hate us?
Soygoyim is just like Shaun King. E-Celeb disease
He makes good anti SJW videos. That's about it. He should know better not to try being an activist.
you aren't white
this was the dumbest thing sargon did. and I really liked sargon, he held his own pretty well against like 3-4 people.
that statement was just dumb.
I don't know why sargon doesn't realize that like 95% of the things he is aiming at is the same as people like anglin/enoch
this and it should be blatantly clear at this point
It's not a bad idea
If you look at the line in the OP, clearly sargon DOES realize that they have a similar goal.
He said why he doesn't want to be associated with the alt right though.
What's wrong with this idea
I love this.
I've been preaching a return to Torquemada for years.
But, I'm not a liberalist, I'm NatSoc fascist
>I don't know why sargon doesn't realize that like 95% of the things he is aiming at is the same as people like anglin/enoch
most liberals are this way though. but it's the cognitive dissonance of not wanting to admit that race is real, and certain races have certain characteristics.
Fuck off Catalonia
Who is Loki?
>creating mutts will save the white race
t. Amerimutt
This. What a stupid fucking coward.
Probably because he wants fame with redditors and soyboys, cant blame the guy, going after the big cow
Nothing at all, fellow white man. Pic COMPLETELY unrelated
Ok, won't this make them all friendly to pure whites? Not to become whites but to make them allies...vassel States?
So many low IQ retards bitter about sargon's victory over anglin in this debate.
Sargon clearly showed that anglin was pushing people towards genocide, but anglin was too much of a pussy to even admit it.
It relies on the categorical imperative, which is a nice philosophical idea ('the world would be a nicer place if everyone would just do this thing') but is unrealistic. (most people won't do that thing)
I don't know, ask Shaun King
If white genes determine western culture, they why shouldn't we be bleaching the world?
True story, I saw Sargon at a grocery store in Britbongistan yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Actually the categorical imperative is the opposite.... It's more like: "The world could not exist if everybody did this thing, so you shouldn't do that thing. "
Troll, Sargon confused daily stormer shtick with real Anglin
Even so, anglin did a bad job of actually attacking any of sargon's ideas... meanwhile sargon displayed a few actual problems with anglin's ideas.
Sargoy, richard spencer, lauren southern, alex jones and all these other faggots are fucking jewish plants. The alt right has no leader and thats why it cannot be stopped
In terms of actual debate, I'd say both are terrible debators. That's it
The very definition of a reactionary.
Pretty much. His plan falls apart under any scrutiny.
>be bong
>be too much of a pussy to use the state to deport muslims, because you believe giving the state any power to act will come back to bite you in the ass no matter what
>end all immigration, break up the muslim ghettos, and attempt to forcibly assimilate muslims just by shoving bong culture in their faces
>some of them chimp out and get jailed
>now you have an inflated prison population and a bunch of mudshits who are extra fucking pissed because they can't live the way they naturally want to, can't bring their friends and family into the country, but also will not leave voluntarily because their countries are still shit
>the few muslims who are smart enough start seeking more positions of power in order to subvert the non-confrontational liberalists through legislation
Congratulations Sargon, you have created a new race of jew and whites are a minority in the UK. At least you didn't tread on anyone.
>The alt right has no leader
>This kike wants you to call yourself alt right
>In terms of actual debate, I'd say both are terrible debators. That's it
That's a cop out. Sargon came off looking quite reasonable and persuasive.
At the beginning anglin was saying he wanted to remove all the minorities from the US through government...
By the end he was saying he just wanted to spread racial consciousness in whites so that they can do what is in their interest.
Sargon meanwhile was saying he wanted to spread the idea of cultural consciousness.
By the end, even anglin was somewhat convinced by what sargon was saying... even if he wouldn't admit it.
Pretty sure it's Flame the Jew, but nice.
Wish I knew what the auto-tuned chorus said.
>Sargon meanwhile was saying he wanted to spread the idea of cultural consciousness.
(whatever that means)
It's impossible to change the genetics of third world trash through ideas. That's why they need to be removed.
If you believe that, then sargon's plan is equivalent to anglins... Sargon's is just PC, and can actually be pushed mainstream.
>(whatever that means)
Sargon is advocating that we as westerners outline exactly what the acceptable culture is (white culture)... and say anyone who doesn't conform to this culture is socially unacceptable, and we're going to make life hell for them until the leave.
Your plan is to poke the hornets' nest until they all fly away.
i do like fucking women. only downside i only like to fuck them in their butt.
>Your plan is to poke the hornets' nest until they all fly away.
We are the bigger hornets.
how big of an ego sargon must have. it's so cringey when he tries to manipulate people so obviously "i feel like andrew anglin is the only uncucked one in the alt-right... that's right guys, if you want to be a real man you need to go full 1488 :)" heh-heh stupid alt-righters... i can't beat spencer in a debate but if they all go the daily stormer route then they will destroy themselves with their ludicrous views... heh-heh also i will tell them we can save the white race by mixing with others!! and they will totally fall for it because i'm sargon heh
Except you outright refuse to use violence so you're really just a faggot pissing off hornets
>Sup Forums still hasn't found out that sargon is a lemming that just follows the pack
No, this is one of the many strawmen you brainlets keep circling around.
The entire objection is in giving the government the power to revoke citizenship for arbitrary categories of citizens. Nobody is advocating pacifism.