I want to do things in life and my first step is to learn how to drive but I'm scared Sup Forums I'm scared...

I want to do things in life and my first step is to learn how to drive but I'm scared Sup Forums I'm scared.... How do I overcome this fear how did you learn how to drive Sup Forums?

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You can do it faggot

just passed mine a few months ago!easy shit

>Dad taught me
>I used to have pretty shitty relationship with my dad but now it's mostly better

tl;dr Ask your Dad to show you.

what are you scared of? are you a fag or something?

Pay some whore to show you her/his prolapse if that doesn't straighten you out then your fucked.

I have this problem, where if I don't focus very hard on driving, my mind will wander and I'll start veering around on the road. This really only happens while being in a car, I'm good enough at focusing in any other environment.
Best to just take things slow, and don't be afraid. The car does nothing but respond to your commands and its environment, so if you can control one of those factors the other will fall into place easily.

The most important rule of driving is:


If you fuck up, you might die in a horrible accident. Therefore, your fear of driving is not entirely unjustified. If you can't get over the fear of dying in a horrible flaming accident (which can be caused by your fuck-up AND/OR somebody else's fuck-up!) then you probably shouldn't drive, cowardly faggot.

Now look at this QT right here (pic related). She is judging you for being such a pussy.

You'll be fine m8. It's when you're not scared that you make dangerous mistakes. Start by driving around the block.

How long did it take you guys getting use to:

1. brakes
2. steering
3. accelerator

Drink a few shots of alcohol to calm your nerves first.

You get used to it m8. Start off in a parking lot and progress from there. Its a lot easier than you think.

I think my dad is going to take me out to the country on a roadtrip when he has work next where it's quiet to teach me how to drive.

About two weeks of consistent driving to be pretty comfortable. But that's just because of how I am in the car, not necessarily because of the complexity of the task at hand.
Steering is the easiest part to master in my opinion. Braking will take some getting used to, and proper acceleration will be the most arduous to learn, but all three are trivial.
How much have you driven thus far?

Brakes are easy. No problem.

Acceleration with the gas may take a bit to get used to but it doesnt take long.

Steering is the main thing. You just need to build confidence.

Have your dad take you to the parking lot at his job when they are closed, then you can drive around in there without much chance of hitting anything until you are comfortable enough to go on the roads.

I had one lesson with an older lady and I cut the lesson short because I felt extremely uncomfortable in the car.

Aren't you supposed to be 18 to post on Sup Forums?

Then it's best to start off in a school parking lot on a weekend. Preferably one with multiple connected lots, so you can practice proper steering on a thoroughfare. Get someone you trust to take you, and have them ride shotgun as you go super slow. Then, speed it up as you get acclimated (to a certain degree. No need to reenact Tokyo Drift), and if you feel comfortable enough, practice leaving the parking lot and going around the block or something.
I had a 50-55 minute commute for a few months, and that's what really helped me master the fine details. Keep stretching your limits, and don't be afraid to be a little uncomfortable... we all were starting out.

The hardest part of driving is stealing the car mate.
Just go to some rich poofters house and if you like his car go back later and smack him in the head with a brick.
Throw him in the boot and off you go.

You're being a faggot.

you can ride a bike. yes?

it's a as thrilling as it was scary at first to ride a bike, but after you age and realize riding a bike isn't easy - the thrill (and naturally the fear) goes away. to the point that riding a bike becomes a chore (or a passion).

driving is easy. just get on the wheel, tell the lady not to talk so much. and get used to the feeling

Thanks man I'll try I know I need to do this I just overthink everything in life and fear cripples me but it's a thing nearly every person in the world has to do so I should be able to do it as well.



I hope you plan on driving a Maloo once you have passed the test after trying several times.

Overthinking is fine, but after a while it just becomes a subconscious effort, muscle memory. You just need to get started, like any other task, to begin mastery. And if it takes you a month, it takes you a month, just so long as you emerge from the other side with a license.

he's a little bit more tips

driving is like a bike, if you were sitting on a bike in a constant DOWNHILL angle.

notice, without even hitting gas, the car will always move forward, albeit slowly (or at the speed you've accelerated too).

learn to steer while the car slowly pushes forward whilst on drive - then knowing how to steer while accelerating will not only be so thrilling to the point that "I always want to be accelerating now!" - it will come naturally

Nearly every person in the world does it, and a fair amount of them die in a flaming wreck. Never forget that.

Fucking softcunt, i learnt how to drive the city filled with niggermobiles and taxis
You learn or you die

I didn't get a drivers license until I was 28. I had a bit of a phobia. For me, it took moving to a small town where I literally had no choice to get me to do it.

It wasn't a fear of driving btw, it was a fear of the DMV, taking the test, and dealing with the bureaucracy.

I'll drive one of these I'm a fucking poorfag.

thanks breh I think my dad will be a good teacher I just have to remember driving a car is a brand new thing and I can't expect to get it or feel comfortable straight away.

Ugh. Literally every cunt who drives a v8 ute is a fucking moron.

absolutely true blue aussie right here

I fucking love the fuel injection in my car. It feels like the perfect amount, with the added bonus of no funny business like these newer models come with, like adjusting for hills and shit.

>I can't expect to get it or feel comfortable straight away
Absolutely. Good luck mate.

lolololol.. I learned to drive before I was 10 years old (not on public roads).. This is why kids need motor bikes and go-karts.. So they don't turn out to be a fag like you.

Wow faggot just drive


I dont get it. Are you too mentally deficient to handle the simple task of driving down a road, minding simple hazards and following basic rules? If yes, then you simply aren't meant to be a functioning member of society, and this is what NEET bucks are for.

I had to do it on my own. Just drove around my neighborhood and slowly moved farther out. Got too nervous with my mom or dad in the car

Jesus Christ dude how can you be scared of driving?

You need a boot up your ass for being a fucking pussy. Driving is cool, the worst that can happen is that you crash and get your body dismembered and you reincarnate as someone who wont be a pussy.

Driving is easy all you have to do is get into the car turn the key to adjust the forward accelerometer to 4/9 position. Put right most petal to floor for 1 second to prime all the engine pistons then to d while holding down to lubricate the thrusters then release and go to r and slowly back out of the driveway.

It was painful just like every other experience in life. My only respite is that as I've grown older, I've also grown more numb, I no longer seek or expect hapiness

Nah its ok he's just a kid just teach him

I got a speeding ticket when I had my learner's permit. I had to wait an extra 6 months before getting my license. I bought a 1978 Lincoln Town Car when I was 17. Driving is easy. It's easier if you have a Lincoln Town Car.

practice driving where theres no cars at first if traffic makes you nervous

Video games

Both of you are dumb af

Try saying that on /o/

Me too

Only use a manual vehicle. Use one foot to operate the brakes and throttle until you've watched enough Initial D to do left foot braking. Get a car made no later than 2003.

>I fucking love the fuel injection in my car
every car has the same fuel injection retard

I fucking love that pepe


Even women and retards can drive, you worse than them mate? Get out there and stop being a pussy.

Are you serious? well, if you are just be careful, never get over confident, practice on country roads and big parking lots, freeways are pretty scary the first few times, you cannot worry so much about the speed limit, you have to go with the flow of the traffic...yeah, don't be paranoid but always be careful and avoid overconfidence... I've been driving on highways since I was 11 and I'm pretty darn old now so I'm pretty good at it, my biggest casualties were hitting damn deer in Northern California, I also had an alcohol involved wreck where I smashed into a telephone pole...be positive user, you can do it

i never minded driving

Isnt this and heal-toe kinda pointless wizh a synchronised gearbox?


just sit and drive
you can do it

also hi to everyone who drive car

the idea is to synchronise the speed of the clutch plate with the speed of the flywheel



kissing neck, lips
then add oil and titfuck


Are you retarded or have some sort of mental disorder ?
Yes ? Well you're fucked

No ? Well , man the fuck up and don't be a bitch

Tape the word nigger on paper all over your car. Drive into black part of town


Yeah happiness is fleeting and fickle user, but you can have joy by living a principled and moral life

Learning the mechanics on how to operate a car is not the hard part about driving. You'll get used to how fast you can accelerate, brake, steer, etc. in about a week.

But Learning all the rules of the road will take you well over a year. There's a lot of rules you simply have to learn the hard way. Right of way rules mostly.

After I got my license I was scared to death of getting on any major highways or freeways. Even the roads within my city gave me crazy anxiety during the daytime.

What I ended up doing was (as I was NEET) signing up for a 24 hour gym and going there every day in the middle of the night. I would drive when the roads were empty. Sometimes a drunk driver would run the red light through, on weekends.

Then after those 3 months I started driving during the day to my local grocery store. Then I started driving to college. In my first day of college I literally, no joke, drove back and forth between my house and college 3 times. So I learned the pattern and what lane I needed to be in ahead of time.

A really scary part about driving when you're new is figuring out what lane to be in for your next turn. For instance, when making a right turn at a red left, you can decide to turn right into the left-most lane or the right-most land. Same goes for when you make a left.

Knowing which lane to turn into can save you the stress of having to make a lane change.

After 2 years of driving to my community college regularly and driving to new places occasionally, and driving in various different weather conditions, only then was I really confident in myself as a driver.

Kek, '78' Lincoln Towncar

here's a bit of advice. everyone is scared when they first get behind the wheel. There's a reason for this
You are thinking about everything, from how your seatbelt is where the mirrors are, how hard you should turn the wheel how hard you should break, should you turn now? should you wait? is it their turn? is it your turn? Holy shit how fast am I supposed to be going?

Your mind has to individually think about all of these things, for me, I get behind the wheel and turn the fuck off until I get to my destination, that is, I don't think about any of that shit, my muscle memory has got it. Because of this it's not scary at all, it's like another human is driving and not me.

You need to practice. My advice would be to go to an empty parking lot and do some reverse doughnuts there's low risk of damaging your car, and you'll learn how to handle it better.

*when making a right turn at a red LIGHT

Listen fag. You need the Self Authoring program. It has changed my life.

check them digits. Praise kek


Ask your dad or a relative. Think if you ad bit the bullet and asked for help three months ago you'd already be a competent driver.

Boi HAHAHA yeah and trying not to get distracted by the zombies at your window

crash course it user. passed my test last week getting my car tomorrow, driving is fun mate just have a laugh with the instructor and you'll be fine.

Don't cut the lesson short, m8. When I was driving with the instructor I was partners with a girl who made a bunch of mistakes (braked too slow, turned too slow) and it was obvious she felt really overwhelmed. I very autistically tried to comfort her when the instructor got out of the car, and said I know it can be hard to get used to the controls but it gets easier.

Learning the mechanics of driving will happen naturally, it's dealing with other drivers that sucks

That stuff is trivial.


>11. Unsafe Lane Changes
>12. Wrong-Way Driving
>13. Improper Turns

That shit is scary because it takes a lot of practice to minimize the possibility of a fuckup, I never practice so I refuse to drive.

I need this in the US so bad.

That blows, it was a tiny fear I had when in driving school and our old cop teacher was playing some gore flick in class but aside from that, the want at 16 to drive drove me further.


>get license 8 years ago
>haven't driven a car since
Pretty sure it would be dangerous for me to drive now.


driving is easy, dude. all you have to do is stay in the road lines, check your mirrors and use your damn indicators. 90% of accidents are caused by people not watching their shit