New Internet Bloodsports controversy

Something very weird is happening in Internet Bloodsports land.

Lowtax (SJW, creator of SomethingAwful) and Ian Miles Cheong (former SJW, now men's rights advocate and DailyCaller journalist) have been feuding big time online for years and on February 7th finally agreed to do a highly anticipated Internet Bloodsports on Andy Warski's stream.

Everything was set to go and then suddenly Warski went into ghost mode on it and refused to set a date. Whatever the reason is, Metokur has also been informed and will ignore any questions and even allegedly block if you ask why in response to his tweets where everyone can see it.

Some people are speculating that the internet battledome between the two personalities will leak info Warski and Metokur does not want to get out. They've known these people for years -- the relationship between Lowtax and Metokur especially goes back years.

Anyone wanna spill the beans? And should we try to schedule them on a different stream? I need my internet bloodsports and I'm tired of the same old cast talking about the same things every time. This is a juicy one that's been building for years.

Other urls found in this thread:

holy shit how big of a faggot do you have to be to even know what any of that besides metokur even meant let alone CARE enough to make a thread about

lmao newfag, fuck off back to faceberg

I didn't know who lowtax was but last night it was set up he will debate stormfront Andrew on baked stream

Call in tomorrow on warski stream and ask him directly

Will be good shit.

Still want to know what's going on with the Ian Miles Cheong drama that Metokur and Warski are trying to shut down. It will probably be a bloody mess and leave a lot of victims. And I thought that was the point of Internet Bloodsports.

SA has faded into irrelevance and if Warski is reluctant to set up this stream it's probably because nobody cares. I only hope Jim lives long enough to give that dump a fitting eulogy.

is that asian andy?

Who gives a fuck about cringey internet arguments

We're trying to get to the bottom of this in the discord, you know which one.

Also the event organizer sent me an updated png, I posted the old one full of errors.

I'm still not seeing any evidence of them trying to shut it down. It's possible IMC was just suddenly busy for a week or so, so they will reschedule later.

Can you elaborate more on what you think is going on?

That's the problem, Jim and Andy are normally very talkative but went full ghost on this one after they agreed to appear together.

Jim, lowtax, and Ian have history way back to SomethingAwful's zenith as a trolling playground and I think Jim is afraid they'll let slip information that implicates him somehow.

It's too bad Richard's grasp of the Internet never evolved beyond setting up a vbulletin server in 1999. He could have had his own YouTube channel where he could stream a public slap fight with a fat chinaman.

He got into meth a decade ago. I think he's recovered judging by how lucid and active he is now but he ruined his life and pissed away all of his money with that shit.

who cares lowtax is a fucking faggot

nothing interesting would even be talked about with those 2

That's not it because they want lowtax on it to battle other personalities. They already scheduled one with Anglin, possibly as a superficial excuse to ghost the Ian Miles Cheong fight.

Reminder that Ian, Jim, Richard all have histories together going way back through SA and other platforms.

he had his own youtube let's play thing and it was fucking awful, and he has twitter, he's just insufferably unfunny and has no political stance at all and has no taste in anything.
he's a fucking bugman supreme.

Sad if true.
Also sad.

>Questions, conspiracy theories after legendary Lowtax Vs. Ian Miles Cheong 'Internet Bloodsports' mysteriously shut down

We're preparing a piece from all the info in the discord and will publish it on ralphretort or ageofshitlords or something. If you have any comments or info you really want in there just drop it in reply.

What discord

Alright I just had to take a look at this and it was worse than I even imagined.

Just let him kill himself in peace.

Imagine being this much of a loser to care about literally who internet celebs. Go watch pewpewdie already.

Pewdiepie doesn't post on weekends.

>hearing the name "lowtax"

Jesus fucking christ...

Internet Bloodsports is for oldfag connoisseurs of drama, you don't get it because you got linked here from a boomer post on faceb0ok during the election.

I first came to Sup Forums in 2003 when I was at university and SA around the same time (back when even Kotaku was good and YTMND was a single page). I'd forgotten all about that shit and have well and truly moved on.

But sure, whatever.

>not being on Sup Forums since it was an AOL chat room

Forgot to include this one in graphic


why don't you just ask ian you sperg?

Blue checkmarks can't see messages from proles unless they go into a special prole mode

I fucking cringe about the name "internet blood sport" anyone else feel the same?

You just not someone who understands

What else would you call it?
Autistic Screechings?

Just debate or discussion would be fine.. Not some autistic "blood sport" or "mega battle overdrive debate" because they are talking not killing eachother ffs

>What else would you call it?
>Just debate or discussion would be fine
"Skeptics" ruined that branding

Explain pls?

lol fucking really? Twitter is fully safe spaced for them?

>Trying to equate Dr. Peterson with lowtax through a shitty meme

I think I hate radical centrists as much as leftists now, if not more. At least leftists have the courage born of stupidity.

I have no fucking clue, but I would love to see that cuck Lowfag get knocked the fuck out just like Uwe Boll did to him

This thread is an interactive love poem between youtube skirmish veterans and VIP oldfags, sorry

No you cuck, you know nothing about branding

Internet bloodsport is very good

Final version, he won't do more.

This is going to happen and we're going to find out what Jim and Warski are trying to hide.

Was waiting for the american to humiliate himself.... Cringe

Nice argument idiot

Im a brainlet, need more explaining

Is Lowtax really an SJW? I know his politics are definitely not rightwing but I never took him for a radical lefty loon feminist, either.

I don't have time to explain years of "skeptic" "debates" on youtube, you either have the background or you don't. You can look into kraut drama for a rundown on recent events and see how the they turned out.

internet Bloodsports has none of their faggy pretenses, it's pure internet battle set up for maximum drama. Or at least that's what I thought until Metokur (Jim) and Warski shut down the showdown between Lowtax and Ian Miles Cheong because it could be too bloody.

Like you can see above some of these people don't know their shit so I have to cast them into the best available archetypes to set the stage.

yeah its some next level faggotry, kumite is the worst listening to a literal nobody white guy talk like a black whilst while actually screaming is a shit way to start the day





Only Jim watches that voice actor puppet show for kids, it doesn't have anything to do with Bloodsports other than helping to promote it as far as I know.


>not so vague anti-Jim thread
fuck off destinynigger

>not destinigger

I tried tinypede and reddit but was getting spam warnings

>Lowtax (SJW, creator of SomethingAwful) and Ian Miles Cheong (former SJW, now men's rights advocate and DailyCaller journalist) have been feuding big time online for years
Why would they feud? They're both liberalish guys who've been alienated by PC culture. I'd think they would get along.

>Jim, lowtax, and Ian have history way back to SomethingAwful's zenith as a trolling playground
Shit, really? How do you know this? Are there stories?

Nice try lowtax, no one wants you on bloodsports.
This. SA was always shit markers
SA shill
This x 100
Which is why he wants to be on BS
>Not knowing who Anglin is
>star wars joke
Fucking seriously?
Sure thing goon. Cry more
Low effort
A tiny effort

Boomers mad about bloodsports is funny tho

You seem a bit tryhard but keep up the good work, kiddo

Being this obviously new

Jesus christ this is ugly as fuck, why let this person do your graphics?

Because SA always was and always will be pure shit. Meme stealing, credit taking, boastful wannabes. Quinn was a goon, that should you everything

Reddit has all the liberal arts dudes and people into typography. if you can do better, go ahead and we'll use that instead.

Been in pol since 2012, hardly new. I should leave this place desu but its impossible

>shit graphic
>nobody vs a nobody
>literally a failed wannabe vs retard gamergay leftover
>as if anyone would watch that

>still can't do own work
>that face when SA still needs help from Sup Forums

it sounds incredible autistic

That's new to me

Let's see your political entertainment

inb4 dailyshow

The fact that you thought people might not know who lowtax was and had to specify that founded SA in the OP shows that this thread is for newfags, newfag.

>Metokur has also been informed and will ignore any questions and even allegedly block if you ask why in response to his tweets where everyone can see it.
have you heard of punctuation, nigger?

That's harsh dude we aren't all have school just chillt out thanks for the bump tho polan

>relationship between Lowtax and Metokur especially goes back years
retarded jim paying for a forum and still thinks he can keep his anonymity lol

That's what I'm saying. Lowtax and Ian know Jim's real info and stuff he's done that he doesn't want the current internet to know. He's afraid some of it'll accidentally come out if those two go at it.

I bet Jim shoves cucumbers down his pussy

And to add to that: I don't want Jim's real info to come out either but he's going against everything he's ever said and done when he's going SHUT IT DOWN mode because of his own paranoia. He's even started blocking people for the first time.

bs, are you blocked/shadowbanned? anyway ian is in that checkmarked mode you imagined, so go at it

unless you mean pm, then yeah, he will need to follow you back but just tweet at him sperg

This jew-tier faggotry that no one man should give a single fuck about.

I did and I'm definitely not shadowbanned. Old account in good standing, never post anything controversial.

This exactly. I dont get the hype around it.. I mean dont you guys have jobs or anything?
Ps. The name IBS is pretty cringe

jim came up with it so it must not be cringe, he is a marketing genius after all

then he must've missed it or ignored on purpose, interdasting


If you follow any of that faggotry you should just kill yourself. It's just a bunch of assholes that pointlessly "debate" each other over to trick autists like you into giving them clicks.

no, no, no... you see, normies love watching 5h of shitflinging between ecelebs and this somehow brings ethnostate closer to reality and stuff

why do finns call everything cringe? is it because you're hapas with serious insecurity issues?

Yup, and they claim to be intellectuals, thus making the viewers think they are smart For watching them

Wow I'd forgotten all about >10bux Kyanka. The last time I read his shitty website was in 2005. What are his politics like? I have an idyllic memory of the internet free from politics seeping into every crevice of it back when Something Awful was the place to be, even though Bush and Iraq was in full swing back then. God what happened? makes me sad to think about actually..

SA is infested by sjw, GG talk was bannable offense, wonder if that caused jim to withdraw

I'm getting real sick of this eceleb nonsense!!!!
Get the zyklon

At least there is one person who isn't a retard here. Thank you.

Forget him. He is just underage newfag.

Unfucking-believable that we allow a dedicated eceleb thread on here. This type of trash should be relegated to the depths of /bant/ where you faggots belong

When he's not mainlining crystal meth into his aorta he does things like stage managing Zoe Quinn's and Sarkeesian's rise to media circlejerk qweens. He often implies he only does the political stuff for the lulz because like Jim he's 2kool 4 skool.

Lowtax was founder of somethingawful dot com which had an anime death tentacle rape whorehouse forum which is where moot was a regular poster when he was talking about setting up his new copy of 2ch and THUS
Lowtax is the creator of the site that was spun off into Sup Forums
kind of like how family matters with Steve Urkel was spun off of perfect strangers with cousin Larry Apple-ton and Balki Bartakamous via the black elevator operator lady who was Clark Winslow's wife or his sister or whoever but everybody forgets because she stopped being funny and eventually collapsed into an ambien, box wine, Asian wife and divorce and second Asian wife and probably divorce while lying drunk and drugged on her couch underneath a pile of foot fetish magazines being used as a blanket while her increasingly insane staff members were replaced by SJWs or straight up cut their cocks off because they were fucking retarded and insane OH WAIT that wasn't that black lady that was lowtax also ewe boll punched him out and he was involved in a mangosteen multilevel marketing scheme at some point

isn't Ian Brandon Anderson the fake CWC name we made up tho?

He's a meth head? lol. I guess that somewhat explains Doom House then.

Jim is dying.

also lowtax apparently has one or possibly more hapa daughters who have grown up with front row tickets to his enormous comical disgrace of a life