Are people born with deformations, allergies and genetic deficiencies weakening the gene pool?
Are people born with deformations, allergies and genetic deficiencies weakening the gene pool?
Only if they breed.
As far as I am aware craniothoracopagus (Siamese twins) is not a genetic condition though.
Where exactly do you think whites came from if not mutations?
Two heads are better than one.
Yes absolutely. Even people who need glasses are a problem.
We should summarily execute all humans with epilepsy or diabetes (either kind), and institute a system of legalised infanticide for underperforming babies.
But if the state protects and covers their medical expenses isn't that basically guarenteed to occur?
from blacks who were too stupid to feed their kids a high-vit-d diet. evolution is fairly random, not guided by intelligence.
Yes. Every dollar of welfare is a dollar funding genetic damage
Yes. The food/resources they are consuming could have been used by someone who's Actually going to contribute back to society.
nobody owes society anything. society doesn't imply communism.
Only people who are literally retarded or have serious deformities should be sterilized.
How does their body work? Does one control one side and the other the opposite? Do they share a digestive system? If it's hungry does one eat and the other feels full? What about using the restroom? What about periods or sex? I don't understand
They're only weakening the Gene Pool if they have more than one child
They possess other genetic traits that may be desirable. So the answer isn't a simple no.
Mutations strengthen the gene pool retard
Why are Brittany and Abby treated as two different people who share a body rather than a two-headed person? There's an identical case of severely conjoined twins in India and the two-headed girl was given one name even tho both heads are okay.
so why do third cousins provide the offsping who live the longest and have the healthiest eggs and sperm out of any genetic combination?
explain that one kiddo
I want to know too. I
One head controls the body I believe. The other head is simply there, like a growth.
>How does their body work?
>Does one control one side and the other the opposite?
each head gets roughly half, split doen the middle. they both feel one side of the vagina and both have to hold to keep a piss in.
>Do they share a digestive system?
>If it's hungry does one eat and the other feels full?
yes, but if one is thirsty it doesn't go away if the other drinks water
>What about using the restroom?
they wipe
>What about periods or sex?
they have periods and generally ask guys to date one head at a time. they don't really like the idea of "threesomes" because it was kinda pushed on them.
there are thousands of hours of footage of this creature. brit+abigail hensel, she's a schoolteacher now.
>anybody fucking that
come on user lets be real
That combination is an outlier. Treat the unit as such.
Some mutations are beneficial, some not.
If a mutation causes you to almost die when getting in contact with nuts for example, it is not beneficial.
If a mutation causes you to be immune against a illness or digest lactose, it is indeed beneficial.
pic unrelated
as a tasmanian I can fucking assure you that hundreds of those babies are born every year.
that's why I'm so on top of this thread. anyone who visits tasmania will see that eugenics is the only way forward, we must not enable these people.
Completely wrong. They work in tandem to coordinate each others movements. How they manage to do this is an enigma to modern neuroscientists.
Whites did not evolve from blacks. Both evolved from a common ancestor. There is a big difference.
If they're related they are more likely to share otherwiae uncommon mutatations
Nigga Ive done worse
Where are headed with this line of inquiry, OP?
Oh wait, let me guess...
>this creature.
Fuck off. They are people. They didn't ask to be born that way and I'm sure they'd change it if they could. Only a true scumbag could make fun of people whose misfortune is so obviously not of their own doing.
and the common ancestor was black as tar and a little dumb, else it would have fed itself better in the harsh european environment. crocs have stayed the same for so long because their body plan is useful in their environment. now that white people have evolved, unfortunately for other races they are useful in far more environments than the black kind. and by black and white I mean JUST THE COLOUR not any special factors. a white nigger would do just fine in the low UV and probably outbreed the cucked euros of today regardless of pigment, especially now that electricity heats every human habitation.
which may be beneficial.
buzzword test found the liberal :P
Would it be considered like fucking two chicks at the same time? Even if they only have one pussy?
Precisely. Thats what the poster you responded to also thought.
I'm not a liberal at all, but your behavior is that of scum. Most people who complain about oppression and injustice make their own bed, but this isn't one of those cases. Id bet you're the type of person who'd abuse a child if you could get away with it.
No way!
This freak is just as bad as those other freaks with no brains fucking straight to the fucking gas chamber
you can't stifle my freedom of speech to make someone who isn't here not feel bad, go fuck yourself. I hate to say that science should be beyond emotion, but it's true. that is a creature. we are all "god's creatures".
so get off your high horse I'll call a nigger a nigger and I'll provide the studies to back my words up, no matter how angry or emotional it makes you autists
Prepare for more
A threesome is a threesome...
If you watch this video they actually have the same thoughts at the same time. Its like one brain being split into two. Scientifically baffling. Slightly terrifying!
He's from Australia, what'd you expect?
I do agree with him tho. Can't allow the imperfects to join the gene pool unless because of the mutations they develop some sort of super intelligence or superpower; into the gas chambers they go.
maybe, probably not, they are just have a bunch of novel genes that are trying to work around humanity's problems, they only reproduce with low class people who will be culled after the automation revolution anyway
I’d put my dick in it
Ogre! Magi!
I never tried to stifle your speech. I'm saying that you're acting like a piece of shit. Maybe reading that in a place where people are known to come to act like pieces of shit might make you think, "if other scumbags are saying I'm a scumbag, maybe there actually is a problem with me or what I'm doing."
I couldn't care less about you saying nigger or legitimately criticizing anyone. But to just mock someone whose life has been utterly destroyed for no reason at all and through no fault of their own... That's even below Sup Forums.
eww conjoined bj
>"people with down's syndrome can't reproduce"
i would fuck his daughter. imagine how tight her pusy must be.
giv midge pusy now
Don't care how fascinating you find it they still need to die they are a aberration that needs to be taken out of the equation
>We should summarily execute all humans with epilepsy or diabetes
There is much more humane way to deal with the problem.
Forced sterilization of epileptics was common policy before WWII in most European countries. This should be brought back, together with mild eugenics programs - channel society's resources in helping hard-working and intelligent people rising children and stop paying to lumpen, degenerates and immigrants to have children.
This would be enough to stop dysgeny and start a new advancing trend in population intelligence and character.
Im convinced that it is things like this that gave rise to the two-headed troll legend. Imagine being a malnourished uneducated wanderer, and you come across this thing living in a hit in the woods with its witch mother.
No fuck that family they can all die to especially the daughter first, her hands reach her fucking knees that is fucking creepy and disgusting not normal gas chamers now
Could this be some kind of advancement in evolution? Imagine what could be done if you had literally had two brains to work with and you both happened to have genius IQ
you can't empathise with other people otherwise you wouldn't be so rude to me, so don't pretend
Aborting down syndrome babies is illegal in Ohio. But aborting healthy babies is allowed.
el mutante
I thought no way is aborting down syndrome babies illegal in Ohio and then I looked it up
what the FUCK
This is a disaster
two brains = twice as smart
can you imagine fucking them and the other one whispers something to your ear and then the other one also whispers something else to your other ear
its fake, but a good photoshop and sure who cares anyway, itd probably look exactly like anyhow
I saw on a documentary a long time ago that they had been doing the one leg at a time walk since they were small and it became natural to them, I think it has to do with feeling the weight shifting and one half instinctively knows what to do to balance it
do they share the same lungs
if one tried to drown the other would it be impossible?
There is actually a big evidence that shows the common ancestor was a concrete-like gray and then sun radiation turned them black near the equator and whitened them on the cold places
>scientists have found what the average american will look like by 2018, and its beautiful
Any of you guys have the KNOW which one I am referring to.
>conjoined twins are a the result of a genetic condition
>being this retarded
dwarfism intensifies
>two brains = twice as smart
these are women's brains we're talking about here user
been posted, also it's fake
Don't you guys think these kinds of people would be good for piloting future mechs?
>t. ogre magi
can you imagine the amount of cheating they can do in tests
One sister will study half of one subject and the other studies for the remaining half and they both sit for the test and you get the memory capacity of 2 person
>flat feet
>they still need to die they are a aberration that needs to be taken out of the equation
Take a look in a mirror, roofucker.
yes they should be physically removed
She was our girl. It's too bad what the communists have done to her organization.
Being repulsive isn’t weakening the gene pool. Two headed beasts becoming the norm would reduce the caloric intake per cognitive achievement ratio and improve the human race.
Plus, you can make out with yourself.
Stop being jelly.
Possibly yes, probably even. Advances in medicine, nutrition, collective defense and so on have skewed natural evolution. As these benefits are extended to the infirmed or inferior their genes are passed on when normally they would be selected out or die before reaching adolescence.
came here for this lmao
I would too
Yes. And, they should not breed.
I like how they included a second picture just to make sure you didn’t confuse them with another twoheaded whorebeast.
tl;dr : yes
I just pulled off a dope play with this guy in arena
>The other head is simply there, like a growth.
Yes but you can throat fuck it, which is the only important point.
>Some mutations are beneficial, some not.
Man, two headjobs in one. This one gotta live to pass on the genes.
But they are having kids between them, that's great, no diluting the gene pool, while adding people however tiny to our dieying culture
did he kill batman.?