>not taking the best qualities of each race and society and incorporating them into yourself
>being this caught in the illusion
>not taking the best qualities of each race and society and incorporating them into yourself
>being this caught in the illusion
Other urls found in this thread:
>chad transhuman bogdanoffs vs virgin imperfect humanity
>considering yourself part of virgin imperfect humanity
also what's up, my family name was Woznievski before they changed it
valuing figures is not a good trait.
call me all bad boss
Woźniewski comes from the word ,,woźny''. Nowadays it means janitor but back in the old days a woźny was a lower judicial officer, and it's probably who your ancestor was. Enjoy the useless info, I guess.
I was always kinda curious. This is cool thanks.
>american flag
la horripilante bestia
Quick rundown on these two?
You shoulda answered the call
yeah, it's a neurotic shit show over here. what's it like in radio land?
they got past it
>also what's up, my family name was Woznievski before they changed it
Certainly not your spot in the racial hierarchy.
Can we gas those retards
the times have treated us very well in the meantime
sorry to hear
they don't breathe the same way you do
We meet again la cabezuda aparicion terrible y truculenta.
and that was way back. mostly british and austrian.
i think of lebensraum when i''m taking a shit, i'm not even kidding
and accurate
that's nice.
love how there's no jewish option in these flags
ps I don't actually love it
what about the israeli and american flags?
whats she looking for in there
ultimate meaning
stop looking and realize that you have found