hi im a first timer here, posted the same thing in Sup Forums and they told me to come here. looking to be offended also btw i am high
back to plebbit
Stalin made up the holocaust, the titanic was sunk because of the three senators on it who were blocking the federal reserve and hitler did nothing wrong.
>the titanic was sunk because of the three senators on it who were blocking the federal reserve
fuck. more about this?
>I am high
so is every single adult on earth, what's your point?
This. First time I've heard of this.
try harder bucko
Who is this beautiful white woman? I would like to take her as a wife, so we can have a good family.
sometimes i have consensual missionary sex with my boyfriend and sometimes we even cuddle afterwards.
Google Bookchin
What kind of faggot demands to be offended? We're not here to make you feel alive faggot.
go to hell you fucking nigger
Do you really want to go down that rabbit hole
ahahahahaha brutal
If Hitler killed all those kikes we would not have to read this bs bait.
I can't view webm's ... :(
where are you from? what do you believe in?
Have a classic then
This is why I would kill myself in a walmart parking lot rather than my home where my loved ones would see my humiliated body like that
Homosexuals are disgusting freaks that need help not encouragement.
>btw iam high
you degenerate faggot go back to Sup Forums.
God you people are so weak if you think gore videos are offensive. That kind of shit's been on the internet longer than most of you have been alive.
Hitler was the last gasp of humanity trying to claim freedom from Jewish enslavement.
>looking to be offended
Traps are gay.
cant see logo is in the way
checks out
obvi not real tho
Do I look like your dancing monkey faggot.
You want cheap thrills go ride the dragon. hop head, then summarily auto erotic asphyxiate yourself from a low hanging bridge
thats complete real champ
and jews did 911
What the duck happened?
What the fuck happened?
OP seems like the typpe of guy to be offended at gore. im largely desensitized to it. unless 'you people' means OP
1. Listen to this album
2. Check my nigger gore
When Bush said war on drugs. I was hoping this.
gross stuff work?
>the titanic was sunk because of the three senators on it who were blocking the federal reserve
Gross, but this guy is fucking awesome.
baste niggerchink
The Jews control everything! But normal white people are still the master race! Hitler did nothing wrong! But I wish that he did! Traps are not gay! The C.I.A. nigger faggots glow in the dark.