Everyone post your best Gen Z whitepills.
Pic related.
Everyone post your best Gen Z whitepills.
Pic related.
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There is no white pill, the population of Africa is exploding
How remarkably irrelevant to any country which cares to exercise the slightest control over its borders, and hasn't been literally brainwashed by the Jews into believing that "demographic pressure" is some magical force which can overwhelm a modern military
Gen Z is going to make Hitler look like a carnival barker.
ok but white Gen Z is turning into hitler youths. implying 1 100 IQ whiteboi couldn't take out 10 70 IQ african boiz
That means absolutely nothing. The population of Africa could be 10 billion for all that I care. The problem is when we start letting that population into our nations.
I would say a more concerning problem is that Africa is becoming a Chinese colony, but that's neither here nor there.
The Jews are going to be completely and utterly fucked if/when genZ takes power. I stayed in contact with some younger friends who are still in high school and slowly fed them Sup Forums content over the summer. They went from being carefree shitlib atheists to literal hitler-youth who understand the importance of traditional values and would gladly follow a modern day fuhrer
fake news
post pic
Q predicted this
FYI: Moonman still exists at the world's largest McDonald's in Orlando, Florida. If you're ever in town, go get a photo with him.
most of us believe this, just post some whitepills about it like pic related. need to build my stash
My family has a house near there, I hope I can visit next time I go there.
My current ideology is mostly based off of what i thought from 10 years old to middle school. I don't look back at that time period thinking that that was the worst part of growing up for most people, and that the vast majority of prepubescents are bat shit insane. Teenagers are the lifeblood of any rebellion. They are the model of rebelling for a cause. This will last. This will work.
Chinks are colonizing Africa and will take care of that problem.
I'm sorry, but are you really so fucking autistic you couldn't just hit the print screen button on your keyboard and crop the pic out in MSPaint, instead of giving this shitty phone pic with scanlines?
if you were actually legit, you would have turned that into a gif with a scary face pop up
But I'm not an asshole.
>Acting like we can even get there
You think those FEMA camps the kikes built wont be staffed up by then?
yes you are, fucking mick
Gen Z is eating laundry detergent for views, they aint savin shit
did you not do stupid shit as a kid?
Yeah, 10 year olds' beliefs are basically set in stone, it's not like they're emotionally undeveloped and change interests every few weeks
wahahahaha it feels more legit...
Congratulations, alt right belief is now on the same level as swag, dabs, and fidget spinners
>rare flag shitposting
Kids rapidly absorb political beliefs from their parents - and it seems we were given that role over Gen Z for god knows why.
They don't have parents and the parents that are there are cuckservatives / shitlibs
This is why Jordan Peterson has been thrust in to the spotlight.
also its mostly girls doing it not the boys
The Daily Stormer's audience is middle school and high school students, Anglin has talked about it on the shoah before. Hes reaching hundreds of thousands of young minds. Thats why the leftist establishment are consistently trying to deplatform him. He has real reach and influence with a whole generation of kids that are going to grow up distrusting and hating Jewish power.
People aren't going to just forget what they learned about Jewish power when they see Jews censor the person who exposed them. Its not just South Park making Jew jokes any more. Its people genuinely questioning why a company like CNN is filled to the brim with Jews and why they so publish overtly anti white propaganda as news.
Gen Z is most definitely real. There is a huge contingent of craven degenerates, but a portion of the youth is more fiercely red pilled than any generation before.
When your military is made up of your enemy then yeah, you're fucked.
To be fair, this is blackpilling. Bunch of cringeworthy autists akin to the fedora tipping atheist days isn't a good thing.
>foundation of their political knowledge is subversive right-wing thought
when they age into their years of critical thinking, what do you believe they're going to critique?
Gen Z here turned 18 in august
virgin britfag
>can't legally own butter knife
>is being colonized by countries it made up
chad gen Z'er
>is openly redpilled
>shoves history book in teachers face for being anti-white
The people that Facebook post is describing are the product of your kekistani flag waving bluepilled morons.
do you like hentai?
do you like jazz?
No, any porn at all Is a distraction from enacting change in the world.
Are you going to secure the existence of your race and a future for white children?
It's alright
This is the counter culture. They're going to critique the mainstream as everyone does.
good answer my man. another question: who do you think is the bigger threat, Muslims or Jews?
spot on, muh-optics fags need to chill out
Yes I'm in the process right now, I'm transferring to a UC then to med school, I plan on becoming a doctor and having 4-5 white children.
To the world: The Jews
To me personally: Muslims
Le 53% face
white nationalism is just a fad, that's the part that saddens me the most
that's pretty much the basic thought on this board, deport Muslims, let them kill Jews. if you represent GenZ then there might be hope yet.
>what will they critique?
Their kike professors who're telling them that they've got white male privilege and that they're everything that is wrong with the world.
Women in my generation are absolute whores that's the only problem.
White Nationalism is the default belief of white people, user. All of history proves this.
Modern PC culture and egalitarianism is a fad that was forced on us by subversives who infiltrated academia and the media.
they're young. Young women are whores in every generation across all cultures. just wait a few years and they'll get better.
Yeah, they become more fucking right-wing as they age.
So at the current rate of expansion they'll be stuffing all of us into gas chambers in ten years for letting things get as bad as they are now.
what this guy said
best you can do is patrol them now and not indulge your carnal desires
The White Left is just a fad. Every other movement lies to gain power. The White Left is literally the only group on the planet that lies to hurt itself.
You can't get more unstable than that.
I hope user, I might just use my influence as a doctor to spearhead research into artificial wombs anyway.
billions of spearchuckers and AK wielding monkeys take on the west and all of its armies. TAKING BETS BOYS
Gen Z? more like Gen Zyklon B
what did Chomsky say?
Come a decade from now, we will wonder how we were ever worried that children would admire and appreciate their teachers and principals over random internet strangers and entertainers who are naughty for the fun of it. It seems that every generation has to be dumbfounded that the children think they're stupid and out of touch.
What an idiotic move by the Marxists.
I'm not trying to make a snowflake statement but our shitposting is quite literally changing the world. We're part of the "Info War" now, boys!
Do you like Baseball?
are teenagers supposed to have high functioning assessment of risk
those are millenials
Cut off food aid. If their populations are booming, then they don't need aid.
Oh, they all died? That's weird.
>wait a few years & they'll get better
They can't de-whore themselves, waiting a few years only increases the chance of getting diseases. The key is to lock it down as early as possible. Either stick with your highschool sweetheart or wait a couple of years and nab a younger freshmen chick at your Uni before college turns her into a disgusting roastie.
Only the White ones matter.
that'll be the day
That engaging in violence (Antifa tactics) was going to backfire hard on the Leftists because us Reactionaries would then have an exceuse to come out and demolish them.
Yes, it played a big part in my childhood, I used to travel the country playing tournaments, now I just watch MLB and remember my old friends. :(
oh. yeah. Chomsky was on the money in that case.
political violence is still pretty even between the left and the right in the US. but if it keeps happening, and escalates into something like The Troubles, it's going to quickly become VERY one-sided.
newish fag here, what's the holohoax revisionism derby, can an oldfag fill me in?
Why is Satanist AWD front and center?
Chomsky is right about a great many things
We're breaking the conditioning and I'm happy
It's all coming back.
No wonder they're so damn redpilled, they've been fighting the battle daily while for many of us our immediate reality is not as diverse. I'm firmly a millenial, but most of my schools were pretty much all white
>less than ~100 people actually did this
>it's treated like an epidemic and is the biggest story of the year thus far
>every single person has Tweeted about how dumb the entire world has become and how Idiocracy is here
Why do people do this? This reminds me of when my mom would ask about fake teen fads that she heard on the news while I was in high school.
>omg user are you and your friends injecting vodka into your eyeballs?!
>Promise me you won't ever do that!
It's been 100 fucking incidents, it's literally nothing. The vast majority of actual retarded people haven't even eaten them...these damn journalists are reaching all-new levels of desperation to justify their existence.
How Hispanic are you?
Lmao what the fuck am I watching
Honestly it always confused me as to why Millennials went to the left
Wasn't the entire wild west of the internet the main time social conditioning was at it's most vulnerable point?
I remember being a little shit and shit posting all over /new/ and I just assumed it was the norm among my generation. But 8 years later I see these cunts dying their hair and screeching.
I baffles me.
>omg user are you and your friends injecting vodka into your eyeballs?!
>Promise me you won't ever do that!
Most of those people went to college.
They paid to be indoctrinated.
The internet was only used by hardcore nerds back then, much fewer people. Also the ideas needed some time to mature.
That's why they shitpost on Sup Forums and get influenced by badass radicals - Sup Forums. Sup Forums is a bait, Sup Forums is the hook, nationalism is the boat.
From what I've seen interacting with middle school and high school kids, the standard Gen Z absolutely loves Jew jokes, openly idealizes National Socialism ironically, secretly wishes for Hitler to return, and completely understands whites current fragile state in the world.
that kid needs parents who give a shit about what he sees online
...probably why he thinks the previous generation is filled with trash
>based gen Z saviors
>50% if gen z are non white
>this conservatism will stop as soon as they hit college and girls start slutting around (already saw gen z girls fucking niggers even more than millenial whores)
Dreams are there for a reason. Whats gonna happen is pol will get overpopulated by new incels and losers, while we, the oldfags, will just die out thanks to depression, poor diet, poor life and just the shit world in general. US is gonna be Brazil 2.0. Get ready for “le based maga-pede 56%” mongrel nation.