The Reich is coming back - Khazarians BTFO

>What is the Khazarian Mafia

Hitler collaborated with them. That also explains, why there is evidence that Hitler got funded by the City of London.

pic related made me as a German a little bit hopeful that my people will regain it's pride, power, traditions.

Sieg Heil.
>inb4 larp

Other urls found in this thread:

Fix your fonts dude

Hitler just said 'fuck you' to (((them)))

>Hitler became a problem for the KM when he broke free and begin acting in the interests of the German people and the free people of the world, and developed his own banking system free of the Rothschilds.

> After WWII was finished, the Rothschild KM deployed the Cold War, and used this as an excuse to bring Nazi scientists and mind-kontrol experts to America under Operation Paperclip.
This allowed them to set up a worldwide spying and espionage system that far exceeded any of their prior efforts.

>Under this new system, they continue to infiltrate and hijack all American institutions, including the various American church systems, Freemasonry (especially the Scottish Rite and York Rite), the US military, US Intel, and most private defense contractors, the Judiciary and most agencies of the USG, including most State governments, and both major political parties as well.

> The Rothschild KM was able to use their self mis-labelled, so-called “holocaust” to serve as a mind-kontrol trigger to thwart and resist any criticism of their Zionist ways.

>The truth of the matter was that the Rothschild KM set up the Nazi work camps to make huge profits for their corporations that ran their work camps and supplied their Nazi war machine.

>Once the Rothschild KM gained their own private homeland in Israel in 1947 through their covert political manipulations, they began to secretly view all of Palestine as their New Khazaria, and began plotting how to genocide all the Palestinians and steal all of Palestine for themselves. Their plans include their fantasy of constructing a “greater Israel” by taking over the whole Middle East and manipulating dumb American Goyim to fight and die on their behalf, taking all the Arab lands for Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM), so they can asset strip their wealth and natural resources, especially their crude oil.

Khazarian Mafia are our enemies and it originated a long time ago

Bump and go fast!

Heil mein Bruder.


>Kibutz Law
>Kibutz, a type of jewish commune in Israel
It's an ironic shitpost from a known jew. That twitter account was used for ironic shitposts here on Sup Forums in the same vein as, Q predicted this, about 8 months ago.
The dead giveaway is Khazar shit, that's known disinfo that jews spread themselves to muddy the waters about who they are and what they are up to.

Hitler is alive and will take over the Reich once again. He will be vindicated and seen as one of the nravest men in history.

I don't care what this account supposed to be. The Khazarian Mafia is real. Do your own research.

It's always the same story with you. The town sage that only remembers on shitty piece of history. I bet you say this whole spiel in your sleep you loser. When you're old, your grandchildren won't speak to you because you're constantly just mindlessly repeating this because you can't help it. It'll be all you remember. Oh OP, oh humanity!

literally wat?

>literally wat?
Learn English, Achmed.

>The dead giveaway is Khazar shit, that's known disinfo that jews spread themselves to muddy the waters about who they are and what they are up to
Thank you. I am so tired of hearing the Khazar meme repeated as truth. I think a lot of it comes from Christians, who want to justify themselves as "the real Israel".

The shills are confusing and have no effect.

This is the dumbest shit I have ever seen. You are literally fucking retarded. In the end that's why you lost and will always lose. Neocucks are low IQ fags with massive insecurity issues.

Obviously they are not the brightest.

>t. holocaust meme slave

I know all the smart men that are called "antisemites" now are just hating the Jews for being Jews. there is no other reason goyim. Go look somewhere else.

It would really blow my tits off if hitler was still alive. It scares me to know that the jewish elite has the power probably to simulate his return.

Where do freemasons fit in all this?

You are obviously paranoid schizophrenic. Take your meds FFS

>simulate his return
You need to stop smoking crack Ahmed.

This is why pol is shit. Everyone is welcome and that includes the mental asylum and every crazy there is. Bye.


Sweden needs to have their entire country permabanned. Second only to Canacucks in shitposting for the sake of shitposting.

I feel sad that you are not ironic in the slightest. you must hurt. Bye

The name Khazar is so old that it exists in my language, not a meme but a history they'd love to erase.
Look up Leo the IV if you think they're a meme

Take your medicine Kevin

Why did they give up Sinai then?

t. kike

At long last the Bormann network and the Reich in Exile shall come out of the shadows. I was a bit concerned that it had all fallen apart after the whole Colonia Dignidad fiasco.

Crazy people. Take your meds before you kill yourselves. Seriously psycho. Also pretty sure I have played a few of you insane people on PUBG and you ruin every game.

>muh 3rd Reich
Islam is your future. Embrace it and join the winning side. Peace be on you.

What even are you?

White mans worst enemy. Join or disappear into history. Ok gotta go for real. Opening restaurant soon.


>Embrace Islam and join the winning side!
>But if you're white we're your enemy
3/10 poor trolling, see me after class

>inb4 larp

you think we forget?

Victory of light is a retard they don't even know Seth Rich was kike psyop

>Time bears witness to truth previously spoken

wtf can these idiots be anymore cringe


They completely run Anglo-America, and by extension the planet. We're pretty much doomed either way. That's the price we must pay. I guess.

>at the age of 128

He literally admitted from day one that his family is ex CIA

advanced technology could also include life extension or cryogenics.