Antifa hate thread

Post anything anti-antifa

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Are Antifa the biggest LARPers around? They try to look so intimidating with their black outfits and masks, yet many openly have on bookbags, or are carrying iPhones, and whenever they get unmasked in any of these types of videos, it's always some scrawny, college-aged white soy boy underneath. It's embarrassing.


Spotted someone wearing an antifa t-shirt in Long Beach, CA. Tall skinny white guy with a big white and blue hairdo standing outside the hair salon at 833 E. 4th St.

he wasn't doing anything, but that place might be a hangout for antifa






I know one of them.

well the leftest ideology cucked themselves out of doing hobbies and other gay social shit to a point there is nothing to do besides spread like cancer.

These fuckers need a zero dark 30 treatment

We need Spanish }
Diego de Deza, Grand Inquisitor of Spain "Diego see your shit and raise you a bath in your mothers blood

Be real with me Sup Forums, how fucking stupid do you have to be to think there's a conspiracy to make universities leftist? US intelligence agencies have been deliberately trying to curb the reach of leftist theory since the 60s - infiltrating civil rights and feminist groups, breaking them apart and engaging in psy-ops as recently as Occupy Wall Street.
They overthrew entire governments across Latin America, the Middle East, Asia and Africa SPECIFICALLY because they were leftist. Like, what do you think happened to change this?
A bunch of rich oligarchs who run the world got together, and decided to secretly encourage an ideology that involves taking power from the rich?

And you idiots call yourselves redpilled?

also sage

Didn't read your post but fuck off and stop posting porn you're making me wanna break my nofap

>gender is fluid
>niggers cannot be racist
>whites are evil because much slavery
>it is better to racemix
>Jews are oppressed so sad much holocaust
>porn is good
>fat is beautiful
>homosexuality is normal
>gender dysphoria is normal
>"hi rebbit why is pedophilia weird again?"
>Hitler was an evil Nazi, but communism did nothing wrong
>allied forced didn't commit any war crimes
>everyone to the right of extreme left is a Nazi and should be met with violence
>family is worthless
>go have a career until your ovaries dry out and you cannot reproduce anymore
>left is social, how can you be against left, are you antisocial?
Please poke out your eyes, a blind man doesn't need such things.


Typical Antifa members.

Conspiracy? More like a cult.

>gender is fluid
liberal not leftist
>niggers cannot be racist
liberal not leftist
>whites are evil because much slavery
liberal not leftist
>it is better to racemix
liberal not leftist
>Jews are oppressed so sad much holocaust
anti-Zionism is leftist
>porn is good
liberal not leftist
>fat is beautiful
liberal not leftist
>homosexuality is normal
who gives a fuck, also not leftist
>gender dysphoria is normal
who gives a fuck, also not leftist
>"hi rebbit why is pedophilia weird again?"
not leftist
>Hitler was an evil Nazi, but communism did nothing wrong
holy fuck did it seriously take this long, reading down your list, to find something relevant to LEFTISM, the set of ideologies related to CLASS struggle? Leftism isn't about race or third-wave feminist bullshit, it's about restoring political and economic power to the working class.
Leftists fucking hate identity politics and capitalist indulgence. You'd know that if you had any idea what actual leftism was beyond Paul Joseph Watson's boogeyman.

Pic, fucking, related.

There's no need for a conspiracy to make unis leftist. Helicopter parents coddling their children for 18 years until they grow up completely unable to tolerate even the mildest adversity does that job.

The real conspiracy is identity politics itself. As long as the proles are divided and fighting amongst themselves, there's no chance they can effectively fight the globalists and plutocrats as they remake the world to their liking.

Hahaha, you realize how many leftists would agree with your last sentence? Identity politics is 100% the tool of neo-liberal elites to shift focus away from financial inequality, the surveillance state and the imperial fuckery we engage in for Israel.
90% of /leftypol/ would agree with you - but you're at a loss how to tackle global plutocracy so you turn to a worldview that becomes more right-wing every year that liberalism destroys true leftist alternatives. This is what's meant by false consciousness.

>Leftists fucking hate identity politics

liberalism is leftism you fucking mongrel
when commies went to USA they couldn't use their original nickname so they labeled themselves as liberals
and your right wing named themselves Libertarians to mark a difference
>Leftists fucking hate identity politics and capitalist indulgence.
considering what leftists and liberals are/were doing that only proves that they are A FUCKING LEFITISTS

The '57 Genders' lefties are so much more fun to argue with than the 'real communism has never been tried' lefties.

Mate it is like you haven't seen Yuri. All of the current liberal bullshit is just to stir the masses enough to cause a Communist (Marxist leftist) overthrow of the USA. After that, the liberals get the bullet. So you can say, oh this is all just liberal, but they aid another goal entirely. How else would you explain university professors having anti-right rallies?

If you don't believe me that modern socialism (modern left) is just Marxist communism, take a look at how they advertise themselves to normies:


>what is neoliberalism

.what is neoliberalism

this guy gets it

near 100% overlap between those

>US intelligence agencies have been deliberately trying to curb the reach of leftist theory since the 60s
While Soviet intelligence tried to do the opposite and won. Take the /Yuripill/

1. Fuck leddit's neo-socialism
2. Let's think. What makes more sense, the US uses idpol to divide the US, or leftists decide to use idpol to divide their own movement and make it completely unappealing to the white working class (and somehow that makes a US overthrow easier)?

Alright fuck it, link me your fabled "Yuripill". But you have to read the pic in this comment:

neo - new
liberalism - liberalism
liberalism - lefitsm
what a fucking mongrel you are

Being antifa is mob mentality shit
Being antifascist is decent political standpoint.

fite me Sup Forums


So leftism, ie. socialism, is neoliberalism, ie. capitalism, because if you remove "neo" that leaves "liberalism" which is the same as "leftism"

why haven't you killed yourself



This pic shows the movement is just a fashion phase for those cringey fucks

>pic rel is your post
you are an illiterate mongrel who defends his ideology without knowledge of basic words that are building it

Nearly everything you wrote here is wrong. It's astounding how dumb one person can be.

Look up leftism on wikipedia. You literally do not even know the definition of leftism and it's embarrassing.

Stalin was a left wing authoritarian who sent wagons full of gays to Siberia

Modern liberal leftism =/= everything on the left spectre

heres the definition of leftism for you alt right fucks who are confused

Correct :D

>a left wing authoritarian
>left wing
what the fuck mongrel he was a fucking TOTALITARIAN

Look at that guy's post, he has liberalism and leftism mixed up in almost every case

>/leftypol/ agrees identity politics is terrible
Which is why the only criticism of idpol comes from the right. If you can't spare a Mother Jones article worth of pushback you'll have to excuse our doubts.


Alright geniuses. Let's try again.

NEO-LIBERALISM: A political theory of the late 1900s holding that personal liberty is maximized by limiting government interference in the operation of free markets.

Look at a list of leftist groups. Do they seem like they cum over a graph of a free market?

No? Then accept the possibility that leftism is not neo-liberalism and you have zero fucking clue what your words mean.

Nobody is talking about neo liberalism you complete moron

It's astounding how so much stupid can be packed into one person

You're all nazi, racist, fascist, Islamophobic, homophobic, sexist, antisemitic, antihydrophobic, monofluentic, discombobulatitonicultraomega evil haters. I also disagree with you so it makes me right... I MEAN LEFT! RIGHT IS BAD.


noone is talking about neo liberalism you illiterate mongrelic abomination xD
stop wasting bradwitch and go be eaten by giant spider


>Gender is fluid
>Liberal not leftist

Liberals are deluded for the most part, but it is the radical left which is pushing the theory that gender is fluid, niggers cant be racist and other general idpol.

Holy fuck you are dumb. I really hope you aren't getting your definition of leftism from the fucking shut-ins on /leftypol/

They're all hippies, so who cares.
Also, arguing over definitions and specificity is a lefty pastime.

Sage goes on all fields

Literally this whole thread I've been arguing that neoliberals gush over identity politics while the anticapitalists (ie. the left) rightly recognize it as a government attempt to divide their movement and make it unpalatable to the white working class. It's not my fault you're mentally incapable of reading more than one comment up you absolute waste of oxygen

You dont know your way around words, do you?

Enlighten me on where I'm wrong, dumbfuck


I used to be interested in hippie culture. I can't remind myself anything about 57 genders. The things I remember well are rock songs about freedom, wanting peace, much drugs.

>1. Fuck leddit's neo-socialism
And yet this is how many normies get into first contact with politics nowadays.

It's about psychological warfare. You don't need a violent overthrow if you can brainwash the children that will become the future bureaucracy. If the people running the government believe in neo-Marxist ideology, then the government _is_ neo-Marxist.

Really? Your average commie faggot seems to holdany of these opinions.


If you don't read leftist theory, if you are not anticapitalist, if you use antifa as a fashion statement you are a L-I-B-E-R-A-L and that is what 90% of these idpol nuts are.

obligatory visit /leftypol/

yeah I mean what would leftists know about the definition of leftism

i mean i'm aware being accurate is a lefty pastime, i just didn't expect you to say it

You are so fucking stupid it's hilarious.

I'm gonna post the definition because clearly you have no fucking clue what leftism is:

"Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality.[1][2][3][page needed][4] It typically involves a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others (prioritarianism) as well as a belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished (by advocating for social justice)."

Of course this includes identity politics because you have to give justice to certain identities over others in order to make everyone "equal" in delusional leftists eyes.

I love antifa now.

You're not wrong, he is, dumbfuck.

this is literally definition of any leftist ideology on the world
leftist ideology is always totalitarian because it pushes every retarded shit that it sees fit

Antifa isn't really a problem

>take a standard deviation of the population for ideology; about 10% of people to each side are ideologically extreme
>take another one for violence, 10% of each side is also extreme
>the two sides fight each other, there are wins and losses for both, the normal population dislikes both

Not a single person who bothers with neo nazi or antifa warfare is socially adjusted, they're scraps of humanity. So who cares what they do? Just observe the free MMA entertainment.

Antifa is low hanging fruit, if we propagandized against them it would have the same effect of helping them that anti-Trump prop helps Trump.

Cute attempt, but I don't see the word leftism in your definition anywhere...could it be that political terms are nuanced, and "leftism" and "left-wing" aren't the same goddamn fucking thing you walking waste of state infrastructure?

Lmao you are so fucking dumb. That's literally from the wikipedia page for Leftism.

If the normal population was sane ,we wouldn't be in the mess we are in across the globe. ANTIFA is a group of useful idiots for the NWO who are capable of turning your average idiotic citizen towards a cause he doesn't even know where it will lead, but he blindly follows because he is a sheep. If ANTIFA weren't a problem, then the U.K. a paki filled shithole now user. The main difference between the general population and them , is that antifa isn't afraid to show just how malicious they are, whereas the general citizen while not violent, supports their ideologies silently.

>If you don't read leftist theory, if you are not anticapitalist, if you use antifa as a fashion statement you are a L-I-B-E-R-A-L and that is what 90% of these idpol nuts are

Absolutely no true scotsman fallacy, most if not the overwhelming majority of communist and socialist types overwhelmingly support idpol, such as left-wing nationalism (black nationalism, Palestinian nationalism), gender theory (Gender Fluidity. transgenderism etc)

Do neo-liberals support identity politics? yes, but to say that anybody that supports identity politics is not a leftist is absolutely fucking retarded.

ok lol

neo-liberalism has nothing to do with identity politics bro.


>Shields are not reinforced in any shape or form
I can hear my warhammer laugh


Neo-liberals for the most part support progressive IDPOL, the same IDPOL that leftists support.



Regardless of what anyone who is called (or calls themselves) a leftist thinks, it is patently fucking obvious that we're heading towards disaster and it's thanks to a plutocratic ruling class that accumulated its power through unrestrained capitalism.
I don't give a shit about "white privilege", third-wave feminism or any of the other identity bullshit the US elites engineered to divide the left and distract from the real issues. Obviously it worked. I'm just here to shill the narrative that the US has always undermined the working class, and as it slides further right, you will not be saved from poverty, political powerlessness, surveillance, war and environmental catastrophe.
You were never meant to be.

Neo-liberalism is socialism for elites who want to be Bentley/Rolex rich, not Lada/Roast chicken rich, thus they support all the Marxist bullshit but with globalist capitalism so there's something worth stealing.

neo liberalism is an economic strategy introduced in the U.S by Nixon.

Neo-liberalism favors free markets. Free markets favor individualism. Identity politics IS collectivism


Agree we need to burn them with fire


>taking this much time to be this wrong

Either bait or a True Shareblue believer, either way kys.

No you dumbfuck, socialdemocrats socialist liberals and other left wing ideologies function within a democratic system without resorting to authoritarian practices and are still on the left wing spectrum


In a couple sentences, neo-liberalism is all about corporate interests, so it takes the egalitarian slant of the old left and shifts it from meaningful economic equality to superficial, bourgeois notions of progress ("look what Beyonce tweeted yaaaassssss queen"). This way it looks like there's progress being made, while the bombs keep dropping overseas and the poor are left to rot.
The solution isn't to turn to the right-wing, but taking Western leftism back to its mid-20th century roots.

>It's another edition of Shill Sunday "I'm not a leftist" cryptocommie.