On a scale from DC to Jojo, how unique/complicated do you like your super powers in anime?

On a scale from DC to Jojo, how unique/complicated do you like your super powers in anime?

Also, do you notice a relationship between power obscurity and character quality?

I don't mind really simple powers but I like complicated powers too, especially broken ones but with heavy limitations.

I hate the fact that nekketsu manga will draw the MC to have a really simple power making him punch hard or use fire.

In a manga in which there's magic, MC will often have the power to nullify magic. I think that's a pretty lazy trope.

Also, do you notice a relationship between power obscurity and character quality?

yes that's why Kuroro is such a great character

What do you mean by complicated. Powers that require a lot of explanation, ones that are quick to explain but uncommon, or either or both

the power to be a productive member of society

I honestly don't care as long as said powers have an equal amount of strengths and weaknesses.

Productive for who? Family, friends, a bunch of strangers you'll never and don't care if you exist at all? You sound like a tool.

I don't mind overly complicated powers, but in general I prefer power systems where you always have to have a major drawback to using the power, like in Darker than Black

I love it when a power initially seems simple but is then used in creative and unexpected ways.
Also when a power seems useless but the user finds away to make it badass.

That powerup was so dumb.

ur so dumb

>Productive for who?

Jojo is shit

I like simple powers that then get more complex and creative ways of usage. (ie. Luffy can only stretch but he learns to stretch his arms to punch far away and then to pump more blood through his body in Gear mode)

1P is chockful of those, luffy having the most known powers.

I like when authors use simple/common powers in clever ways, but I also like the occasional unique/complex power.

I find that complex powers can quickly become convoluted and the author ends up bending or even breaking their own established rules. On the other hand, it's fucking boring watching character X just fire-punch his enemies into oblivion at every opportunity.

I'm fine with either. What I dislike is when they decide to give someone a very simple power, then write them into a corner that they need total bullshit to get out of.
Josuke's Crazy Diamond and the way he guided a shard of glass to Kira is an example of what you "shouldn't" do with a power that's as simple as "can instantaneously deconstruct and repair things". Both of the blood droplets would've returned to his body, and there's nothing about the way he used his stand in previous chapters that suggests otherwise.

Likewise, they flat-out "forgot" about what was supposed to be Giorno's main threat ( which would've been wildly effective against all of the wops trying to fucking kill him first and ask questions later) and then used his power as a discount crazy diamond throughout part 5. He's supposed to give life to inanimate objects, but the author struggles to make that offensively useful without making it seem bullshit. We never see his life energy punch more than once either. His requiem, which should have enhanced his powers or given his stand his own version of Za Warudo, has to just be made into an incomprehensible "I win" button just because of how limited his simple power is in comparison to King Crimson's.

Goat Tier:

Shit tier:
Friendship makes you punch harder

You can technically have a nen ability that only makes you punch harder when your friends cheer you on

Ultimately the only limit on quality is author's ability. Though I guess overly complicated conceptual powers tend to quickly turn into stupid asspull galore like HxH and late JoJo where the winning move is achieved by an implementation of power in a completely unexpected way. The best powers I'd say, or at least providing best creative potential are the ones that have simple and straightforward rules, like ripple and specifically Luffy's fruit(fruits in OP are too varied to judge them as a single system).
Also the absolute worst type of power system is elemental-based one. Unless there's some sort of application mechanic, it's the most boring one.

The more complex a power, the easier it is to leave plot holes down the line. I prefer keeping it simple but applying powers in ways you wouldn't expect.

>absolute worst type of power system is elemental-based one
>not power levels

>simple and straightforward
>hypnosis, super strength, spike walking, whatever the fuck happened with the frog and the rock

I can give you hypnosis, but the rest was perfectly simple, it's just waveform transfusion of energy thorough objects with user's control of where it'll stop and transform into kinetic energy.

Power-levels are not a system, just a measurement for one. It's just a pointless addition that Toriyama fucked up because of the usual power creep problem.

But what does the Deep Pass technique do anyway? How does one's Ripple become stronger? Kars I can get due to the immense power of his lungs and physical strength, but how does Jonathan physically lift up a man three times his size?

Resonating harmonics. Two waves of the same frequency multiply the amplitude.