You are not our "bros". We don't care about you. We wish you'd all died died in potato famine. It is really annoying. You people are really annoying. We are not your friends. You are not welcome in Finland.
You are not our "bros". We don't care about you. We wish you'd all died died in potato famine. It is really annoying...
Other urls found in this thread:
why would anyone in the first world give a shit about a completely insignificant wasteland like Finland
>hes never read miguel serrano
Where do green eyes and red hair ome from op?
Shall I post the pictures of Celtic pharaohs? You know....the ones that prove that they were white.... (Celtic)
kys shill
This is war fucking potato niggers
Potatoe niggers are nords senpai.
They got pushed out, but they are nords. Dublin was founded by "vikings"
Some irish lad must of stole his girl
Irish slut who I dated cheated me with a Swede
> you people
Youre a retard you expat bong. All the irish died in that famine or came to america to get the fuck away from there. The only people left are the idiots you sent there to larp as all the people who used to live here.
serves you right faggot
>Dating immigrants
>Not knowing immigrant women are the biggest sluts
You can't be trusted faggot
Bad luck
Cheated on with a fucking vegetable, hory shit mongorian you must look like ass
>dating Irish women
Your own fault tbqh. Reason all my friends go for eastern European.
Cucked by a Swede
imagine getting cucked by a cuck
absolute state of the finns
They're alright.
Irish disporia are fucking annoying though.
This Sup Forums in a nutshell, all the hate towards other races and nationalities comes from Sup Forumstards getting hurt in some way by someone from that group and then projecting it to everyone from that group.
t. Mutts with 1/8th Irish heritage.
>Irish diaspora are fucking annoying
Feeling is 100% mutual faggot. I really wish your Brits never injected yourselves into our populist movement. It was going fine for the past 18 years. Then you happened, trying to hijack the entire dialog making it all about "Saving England" from the ebil Europeans.
Please get the fuck out of our politics. American populism has nothing to do with "Saving England". Nobody here thinks about you. In fact when Farage showed up at a few Trump Rallies I can tell you everyone in those crowds view him as some sort of foreign alien. Americans have a far more connection to Germany, Norway, Ireland and Mexico than they do England. Even the Anglo-Americans here don't like you.
In the past 12 months we've had to do damage control due to British controlled "Alt-Right" ecelebs injecting themselves into our politics. Idiots like Richard Spencer who is a British Anglophile most likely working for the CIA has caused all kind of damage. Instead of moving forward making progress, we have to devoted extra time stopping people from falling into backwards British garbage leading people astray.
Get the fuck out of our politics and stay out. Currently, we are taking out British Anglophile Jordan B. Peterson for his attempts to water-down American Populism by telling our people to be "Individualist" and "Classical British Liberal".
We're annoying because we're better than you. Also, American Populism is historically anti-British.
Imagine being British.
Imagine electing a fucking Jew Prime Minister.
Imagine learning about this from an Irish American on Sup Forums
>Irish diaspora are fucking annoying
Yeah no shit... because we make you look stupid around here.
>writing a whole whining essay in response to being called annoying
Is there anything worse than plastic paddies?
You don't like us because we BTFO every time. I want to let you know, it's just Irish American anymore. We are teaching Germans, French and everyone else how the British Empire was a Jewish project.
It's going great so far.... this is why you're mad.
You are mad because you've noticed the affects in peoples attitudes towards (((England))) Despite your retarded lemutt meme when London is 42% white.
Thank you for proving my point
Oh no, a bunch of whiny anglos don't like us anymore because we don't want their jewish friendships.
You faggots are a total joke.
Kek I'm hardly an Anglophile but you're a retard and you're not Irish either. Real Irish people elect homosexual Pajeets to lead them.
This photo didn't even align with anything said inside my post. This is why you are getting BTFO for months on Sup Forums. You think you're winning but you're not. Your shit is always middle-school tier hi-jinks.
Irish Americans are doing major damage against you. Now you're mad.
Well, stay mad faggot.
You will never be Irish or European, you mutt. You are rootless and you will never have a real identity. There's nothing more amusing than watching you desperately cling to muh heritage.
Being 1/8th Irish doesn't make you Irish you rootless mutt.
It's always (((Sweden))) who comes to the defense of the British on Sup Forums. Personally I've seen this occur three dozen times. Sweden is a total joke inside far-right circles. You are beyond a joke... I can't even put it into word right now.
Don't you get it? nobody respects Sweden.
>You don't like us because we BTFO every time. I want to let you know, it's just Irish American anymore. We are teaching Germans, French and everyone else how the British Empire was a Jewish project.
Stop attaching yourself to Europe you filthy mutt. Everyone laughs at your pathetic attempts to identify with genuine European identities. You are a mutt. No German, irishman, or anyone else thinks of you as kin you retarded obese rootless American.
I'm really not mad at all.
I'm more shocked and amused that someone can lack self awareness so much.
Nobody respects Americans and nobody in Europe thinks of you as kin, you mongralized 56%er.
Go watch your eggball and 1000 daily commercials and then slowly kill yourself by ingesting grease laden mass produced burgers you fat sack of shit.
Pic related
You're just some crybaby identityless British guy. Every single British fag on the internet has been crying about his identity for the past 12 months. There are probably over 3,000 youtube videos on random British weaklings crying to the world.
Again, the reason you don't like Americans like me is because we're showing Sup Forums how fucking kiked you British are.
You act like you can just blow it off as if it doesn't it matter. You can't, and you won't.... every week a 1,000 new Sup Forums users learn about Jewish England.
Wasn't elected. The part leader resigned and he was chosen by the party to be the leader. All popular parties in Ireland are left wing commies
British just repeat the same stupid thing over and over again. You have no creativity and no intelligence. You are identical to black niggers stuck on muh-dik for 20 years.
Every single British joke against Americans can be said about the British. I mean, if you're going to spend so much effort making 1,000 memes at least make something uniquely insulting about Americans.
I said just London is 42% white.
You can't even own knifes or use ethnic slurs on the internet. The British are the biggest joke in Europe and the world. I could write a book full of reasons why your country is a total failure.
You don't fool anybody. Nobody think you are cool. You're a joke
You have no identity, sorry.
You are a rootless mutt with delusions.
Your real identity is one of consumerism and rootlessness, that's what defines your identity: no identity is your identity. You are a non-person. No better than the niggers that came to America as slaves. You are both equally rootless.
Everyone in Ireland laughs at you, you 1/8th mutt.
Yeah, you're totally not projecting now. No one could ever rationally dislike blacks for being God awful
Finland had a potato famine too just no one knows about it because you dont speak english.
>americans have a far more connection to Germany, Norway, Ireland and Mexico than they do England
Yeah, that's not true at all.
>even the Anglo-Americans here don't like you
>he says as we fawn of their royal family/accents
B8 is weak but got your (you)'s anyhow
>t. Achmed Muhammad Abdul Al-Sahim
Abominacias de las estadios unidos.
You have no British identity. The only thing people think when they hear British is your annoying faggot accents. All of Europe hates you. The world hates you. Americans don't even care about you.
You always try to be so much more than you really are. You don't fool anybody, ever. Nothing you say is creativity or funny. You always sound like a sad angry frustrated little manboy overcompensating to an extreme form of bluff that nobody believes for a second. You live in an island bubble culture. This is the root of your delusion. Your only supporters are fucking Sweden, a few poles, a few aussies, and that's it. Yet you always think the whole world is in love with you. Get off the meds faggots. You are a joke.
Americans look think of Brits are gay men.
The British people have no identity. You can't even keep London 45% British because you have no identity of your own.
England was and will forever be french, german, arab, indian, african rape babies. Your entire cesspit of an island is a shithole.
Cuck o the irish
Women only travel to try lots of different types of dicks.
What did we do on you? We probably did something I`m just curious
>too much banter
Why can't troll with truth? It takes far more skill. Instead you just make up bullshit and repeat it 10,000 times.
Anybody can do that. Ok, so where is the British banter in this thread? Calling me a mutt is British banter? And it is also "too much" banter? That is most weak ass fucking shit.
You guys are literally nigger tier Jokester. You act like blacks do. Nothing you say is witty or clever. It's one dumb thing repeated endlessly.
I'm just trying to let you see how stupid you make yourself look.
Also, Ukraine is just mad because we won't let you start a war with Putin. So now Ukrainians are all buttblasted because we won't let a bunch of Jewish Neocons slaughtered millions of you idiots again.
Ukrainians are dumb as fuck. We have a Ukrainian community here in Seattle. They all come here because your country is total shit.
Ukraine is the prostitute capital of the world. Every Turkroachs travels to Ukraine and fucks your women. It's disgusting.
I offen see this kind of (((Finnish))) nowadays. Proxy Anglo or really is...
Fuck off you autistic faggot, even your American friends in this thread think you are embarrassing them.
You have noticed the same as me. The catalog is also filled with IRA questions.
The Anglo is paranoid about American populism going a different direction than they want it too.
All anti-Irish sentiment is 100% Jewish in origin, with a few useful idiot anglos jumping in.
The Jews use the same attack tactic. They repeat the same thing until you give up. But American populism are very experienced. We understand exactly why they operate. So, we never stop. Ever..... now they talk about how "annoying" we are.
Yes, we are annoying... because we use their own tactic against them. Stay mad
Only a nigger thinks writing long post is stupid.
In America the black people here bully other blacks for "acting white" if they show any signs of intelligence. This is what you are doing. You act the same as an American nigger.
You can't handle being out smarted. So now you act like a nigger. Getting mad
If it has meaningful content sure, but your nonsensical rambling does not bear the hallmark of intelligence, you haven’t actually made any valid points supported by empirical data.
>He is beating us
>I am annoyed by this
Kill yourself, you faggots. You are a total joke.
Okay now run along to the gym now tubby, and shave that neckbeard, you might get to have sex for once in your life.
>meaningful content
Ukraine are known as the niggers of Europe after failing to listen to American warnings. 1,000s of American warned you about the 'Neocon' tricks inside of Ukraine. Did you listen to us? NO
Why didn't you listen to us? Because you are the niggers of Europe.
Before your civil war, I worked with IT people from Ukraine. I always believed Ukrainians were smart. Turns out you are the niggers of Europe. You don't understand anything.
Even a Japanese guy knows what is going on inside of this thread But you have no clue. How come? The answer is because Ukrainians are dumb white niggers.
In your nigger country you make $3 per hour. You are a dumb white nigger.
I’m not Ukrainian you retarded neckbeard faggot.
Is the “tactic” about impersonation? What involved with IRA?
k, keep us posted
Your meme insults come from American culture. Stop trying to be something that you're not. You don't fool anybody faggot. You don't convince anybody, ever.
If not Ukrainian then what? A Turk spreading aids with prostitutes?
>American culture
Come on now, everyone knows there's no greater meme than the concept of American culture
Omg, I’ve never seen someone so autistic, so triggered :’D . How do you make it through the day without running out of the room and crying every time someone speaks?
You must have piles of salt there in your moms basement from all those salty tears.
The only thing that matters is if you fucked her before she cheated on you
you DID fuck her right?
the fucking state of americans, jesus christ
est. . .la creatura. . .
To sum up the story, there has been many "Anglo" memes on Sup Forums for maybe 2 months. More so the last month specifically. The hard reaction to those memes has developed a noticeable backlash. It is very funny to follow the timeline. The "Anglo" memes have triggered major fear and paranoia, including huge amounts of hatred against Irish-Americans. This was mostly contained inside Sup Forums until it starting leaking into more mainstream media outlets with political pundits. One political pundits named Ann Coulter made some anti-Irish innuendo last week about Irish immigration being a mistake to America. Outside of Sup Forums also came the story about Cheddar man making the false claim the original inhabitants of the British isles were black. This is a proxy insult to the Celts/Irish.
Here, inside Sup Forums the catalog is being hit with British shill threads asking questions like "How do Americans feel about the British?", and "British are awesome!" random generic promo-tier garbage.
Other threads will bash the Irish, or ask about the IRA. Questions like "So, Sup Forums how likely is it Europe will see a civil war?" posted with IRA photo. This is data mining thread by paranoid intel agency.
The last thing the British want right now is American Populism slipping out of their control. I think Israel is starting a war with Iran in a hurry to force Trump into war he doesn't want. This is a quick way to take control of American populism. Put it back under control of British deep state.
You are very triggered now. See how smart troll beat a stupid nigger troll?
Yes, smart troll is always better.
No I’m sitting here laughing as you crush yourself slowly under the weight of your own stupidity. :’D
the mutt rages. keep raging, mutt. amuse us. amuse your betters.
The turkroach is mad now. See how smart troll win in the end? yes, it true.
score point
clean your dreadlocks, fag
I don’t think your boyfriend will be happy you posting his picture on Sup Forums while he’s sleeping my autistic friend.
notice that, as he gets more hurt, mad and upset his grasp on english slips. he is assuredly a mutt. and as a mutt, he becomed spastic and erratic when angered.
That's a bit mean friendo.
>Turkroach-tier banter
Assad kill many roach today. :)
Well part of it's other people getting hurt in some way by a WHITE MALE and projecting. It works both ways. And desu, it's a perfectly natural thought pattern, which activism won't be able to change.
No, me talk you ways. See, like this. Pause. Go. Many dimension-troll.
Make mad you.
Ooga Begorah, Irish weren't hwhite
That’s great, but as a non Turk I don’t know why you think I’d give a fuck :’D
t. Pic related
LOL this so true... Anglo's have been getting btfo at their own game for months. Of course they are mad at having competition, and losing.
>haha i was just pretending
>haha no you're mad.
yes you totally got me. now all you have to, my mutt friend do keep posting. keep flailing about, you're really showing us what's what.
you're not irish, by the way.
mad roach is mad
You bring shame to your famiry.
Stop racemixing with dirty potatoniggers, you foor.
Clean ur dreadlocks yet? don't get mad
Why are Americans under the impression they're any less hated in Ireland than anywhere else?
i love when white people eat their own
ur mad roach