What should replace Capitalism Sup Forums? It's clear it's not working wages are stagnant, jobs are harder to get and less available, corporations want experienced workers while at the mean time wanting to pay them as low as possible. In 2017 the Richest 1% made 82% of the wealth created while the bottom 50% got 0% how do we fix this?
What should replace Capitalism Sup Forums? It's clear it's not working wages are stagnant...
I'm not sure, but I know I don't want it to be communism so long as they remain weirdly insistent on their ideology being a package deal with my ethnocide
Some kind of communism but it would require the entire country knowing how to govern.
Each state needs to become its own nation.
Interstate corporations need to be broken up.
Basically to do business, own a home, or really anything, you need to be a citizen of that state.
No more real estate owned by people simply to invest.
Houses should not be vacant for years at a time as a way of investing, while people are crammed into sardine can apartments.
Property should be used.
Labor unions should be mandatory for any business with over 50 employees.
Negotiations should happen regularly between businesses and the workers.
Americans have lost their power, in government, in business, even in our personal lives.
We need a complete bottom up reset.
All communists deserve the rope
Post-Jewish Capitalism.
A meme-based economy where humans provide the only thing that other humans would prefer over they do rather than an automated machine or computer program: entertainment.
If you can't produce good memes you die in the gutter, but if you provide funny memes people donate to your bitcoin wallet.
We are trapped, seriously.
Read Mark Fisher’s “Capitalist Realism: Is there an alternative,” it pretty much talks about how we can’t imagine an alternative to neoliberalism capitalist. If you want a quick view watch Noam Chomsky’s Reqiuem for the American Dream, it’s on Netflix. Or listen to some Zizek. Things will get worse, all the stormniggers here think any criticism of capitalism reeks of cultural Marxism or some other conspiratorial bullshit. In other words we will embrace capitalism.
Zizek was right when he said we would rather imagine an end to the world than an end to capitalism.
Cybernetic AI-driven planned economy with heterarchical feedback structures at all levels of society à la project CyberSyn.
It's a market force driven planned economy; the best of both worlds. If capitalism is the thesis, and communism the antithesis, this is the synthesis.
Eventually, fully automated luxury communism. However, full automation is not yet technologically possible. Currently, we only have partial automation. Therefore, in the (potentially centuries-long) transition period, the government should invest the people's money in the stock in the profits of automated labor. The return on these investments will be used to progressively reduce taxes, with the lowest income brackets eventually having a negative income tax. Once the final job is automated, the government will aim to purchase 100% of stocks in automated labor.
Third Position is the future
voluntarist cumulativism
it encompasses the following
market transactions
familial love
religious faith
humanitarian charity
focusing purely on capitalism implies that human life revolves completely around money. it does not emphasize the voluntary relationships that can supersede financial motives.
with all of these things as a foundation of society, great works that improve mankind will emerge spontaneously and without force.
It should be replaced with Capitalism. But different from the mutant uncontrolled strain of Capitalism that currently exists, where bribery of government by corporations is legal, bankers don't go to jail for ruining the economy and teenagers are encouraged to become debt slaves with student loans.
I imagine there'd also be some kind of UBI to provide for people's basic necessities.
Equality of opportunity over equality of outcome. communism never worked and never will
Wages are only shit if you chose some shitty meme degree like gender studies or psychology. If you would have gone into a trade or into STEM you would have a good salary and would actually be a productive member of society. Instead now you dumb fucking losers that are forced to work at Starbucks and McDonals because of their meme degrees being next to fucking worthless are whining and complaining about how minimum wage sucks and how the consequences of your own actions and bad life choices should the fixed by society. Fuck you. You're a fucking failure. Go fix your own shit and take some responsibility for once in your parasitic life. Fucking loser.
If someone can't have a living wage working at Starbucks and has to go on food stamps, then you are effectively paying their employee's wages for them.
>"Stay on mimimum wage loser!"
>"I love paying the salaries of Starbucks workers so that the CEO doesn't have to!"
Nobody should work at fucking Starbucks for a living, retard. That was my entire point. Shit tier jobs like that are for teenagers to make a little money on the side. If you're 30 and the best you can do is preparing some fat Jew his Frappicummicinolatte you're a failure and should unironically kill yourself.
Free market...
>Nobody should work at fucking Starbucks for a living.
But they are. What should or shouldn't happen is fantasy.
Service jobs are the largest sector of the economy and have replaced manufacturing, which is now outsourced to China or done by robots. Why "should" someone who works full time not even be able to afford their basic necessities and have to use taxpayer money to cover the cost?
I think that capitalism will replace itself. Once the level of technology surpasses the requirement for a majority of the market to be autonomous, many of the ills the fucking commies point at won't really be an issue, supposedly.
Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
national bolshevism
no, faggot
capatalism is instinctual
if you put some children on another planet with no knowledge to buikd a society it would end up capatalist without prompting
Because literally any retard with down syndrome can do those jobs. If you do mediocre shit, you will get mediocre rewards. And its not as if factory workers got paid high salaries, but most factory workers have done such a job for a long time and so their actual work experience has become a valuable asset and so they grew in pay grade. Unlike service jobs where literally your only experience would be how to push a little button so coffee comes out.
What are you doing that a robot can't do?
I'm actually a physicist, believe it or not.
Congratulations. I hope you can do a lot to better mankind.
You should be aware that calculating mathematical equations is something that computers are godlike at, orders of magnitude faster at it than any human could hope to be. It's possible that even STEM fields will at some point experience a labor surplus as people move their focus to applications that can't be automated. The issue of a living wage, even for work you view as trivial, might some day become crucial to you.
And you forgot to say that capitalism is making systematical genocide of it's own national population. There is no question what system is better - the real question is who will win: the people or degenerated system builded for capitalist elites. Today capitalism is winning and your white population is dying and was replace with migrants.
The job of a physicist is not really to do any kind of extended calculations, but rather to figure out what a computer should be calculating for us; to make models of reality for computers to simulate. Or else there is always fundamental research, I doubt any kind of AI will take over our imagination anytime soon. AI as the meme is now is basically just applied gradient descent, which only really is good for repetitive tasks. You take N input bits, throw some random matrices at it, see what the score is, then adjust the matrices and try again, until the result isn't total shit. Its not like in the movies, where suddenly your sexbot waifu starts inventing new body parts.
I agree I have a been a bit denigrating towards service workers, but then, lower class jobs were always bad. Exactly because they were lower class and almost anyone can do them. It would be impossible to pay everyone $100k a year regardless of the value they return to society, since society would be bankrupt in no time.
You will sell them to us.
You will steal them from the workers whilst claiming the factory owner wanted to steal it first.
>since society would be bankrupt in no time.
This is the kind of weird situations you run into when you take neoliberal economics as an axiom.
I am not a communist. I don't have any problem towards free enterprise or the monetary system. But I believe that there is some merit to the idea that everyone has an innate right to the planet's resources and that someone who works full time for an employer should never be allowed to live in poverty, especially not when their employer is one of the richest companies on Earth.
It does not follow that a job that can be done by anyone is a job that is worthless. They are still giving you their time and deserve compensation enough to participate in society. And at some point we have to ask ourselves "If we have all this technology to make our lives easier, and yet people are still poor, WTF is going on?"
German bureaucracy and ordnung.
National Socialism.
Were moving to some crazy Orwellian shit.
Corporations tell US politicians to give them the internet. The people say no. Politicians give them the internet anyway without hesitation.
The future is looking fucked up.
The only times in history real wages have increased for ordinary workers have been right after WWII and right after the Black Death
Capitalism is workig fine for me.
national socialism
Capitalism isn't a system. Capitalism is a made up word Socialists use to describe economy without Socialism.
When people refer to something as being Capitalism, they don't mean that some guy read the Capitalist manifesto by Karlberg Marxstein who explained how the market should work under his rules. What they are referring to is minimal government intervention.
Whenever anyone is criticizing Capitalism and shitting on it, what they are saying is that problems are created by the government not controlling it and the only solution to the problem is more government.
>it’s clear it’s not working
I have my own apartment, my own car, and a membership at my counties most exclusive country club..
All while working a minimum wage job and in college.
How? I save my fucking money. I don’t drink, don’t do drugs, don’t waste my money on partying.
Capitalism is human fucking perfection. You’re just too much of a fuck up to utilize a game that can’t be lost unless you try to lose.
>Capitalism is human fucking perfection. You’re just too much of a fuck up to utilize a game that can’t be lost unless you try to lose.
Found the minimum wage winner
What a phony rip
Id rather work for my money than get handouts and complain on the internet all day