Can someone please explain to me why I should support white nationalism?
Just because we share a skin colour doesn't mean we have anything in common. Why do you insist on lumping us all together in this collective of "white people"?
Can someone please explain to me why I should support white nationalism?
Just because we share a skin colour doesn't mean we have anything in common. Why do you insist on lumping us all together in this collective of "white people"?
>doesn't have the sense of belonging
Ok, Masood
I do have a sense of belonging. Just not to this arbitrary collective you call the "white race".
Like I said, just because we're both white doesn't mean we have anything in common.
enjoy your chicken tikka
It's more than just skin color. Thinking race is just skin color is simply being baby-brained. It should be obvious that the French will inherently have more in common with English people than they would with a Nigerian or a Sri Lakian or a Han Chinese. And that commonality can't just be distilled down to culture. I've been around niggers long enough to tell you that they always display certain patterns of thought that whites almost never do, no matter what part of the states they come from.
Do you like crosswords? They wont exist once white people are gone.
Do you like scrabble? It wont be a thing once white people are gone.
Do you believe in human rights?
You're right, white nationalism is an american thing
If you're british, you fight for ethnically british people, not all whites
You can have white allies to kill the jews together, but afterwards you'll want to dominate other european nations
If you literally meant why you should support white nationalism as in you're no different from brown people, then yeah you're no different than them you fucking nigger faggot
>Sargonite shitposting
Because this is a cult or more accurately, a place where people are preened to join one. The coolaid is just white-power flavored.
>Can someone please explain to me why I should support white nationalism?
As a Muslim it would not make much sense for you to support white nationalism.
>Why do you insist on lumping us all together in this collective of "white people"?
Again as a Muslim you are not white so you would not belong but rather you would be lumped in with the niggers.
You can rest assured any white nationalism movement will not be looking for trash like you to join. White nationalism is not a everyone can join club filled to the brim with mutts and unevolved savages. We do not need you and we do not want you.
How about sovereignty? Have a gander at this video and its sources and get back to me.
Because you dont have freespeech and your paying money for mudshits to be shipped into your country has to do with losers who happen to be white taking credit for YOUR accomplishments
Doesn't matter if you want to be White, the system thinks you're evil because you're White. You didn't choose to be white but that doesn't matter, you're white and you're guilty by association. It doesn't matter if you personally aren't racist or also hate White people, you're White - there's no getting out of it.
You can accept the destruction of your civilization or reject it - you may not like what we say or do but at least we're giving you a choice. There is no more opportunity for flight, there is no next exit down the highest, it's conquer or die.
Which way White man?
wow that's a funny, his wheels are even pentagrams, cool, did you make that pic yourself ?
>just because we have something in common, it doesn't mean we have anything in common
>race is skin color
know how I know this is b8
Here's an ansser for you that I was thinking about on the drive home from work today. I live in the northern states and it's been a snowy shitstorm the past few days. Roads are horrible, it's cold as fuck, and even with a car and a house, existing isn't super easy. It got me thinking about how the first groups of humans who migrated north and encountered this shit must have felt. How many of them died of cold and starvation. They had to adapt to a horrible environment. And through this, they learned to observe their surroundings and plan for the future. Their numbers diminished, and finally, after thousands of generations, only the strongest and smartest ones were left. They were subjected to the ultimate natural selection. Their progeny would become Europeans and the things they learned over those thousands of years became western culture. I decended from those people, and I'm proud of that. My people evolved through struggle. Meanwhile, niggers are barely any more evolved than they were when human migration started. White people are more evolved and inherently better than other races, and that's why I'm proud to be white
I would say reject it along with all other forms of ethnic nationalism. If you're forming groups then form them based on ideas and abilities and don't exclude people who would otherwise fit those characteristics even if they personally come from groups that don't typically exemplify those characteristics.
Better to take in a kind black than a cruel white. Better to take in a smart hispanic than a stupid asian. That kind of logic.
Ethnic nationalism is collectivistic and collectivism is objectively inferior to individualism.
Race is arbitrary on an individual scale.
bc its the most basic thing in the fucking world. lrn 2 game theory you dumbass
Building a cohesive and functional nation (or society) has nothing to do with being the exact same as everyone else.
Also you're wrong about having nothing in common if you're a law-abiding, normal White person. Unless of course you completely think basic human decency and laws such as not stealing or murdering are bad, in which case just move to Africa.
You know what's funny? You actually raise a good point. What about white muslims? Are they welcome in the ethnostate. There are plenty of them in Russia and Eastern Europe.
I don't think white nationalists are going to defend my right to free speech. Liberal western values aren't compatible with fascism.
shhhhhh cretin, we should only accept white apostates
>What about white muslims?
The "race is only skin deep" meme.
>Are they welcome in the ethnostate.
Of course not.
>There are plenty of them in Russia and Eastern Europe.
Good thing bullets are cheap when purchased in bulk.
Yeah let's base policies around sensationalist DM articles. That sounds like the proper way forward for our country.
So now there's a religious requirement for your little ethnostate too? You guys are hilarious. What about Buddhists? Are they welcome?
Ask yourself...would you rather live in a white majority country or an African majority question. There's your answer dumbass, not complicated. Letting in hordes of people from countries you don't want to live in turns your country into those countries.
That's a false dichotomy.
No it's not you dipshit. Anytime the majority demographic switches they institute their own policies that benefit themselves and change society according to their ideals. How the fuck do you think Islam spreads? What do you think no-go zones are? Why do you think rape and crime has skyrocketed throughout Europe in countries that accept in hordes of immigrants?
Idiots like you deserve what you get.
>just because we share a (((skin color)))
yeah I bet we do faggot
>Just because we share the same genes, culture, and history doesn't mean we have anything in common
Simply put, the barbarians are at the gate - and civilized people don't fare well against those without the restrictions and foundations of a civilized state.
So we of similar ethnic and social backgrounds can either lock arms and stand fast against the waves of barbarians, or balkanize into hundreds of special interest groups (some being on the side of the barbarians) and be easily surrounded and destroyed.
To be blunt, all the things you enjoy and hold dear most likely have come from Western Civilization. And it's not the norm, it's the exception throughout the history of humankind. It's a fragile thing, handed down through generations and should not just be allowed to destroyed by those who benefit yet argue against it constantly in favor of the barbarians. Take your part of it, hold it dear, fight with every last breath for it - or prepare for the days when freedom is a forgotten thing, just a footnote in history.
The other side being proud of their heritage does not mean you cannot take pride in yours. This is a fallacy that must be confronted and destroyed.
Remove shit skins on welfare and get you back free speech and guns
Western civilization's big schtick is egalitarianism. An ethnostate is the antithesis of egalitarianism.
>So now there's a religious requirement for your little ethnostate too?
>little ethnostate
How cute. The Muslims savages will be too busy throwing you faggots from the roof or blowing you up outside of concerts to be worrying about us.
There are plenty of videos of your Muslim friends following the teaching of Islam throwing your AIDS infected faggot friends from the roof tops all around the Middle East if you are interested. I guess Muslims are not useless after all.
we have one thing in common. in a caliphate we both get thrown off a building
If you prefer living in white countries then you are a white nationalist. Even liberals complaining about the trump presidency always want to emigrate to other white countries, none of them even think about going to mexico etc.
Don't worry, if you don't support the idea then we don't want you around. I think that's fair, isn't it?
>Even liberals complaining about the trump presidency always want to emigrate to other white countries, none of them even think about going to mexico etc.
Classic leftist trap. They love Justin Trudeau in Canada and threaten to move to Canada over Trump but they never threaten to move to Mexico or anywhere in Central/South America. They only want the Central/South Americans to move to the white countries. Tells you a lot about their mindset.
When are we going to start seeing millions of leftist moving from the US, Canada, UK, or Europe to Africa or Central/South America?
It would help if you stopped Whiteposting
OP did you KYS?
>they never threaten to move to Mexico or anywhere in Central/South America
Maybe because they don't speak the language?
There are eastern European countries that are 99% white but are complete shitholes (or at least they were before EU funding). This notion that if everyone was white that society would be paradise is just nonsense. You guys are deluded. Look at yourselves for a start. Who the fuck would want to live around you?
And they're always surprised when the white's who grow up as minorities in African, South American etc countries are based AF.
Why are you deflecting with this nonsense about Islam? We're talking about a white ethnostate. What the fuck do muslims have to do with it?
>Maybe because they don't speak the language?
BULLSHIT!!! These are mentally superior liberals with an eye for multiculturalism. Now they are incapable of learning a language. Be sure to KYS.
>Who the fuck would want to live around you?
Rest assured you will not be allowed to do so. That is the point.
You don't have to support White Nationalism. It isn't for everybody. Some people want to live in a multicultural nation and that is completely fine. But at the same time, you should not oppose White Nationalism because who are you to deny others what they want when you have what you want.
>just because we have something in common doesn't mean we have anything in common
>Why do you insist on lumping us all together in this collective of "white people"?
Because if you don't, horde mentality people take over to make first world countries shitholes.
Okay well good luck with your ethnostate. Let me know how it goes.
You already have the freedom not to live around brown people if they scare you. The vast majority of the country is 95-100% white except for major cities like London and Birmingham. There's no need for internet trolls to have their own country.
I've talked to a lot of people who want an ethno state and I would guess their response would be something like
"You don't have to care, but you won't be let in then. After that have fun living as a second class citizen/slave in whatever leftist nation you choose to reside in."
>Why are you deflecting with this nonsense about Islam?
The UK is accepting the domination of Islam. You are to be dealt with accordingly.
>We're talking about a white ethnostate.
You do not set the rules nigger.
>What the fuck do muslims have to do with it?
Pic related. Islam will at least do the job of eradicating you cucks for us.
This, multicultralism is a social experiment, its never been tried in the way they are asking. Theres no valid moral objection to people simply not wanting to be the guinea pigs in this experiment
I don't live in England. Also, you miss some important factors with this, like the fact that I don't want to share a government with other races. It's not just about vicinity. A lot of the problems I have with multiculturalism have nothing to do with living with them, but sharing the same government and economy.
>Let me know how it goes.
You will not be around to find out. You get the gas and ovens with the rest of the trash.
>The UK is accepting the domination of Islam
Oh okay. I guess I must have missed that then.
>You do not set the rules nigger.
In fairness, neither do you. There is zero chance of your little ethnoststate ever coming to fruition. We both know that tomorrow you'll be back on Sup Forums shitposting about how you hate brown people.
>Pic related. Islam will at least do the job of eradicating you cucks for us.
The way I see it, radical Islam and the far right are two sides of the same coin. You will both fail.
>Can someone please explain to me why I should support white nationalism?
why would you do this Ahmed ?
Okay well where do you live then? America? There's plenty of majority white states and counties you can move to. You don't have to live in South Central LA or the Bronx.
> I don't want to share a government with other races
Well that's tough my friend. We live in this thing called a "democracy" which means that you have to accept that people are going to disagree with you. Sometimes those people are even going to have different skin pigmentations. Shocking I know.
Okay Steve. Whatever you say buddy. See you on Sup Forums tomorrow where you will continue to promise that the day of the rope is nigh.
I'm still waiting.
This kind of mentality is completely backwards. White nationalism doesn't mean getting ''lumped together with white people.'' It means excluding non-whites. It means no immigration from Africa, Middle East, Asia, South America and Israel.
White nationalism is the only political label that explicitly advocates the exclusion of these undesirable groups. Without white nationalism there is leeway for minority groups form large communities and import more of them.
If you don't like white nationalism you should just go live with niggers, but don't drag down everyone else with you. I would personally die before I seeing any of our cities become even 1% niggered.
>both pictures show the same races
a fucking leaf
I don't mind white nationalism, but I don't understand why we need a white ethnostate in the United States
Don't listen to these idiots, Luke.
Don't be a white nationalist - be a British nationalist
You owe these people nothing
You don't need to share their burden
If you seek to aid everyone that suffers in the Europe, you will only weaken yourself... and weaken them. It is the internal struggles, when fought and won on their own, that yield the strongest rewards.
>If you don't like white nationalism you should just go live with niggers, but don't drag down everyone else with you.
How about...
If you don't like multiculturalism, you should just go live with other white people, but don't drag the rest of the country down with you.
Works both ways.
>If you're british, you fight for ethnically british people, not all whites
This is just retarded semantics. No one is saying that brits should be fighting for all whites.
White nationalism still applies to brits. There are a lot of non-white brits, so when you speak about british nationalism you have to specify that you are for the white brits, not the nigger immigrants who are technically listed as british in their passports.
British nationalists aren't going to fight for a 90% arab/nigger London. They're going to fight for white brits, hence why it's called white nationalism.
Your grasp of human biology and natural selection is a fucking joke, do yourself a favor and pick up a book.
It doesn't. Multiculturalism is forced on you no matter what, the kikes in power choose specifically white areas to import more non-whites.
White flight is a very short term fix. To fix the problem permanently all niggers and arabs need to be deported, and the jews who destroyed these countries need to be hanged.
This will happen eventually, I want it to happen sooner than later.
our similarities go further than skin, brother
It's not "forced" on anyone. We vote for it. If people didn't want multiculturalism they'd be voting for Nazis wouldn't they.
Enjoy multiculturalism.
This is called "cherrypicking".
>Brits murdered due to their suicidal drive for forced diversity with 3rd world Muslim savages
The bleach is under the sink love. Have a nice tall glass.
OP will defend pic related.
yes, you vote between labor and the tories, both of which are fine with multiculturalism - and no, wanting to slightly slow down immigration is not being against multiculturalism, not even UKIP is anti multiculturalism - and the reason people vote for them is because theyre dominant and a vote would be thrown away anyway, and people assume a vote for the tories would help things out and ignore it otherwise. a slow boil of the frog.
You know that there are about 3 million Muslims living in Britain right? If they were all terrorists we'd be fucked. It would be a bloodbath every single day.
>3 million Muslims living in Britain right?
Better walk on eggshells and kiss their ass or they will go off like a explosion.
>If they were all terrorists we'd be fucked. It would be a bloodbath every single day.
Stop kissing their ass and watch what happens. Cut their government support and see how fast the situation changes.
Because you cucks have cucked yourselves so hard you could not change even if you wanted to. You have cucked yourself to a point that you have no other option but suck their dicks. That is YOUR fault and rest assured that will not be forgotten.
How about this.
There are about 30,000 Muslims on the terrorist watch list. It costs around 2 Million pounds per year to monitor one of them. That's 60 Billion pounds a year. The number of Muslims living in the UK is projected to triple in the next 30 years.
Don't bother tell the cunts anything useful. The faggot has been to busy making fun of a "little ethnostate" while under the guise of multiculturalism and diversity a Muslim caliphate as been built all around the nigger.
Still stuck in the 20s
A lot of mudshits would die screaming.
Complaints but no realistic solutions, they do not listen.
>skin colour
Self defeatist bloviation.
You could vote for the BNP or even UKIP. Nobody does though. Why is that?
There's a problem with radical Islam. The solution is not an ethnostate.
You probably shouldn't, since you're Pakistani.
Because man evolved as races.
To destroy the races is to blaspheme Nature.
What does that even mean? That sounds like some pseudoscientific bullshit you just pulled out of your rectum.
Com on user. Don't you want to be a nice little mongrel/mutt like all the multiculturalism loving leftist want you to be?
Tbh i would not mind breeding with Arab women
The best escorts in London often come from Arabic countries
In you go!!!