1+1= something something


>Greek mythology

>Ice Age
>Great Flood


not so sure how to explain this one, but surely it could explain, how different civilisations on different continents like south america, egypt(north africa), and indonesia(asia) have similar symbols and traditions.

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so land was in the shape of the base of a pyramid?

it's a bad map projection. if you want to see real science check the scotese versions.

>Expanding earth theory.

Wouldn't mind if the world looked like this now. I would be closer to my friends from NA

expanding universe theory**


>sharing a border with Africa
God moved us away on purpose.

Where is Atlantis on this map?




Thanks it's been bothering me for a while

The modern age kicked off beginning with the first time modern man sighted Antarctica, an inexplicably theorized landmass (barring knowledge of antlantis) and the subsequent “Heroic age of Antarctic exploration”. In the decades following the world saw the rise of electricity and great minds like Edison and Tesla. During this time the world saw a technological revolution unrivaled by anything save perhaps the dawn of the internet.
As the century drew to a close the interest in Antarctica remained Fervish
>In August 1895 the Sixth International Geographical Congress in London passed a general resolution calling on scientific societies throughout the world to promote the cause of Antarctic exploration "in whatever ways seem to them most effective".[13] Such work would "bring additions to almost every branch of science".
As we transitioned to what was called The Mechanical Age of Antarctic Exploration with newfound technology it was commented
>A journalist inspecting the ship before she sailed reported "Gadgets! Gadgets! Gadgets everywhere!".[5] These included wireless, an electrically heated crow's nest and an "odograph" that could trace and record the ship's route and speed.[5]
Which launched us into the roaring twenties and further technological and mechanical wonders.

There has been a worldwide cooperative eandeavor to explore Antarctica for two centuries, overseeing multiple large wars including two world wars.
Really makes one think.

FUCK you nigger we all know the Jews are responsible for dividing the continents.

>divide et impera

your too redpilled mate.


May be worth adding, they searched for Antarctica for over 200 years as well. Those with money to finance exploration were very interested indeed.

>The search for this great south land or Third World was a leading motive of explorers in the 16th and the early part of the 17th centuries. In 1599

>In 1771, Yves Joseph Kerguelen sailed from France with instructions to proceed south from Mauritius in search of "a very large continent."

Are your almonds activating yet, Sup Forums?

>it's a god hides the evidence that would prove his existence then damns people to hell for not believing due to the absence of evidence episode
I guess seeing an antediluvian cherubs and a flaming sword would just save too many people's souls.

>God moved us away on purpose.
implying that you're relatives didnt move to america 300 years ago

>in 1642 Tasman showed that even New Holland (Australia) was separated by sea from any continuous southern continent.

They actually discovered many new lands during this age of exploration, but always deemed them to not be the land they sought.

Hmmm... how could they determine Australia nor the cape of Africa weren’t their theoretical southern landmass? We’re they looking for something specific? What an odd thing to say, if they knew where the continent was, they could just head south from anywhere, but they were SEARCHING for it and knew very well when they did not find it. Curiouser and curiouser....

God has a plan you absolute retard.

Our purpose is to be free of God’s will; objective proof of an all-powerful creator who cares how you act obliterates free will.
>it’s an atheist embarrasses himself by dabbling in theology episode

Implying God cares about you

We exist, don’t we?
You don’t seem to have given much thought to the nature of God if you think he would create and sustain something he does not care about.

Why won’t you niggers read the good shit instead of being baited by people smarter than you?
This is normie history btw, it’s just not the kind you learn in public school

Free of Gods will LOL

Free from Gravity too?

...I am speechless.

Don't stick... (;_;)

rare, I guess.

Are you saying the legendary continent of the Mu civilization is Africa?

>instead of being baited by people smarter than you?
Pride, a deadly sin

According to whom, user?