Why did Hitler really invade Poland?
Why did Hitler really invade Poland?
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German clay
To reclaim German land.
He wanted a one-way mirror at all the polish sloots
cause he was german, they have insatiable bloodlust and want to rule the world, but they are too weak to even rule themselves
world will be better without them
To make Germany great again
Jews baited him into it
To restore Prussia
Gotta somehow pay those huge loans that you took to modernise the army and strengthen the economy. Socialism is a costly endeavour after all.
He wanted to save the Jews from the polish death camps.
Germany's economy was going to shit after Hitler's autistic military spending. So he decided he must rob land and resources from other country if his regime is to survive.
He didnt recognise the existence of western Poland, considering it to be Germany
Flag checks out...
Are you home-schooled?
I thought he was Austrian. Bolan is domu-skola, too.
Why does only germany get blamed for invading poland when both germany and russia were squeezing poland. Poland was like no mans land. Land between two waring armies.
Shroedinger Hitler
German when krauts want to tell how cool they were
austrian when krauts remember how it ended
Weren’t the polish killing Germans living in poland?
Every single comment in this thread is wrong
Kek. True. is right though: Poland was in an unfortunate position in a high-tension world.
that's a funny way of spelling kike
Because he already finished off rest of his focus tree.
>believing that there has actually been a world war 2
you probably also believe in the moon landing.
Took way to long for someone to post that, Sup Forums has fallen to the normie horde
Local solution for a local problem. Was a great excuse for the British to declare war, even if they didn't care that the Soviets would end up taking Polish clay anyway
Have you ever read a history book in your life?
If you have, are you retarded?
bad spawn spot, nobody's fault
still it was german and only german fault for invading and signing ribbentrop-molotov
Like we had a choice when the Nazi blitzkrieged through Europe
Jesus you stupid fucking Mongol
you certainly did take your time to start doing something else than dropping anti-war pamphlets you shit ally
not to mention Yalta Conference
It's on the way to Russia
>declare war
>germans blitzkrieg through europe
>hide on your island and firebomb civilians at night
>decline peace repeatedly
>beg USA for help
>lose war anyway
>empire crumbles
>become New Pakistan
>"but muh nazi blitzkrieg"
The hilarious thing is all of West Europe was better than it is now under Nazi occupation. They certainly treated the French better than American niggers did. That, and, you reduced these cities to rubble only to flood them with niggers thanks to your pushing for Zionist supremacy.
GG Britannistan
Some Polish soldiers raped german children and women on the border, then they attacked some German soldiers. Hitler got fucking mad and overrun Poland like a little bitch. 1.September 1939 Germany fucked Poland until 6. Oktober 1939 in an successful Siege Campaign. Poland as defenders had France and UK on their side, but who gives a fuck what Polish criminals do. Let Germany fuck them like the little pussys they are.
there were no "brutal genocide of germans"
all goebbels propaganda
Sure thing
>t.Pawel Steinberg
fuck off turkish rapebaby
>ethnic genocide
a fucking toothpaste
He wanted to liberate Jews from polish death camps
He didn't like the Witcher games
Because fuck Poland.
Why did England invade the world?
German clay was divided by Treaty of Versailles and Poles were genociding ethnic Germans
>genocide in Eastern Prussia
Funny, you neonazi subhumans seem to have some kind of Alzheimer. First we genocide Germans in Bromberg, then you change mind and Polish army does it in FREE city of Danzig, and now you move eastwards, and claim Poles killed Germans on GERMAN territory of eastern Prussia.
You guys either need to seek doctor or a basic history book. Or just give it up and become a circus.
I had a polish GF a few years back.
Her pussy was tight.
Even if the Poles were doing it the Germans deserved it. Having people fight your war with their land being the frontlines as the Poland had to suffer in WW1 was dirtbag moves.
I'd have genocided Germans too at first opportunity. They should have got the fuck out.
On whose authority is a nation's borders altered? The Allies had no right whatsoever in carving up Germany. It is German land, and the Poles were massacring the ethnic Poles. Poland got its just reward in the form of 60 years of Communism. The Allies are getting theirs as well.
We fought the wrong people, and now we're paying for it.
>massacring ethnic Germans
Christ, I need to sleep. Goodnight losers
it was land that was taken from them after ww1
>It is German land
Check a map, it isn't.
Germans don't even occupy those areas any more. They got ethnically cleans'd.
>Poland got its just reward in the form of 60 years of Communism
As if Germany and Russia hadn't been tag-teaming them for hundreds of years already. It really makes no difference aside from the fact that now they are free. Germans attempted to obliterate Polish culture, the Poles didn't have it, so they considered wiping them out entirely long before Hitler; instead it worked out just the opposite. I don't actually feel bad at all (if) Poles were slaughtering Germans out of their land.
>We fought the wrong people, and now we're paying for it.
I already said this
Polish people are mostly badly brainwasch about holocaust, they belive holomyth was real, and that they were the good guys in World war 2...
They also believe Germans provoced the war, totally ignoring the years of German efforts to ally with Poland, ..
Its Polish Gov which was completly pissing at German diplomacy and Germans... being assure that while France + UK holding Polish back, they can do whatever to Germans to hummiliate them etc.
After Germans kicked their ass, Polacks were crying and babling how horrible Germans were... while they were not...
Also Polacks got what they deserve after WW2, being sold to soviet hands.
lol who where can I get that sweater, link pls
I hope you get most painful cancer that is available
He had to declare war because the Reich was about to go bankrupt, so he played va banque because he had no other options.
As for us in short there were two factors:
1. We had a retarded government who believed the eternal anglo liar. If Pilsudzki lived, we would probably make an alliance with Germans against the Soviet union.
2. We do not trust Germans. They were genociding us for centuries, stealing our lands and properties and germanizing Polish people. Even if we made an alliance with them it would be a hard partnership for both nations.
ślonzok subhuman detected
nice flag sholomo except that only amurican mongrels can buy this
>being assure that while France + UK holding Polish back
>holding Polish back
this is an absolute state of mongrelic education and sholomo's imagination
a pollack who isn't a complete dipshit? what a rare sighting
>mfw no Podlaskie
idź pan w chuj
Every Pole I spot online is a self indulged faggot. I have no clue where this delusion of grandeur has come from. "We got rekt by everyone in a war, we matter!" Jesus, let it go already. No air raid could make you look any less appealing than you do regularly anyway.
It was full of jews, and they killed a bunch of German citizens
Całe podlasie pojechało do mazowieckiego.
Polish people have adopted martyr ideology and we blindly accept it as a part of our national identity. It has pros and cons tho.
oy vey sholomo
>It has only cons tho.
there fixed
From Malopolska k*rwa
>>nice flag sholomo except that only amurican mongrels can buy this
nope, there was no organized mass extermination in concertation camps, do your resarch,
The reason why so many people died, is typhus, supply's shortages,
Germans could bearly feed their troops on front lines, and they had to feed few milions of POW's and milions of people in concentration camps...
how to do?
consider things from Nazi Perspective so you will get the right idea.
Majority Polish POWs, survived in German POW camps.
Those who organized Warshaw uprising, 12 000 of em, was sent to German POW not Concentration camps... even if they were underground army, read: bunch of partistants = BANDITS, not regular solders...
Poland was not allowed to continue fight after they signed kapitulation in 1939, still Germans took Warshaw uprising bandits as POWs, even if they deserved to be executed as common bandits.
>>this is an absolute state of mongrelic education and sholomo's imagination
Nie , to efekt tego że sam uczyłem się angielskiego z gier i TV, i huj ci w dupe
nie, tylko ruskie słoiki z hajnówki i inny element napływowo komunistyczny
to dla tego nasoliłe[spoiler][/spoiler] tyle błędów składniowych w poprzednim po[spoiler][/spoiler]cie xD
a ja my[spoiler][/spoiler]lałem, że to jaki[spoiler][/spoiler] troll
Poland would be better off being the standalone nation to take pride in rejecting niggers into their borders. Jews will always have a patent on getting all the sympathy regarding the war, no normie sheds a tear for the ordinary Frenchman, German, Italian etc. kikes won't share their sob story, so Poland ought to take pride in their current strengths, not past weaknesses
why god has left us ? youtube.com
Bromberg massacre.
because he was an asshole
still no Podlaskie, but here's updated pic
The blocked access to east Prussia and didn't let Danzig join Germany.
This is where you are wrong my friend. Adopting a "negative" side of the martyr ideology has immuned us for being apologists and for guilt trip like it was done in most western countries.
This kind of behavior might be irritating for people from the outside but in the current political climate this is the only way to avoid marxist brainwashing. This is how I see it anyway.
>fiscally iliterate austrian man doesn't understand the finer points of diplomacy
How you know?:o
Its time for Pomorze(Pomerania) to be independent state with Slavic and Prussian traditions. Our People has enough idiots from both sides.
Because punch was served. Hitler likes punch.
There must be some polish jewry shilling campaing, because it is not possible every pole is this such a subhuman with victim-mentality.
Crumbling economy after his reallity-dejected reforms. Had to do something fast before everything fell on his head.
to stop the Poles killing thousands of ethnic Germans who were stranded after their country was handed over after WWI
at least they aren't dirty Poles
because jews control the narrative
Here's the demand Hitler made from a speech to the Reichstag in 1939:
>I want to say something about German-Polish relations. Here, likewise, the Peace Treaty of Versailles – of course, intentionally -wounded Germany most severely. The peculiar way in which the Corridor, giving Poland access to the sea, was marked out, was meant above all to prevent for all time the establishment of an understanding between Poland and Germany. This, as I have already emphasized is perhaps the most troublesome of all Germany's problems.
Nevertheless, I have never ceased to uphold the view that the necessity of a free access to the sea for the Polish State cannot be ignored. That is a general principle, equally valid for this case. Nations which Providence has destined or rather condemned to live side by side, would be well advised not to make life even harder for each other by artificial and unnecessary means.
>Danzig is a German city and wishes to belong to Germany. On the other hand this city has contracts with Poland which were forced upon it by the dictators of the Peace of Versailles.
>I regarded the peaceful settlement of this problem as a further contribution to the final loosening of the European tension. For loosening of this tension assuredly cannot be achieved through the agitation of insane warmongers, but only through the removal of the real elements of danger.
>As I have already pointed out, I have always seen the necessity. of an access to the sea for this country and have consequently taken this necessity into consideration. I am no democratic statesman, but a National Socialist and a realist. I considered it necessary, however, to make it clear to the government in Warsaw that, just as they desire access to the- sea, so Germany needs access to her province in the East. Now these are all difficult problems. It is not Germany who is responsible for them, however, but rather the jugglers of Versailles who, either in their maliciousness or their thoughtlessness, placed a hundred powder barrels round about in Europe, all equipped with lighted fuses that are very hard to extinguish.
>I have caused the following proposals to be submitted to the Polish Government:
>1. Danzig to return as a Free State into the framework of the German Reich.
>2. Germany to obtain a route through the Corridor and a railway line for herself with the same extra-territorial status for Germany as the Corridor itself has for Poland.
>In return, Germany is prepared:
>1. To recognize all Polish economic rights in Danzig.
>2. To insure Poland of a harbor in Danzig of any size desired, which it can use freely
>3. To accept at the same time the present boundaries between Germany and Poland and to regard them as final.
>4. To conclude a twenty-five-year non-aggression treaty with Poland, a treaty therefore which would extend far beyond the duration of my own life; and
>5. To enter into a guarantee of the independence of the Slovak State by Germany, Poland and Hungary jointly, – which means in practice, renunciation of any exclusive German hegemony in this territory.
>gib us ur clay or else
Damn why didn't we accept this wonderful proposal
seeThis is the proposal he made. Danzig was a german city and wanted to be part of Germany. Hitler was prepared to let you keep all the other land you had stolen.
Gdansk isnt german.
Hitler started WW2 because his jewish bosses told him to.
Its not rocket science, guys.
>Danzig was a german city
Stopped reading right there. Gdansk was always Polish, no matter the owner. It only became German after acts of German agression.
Because Germany is like a dog with rabies. It can only communicate with violence, and it should be only answered with violence.
Little offtopic, but why are polish people always so angry and dramatic?