What's the scoop on the tattoo Jew? Another symptom of nigger culture? I see 90% of my peers with tattoos or looking to get one.
What's the scoop on the tattoo Jew? Another symptom of nigger culture...
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Like women with red hair, it's a danger sign. Animals in nature give you warning with such things. Stay away. But yes, it's a symptom of the degenerate culture the jews brainwash the normies with.
Sleeves look nice.
Fuck you nigger
I've got tattoos all down my arms. I just think they look cool but it's definately a matter of opinion. Try not to be too autistically offended by shit that doesn't really effect everyone, but then again seeing people with ink on their faces makes me cringe internally so YMMV.
Tattoos are a great way to mark and identify degenerates, criminals, mentally ill people and other scum
I was checking out a qt blonde chick at the grocery store today, she was a 10/10 easily and no older than 20. To my disappointment when I looked her up and down I saw she had a tattoo on her ankle, immediately I was disinterested but I wanted to see what sort of symbol she would brand and soil her absolutely stunning body for. Turned out as I walked past with my cart it was a paper airplane tattoo. A FUCKING PAPER AIRPLANE WHAT THE FUCK! WHY WOULD THIS ARYAN GODDESS RUIN PERFECTION WITH A FUCKING PAPER AIRPLANE!
We all do stupid shit when we're young. I myself got an earring.
These types of tattoos especially. The actually artistic ones are more tolerable, but the minimalist "black lines" tattoos seem to be growing in popularity,
Fuck off. It's degenerate.
Tattoos aren't nigger culture you cuck. They are much older than nigger culture.
Tattoos are for faggots and ex military.
tattoo’s are degenerate, especially on women
tattoo = undiagnosed mental illness
>"a warning signal is associated with the unprofitability of a prey item to potential predators"
Holy Shit, that nails it.
The modern woman. No profitability. Just another drain on society.
the "tattoos are degeneracy" meme is the cancer of Sup Forums. even if this were true (it isnt) it wouldnt justify five threads per day
I bet you listen to nigger music too
go stab yourself with an ink pen faggot
Yeah tattoos are from Latin America and records show they had them in the year 3250BC.
Tattoos should only be on the neck, face & hands, preferably with subject matter such cartoon characters & references to sexual acts / positions, tattoo artist employed should be a crack addict with Parkinsons & no discernable artistic skills, it helps if the needle is infected with Hepatitis also, anything other than that is pure degeneracy.
t. Aiming reticle tattoo on asshole
It's a way to spot people who do not think about the future, or plan ahead. Or ones who do not care about their body, either works.
That tattoo is going to be there forever, until they die. If it's a meme or other artsy or political crap that will lose meaning in months then it's a sign that they've not thought about it or their future. Same if it's in an easily visible area of the body.
The other thing is people who take tattoos to 'turn their body into art' and similar shit. It never works, because they're using the body as a canvas to add existing forms of art, rather than working out and eating healthy to truly turn the body into a work of art.
All your going to get for answers are personal projection, low impulse control, no self respect, desiccating the body ‘god’ gave you can being a brainwashed (((degenerate)))
Literally every single thing down to the air we breath is degenerate in the eyes of pol.
there's nothing wrong with red hair girls, but yeah any girl with a tattoo is probably a whore
You look like a comic book criminal
Like a scummy piece of shit that does drugs and is good for nothing
>there's nothing wrong with red hair girls
I mean dyed firetruck red.
Tattoos are absolutely degenerate because they are the epitome of the "Me Now!" selfish culture who no longer thinks ahead or plans for anything.
My wife would not stop getting them and I finally divorced her over it. Not at all mother-material.
i bought into the meme and started getting tattooed at 18. Worst decision of my life
now 23 and in the expensive process of getting everything removed (which is a lot).
Don't do it guys, be smarter than me.
They're a great indicator of a persons moral character of intelligence.
How and why they went from a thing that only bikers, military, and ex cons had, to something that 85% of millenials have, is something I'd love to read some research articles about but it doesn't even seem to be discussed or noticed. As if people see society going down the toilet and this is just another example, so fuck it
I've got tattoos only places where they can't be spotted, don't like being looked at or being centre of attention, got feet tats torso and upper leg/arm tats, looking to get a back piece done soon, I respect it as an art form I hate people getting them as a fashion statement
>My wife would not stop getting them and I finally divorced her over it.
You made the right decision. Good man.
Not sure about how degenerate tattoos are, but i find them very unattractive on woman.
What I hate the most is when 20 year old white girls who were raised in a 2 parent home with a good income get some words tattooed on them and then upload a photo 'Oops! Sorry Mum! x'
Then their mother, who is in fact a friends-with-my-daughter, wine every evening spoiled bitch herself comments saying it looks good.
At least thats what I saw alot when I had Jewbook.
No I never did any dumb shit like that, the only thing that I have done that was dumb was fought a nigger in public when i called him a nigger for acting like a nigger, police were never called and charges were never filed my gf (now wife) was pissed I could have possibly jeopardized my career if i got arrested or charged because if it.
Its easy to avoid doing dumb shit if you come from a stable family and have a decent upbringing free from (((their))) influence.
tattoos without meaning are trash tier
even tattoos with common meanings that normies get, are trash tier.
Warrior tattoos are the only tattoos I approve of
I got a hammer and sickle tattooed on the heel of my foot so that I could step on communism every time I walked. Fucking painful as all hell to get, frankly it wasn't worth it.
The art form of narcissist crowd following faggots
Women especially love getting tattoos around their 20s as men are already looking at them constantly so it's a form of getting more attention and appearing to be "wild" for Alphas.
They will often tell you that it signifies "some important event" in their life, like a cat dying. Many women are fucked up in the head and like to hold onto pain. Men are different. They want to forget or ignore pain. Women want to wallow in it. They often get a tattoo to retell the painful story over and over and it makes them feel like some prophet. It gives them undue importance like they're some fucking New Age Shaman and ready to save the masses with their words.
In the end, most young women are not aware just how fucking quick The Wall will come and how all those Gorgeous Tattoos on their Gorgeous Young Skin turn to nothing more than "Shitty Green Stains" (pic related). As they age, they are constantly racing to get one "re-done" with fresh ink. What was there gets covered with new ink, and grown into something new until they are just one big ugly fucking tattoo mixed with wrinkles all over their entire body. It becomes an addiction and soon they can only hang out in their own "Tattoo Circles" of people (eg: Biker Bars; Tattoo Shops and other degenerate shit holes).
Human universal, fuck off ma8
heh. Should suggest lefties do this with Trump's face, if it's that painful.
>you could step on dombald brompf every day!
The red shirt back there showing her tits looks like a legit 10 tho.
I got 5 tattoos between the age of 16-19, now 25 and gonna get them all removed soon.
The tattoo is not a jew, but most people who get the young (me) regret it.
>dat pic
fuck you I was on a no fap !
>, I respect it as an art form
You are part of the problem.
Jews are just degenerate whores. Jews molest their kids a lot as well.
It's fucking gross. Especially so the more masculine ones - a small butterfly or whatever is ok I suppose. What these dumb sluts doesn't understand though is that it's the equivalent of me wearing a fucking dress and tattooing a My Little Pony above my dick. And when these whores turns thirty and their skin gets all leathery with stretch marks and shit and they've got a fucking stripper tattoo... *vomit*
lel! they're part of the european heritage though. vikings had them, SS had them (and if tats are degenerate that INCLUDES blood group, cherryniggers. you dont get to make exceptions) even some of the earliest Christian saints had them. know who thinks theyre degenerate? OT following jews thats who. and muslims
>divorcing your wife over bs
literally doing the ONE thing Christ was deadset against over stupid reasons. never call anyone a degenerate bro. you're worse than a nigger
I have 8 and regret all of them
Do you not know fake tits when you see them?
It's like a cantaloup that was chopped in half and glued to a woman's chest.
Real tits are like teardrops when they are young and at that Thot's age, would look like deflated eggplants that were not harvested in time and just lost mass in the hot sun.
do it with a cheese grater
pagan culture
A blackwork cyberpunk geometrical pattern is not jewed.
If not for health implications like destroyed skin and toxic metals causing cancer and worse natural defence, I would get a lot of tattoos like these.
I feel it's about individualism, something Sup Forums likes.
>Tattoo fag so triggered
I thought you were serious for a moment there
>>divorcing your wife over bs
Believe me, she was beyond saving. Didn't cook. Didn't clean. Withheld sex and constantly talked down to me. She would have been a shitty mother. Congratulate me. I dodged a fucking bullet and lived to tell about it.
She would have called (pic related) gorgeous and yes, the art is technically good. It would make a great throw for the couch or wrapping paper. But she ruined her body. It's like ruining one artform to promote another.
I never agreed with it and never will. Tattoos are a sign of degenerate non-thinking behavior. It's all about the "feels". It's very Leftist and female oriented now.
It's low class rubbish which is why all your peers want one
Look nice for a mannequin! Looks stupid as fuck, esp on girls, i cant even call them women.
These chicks at the gym doing upside down kick exercises and shit thinking its better and trendy learning it in one of their workout classes when just doing regular shit is just as good or better. So they prance around in revealing wear sporting edgy tatoos, which does nothing but making me barf! They just ruined themself, for life!
>implying I care whether her tits are "real" or not
>implying I would care what she looks like in 20 years
Find a real pic of her, Fritz
Women with tattoos are always a dodgy sign to me. Nothing worse than a woman with a tattoo that has a face on it, throws you off during sex. Rose tattoos are an instant red flag because they're nigger tier. Men with tattoos is another thing completely if it looks right and doesn't have anything "tribal" with it.
Nothing wrong with earrings, just depends on what you have. I a hoop and stud in one ear because 80's aesthetics.
Tattoos are and have always been for white skinned people. They don’t look good on others.
Leviticus 19:28 : "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD".
The Catholic Church has never forbid tattoos
You did something pretty stupid when young dude.
You married a woman who openly chastised you for putting in jeopardy your ability to earn shekels. Not that you could have been hurt, or the reasons for the fight, but that you could have hurt your shekel earning potential.
Look at the ratings of porn vid's with fake tits and tattoos vs the ones of the pure white, natural women. Everybody wants to see the pure white women.
It's just that mostly fucked-up women are getting into porn. That is why they're covered in tattoos. If they were wife material to begin with, they would not be doing porn.
Those few pure-looking girls from the more art-porn providers are probably in school learning law. They are making huge fucking money and getting to do gentle, traditional sex with docile male actors.
White is Right.
The White race will always be coveted. Tattoos are just another Jew Tactic to ruin us with degeneracy.
you must be 18 to post here
>withheld sex
like she's IRS and its your tax refund lel! ask me how i know you're an ugly fucker with a babby dick
If you haven't been to prison or are part of a military or gang group that got related tattoos, then it means you're just trying to love like them. It glorifies the culture of groups that got tattoos and for most people it leans to the gang side, which is shitty.
What's it going to be like in 30 or 40 years when you walk into a nursing home and all the little old ladies are covered head to toe in blurry misshapen tattoos?
>like she's IRS and its your tax refund lel! ask me how i know you're an ugly fucker with a babby dick
Ask me how I know you're just another Pussy Worshiping TradCon who think women can do absolutely no wrong and all the ills of society are the result of Beta Men.
The same shame argument.
The same silent omission that society is designed to exploit and imprison men (Gynocentrism).
Iceman Otzi has world’s oldest tattoos. He had 61 tattoos across his body, including his left wrist, lower legs, lower back and torso.
Who gives a shit what Christ thinks of it. Go suck a Jew's dick. If my wife was a brain dead degenerate that would rather do trendy shit from TV than be appealing to me, I'd leave her ass too.
>Warrior tattoos are the only tattoos I approve of
I train in mma gyms with decent fighters and have a ccw, I wasnt in any real danger. Your career that you worked towards for 6 years in college and just got picked up by a fortune 500 company for thrown away in an instant all because some gangster trash nigger and his friends want to verbally berate you and your gf walking down the street. It was stupid I could have thrown thousands of dollars in tuiton fees and been a dissapointment to my family for nothing. I had much more to lose than he did and legally I was in the wrong. I could have gotten jail time if I went before a (((city judge))) and the dindu used his drug and welfare money for a decent (((lawyer))).
>What's it going to be like in 30 or 40 years when you walk into a nursing home and all the little old ladies are covered head to toe in blurry misshapen tattoos?
Most of these misguided thots will be committing mass suicide by their 30s. A lot of this began a rapid pace around 2008 with the introduction of Obama and Social Media. That gave us third wave feminism.
Those cunts were about 15 to 25 then. It's 10 years later. They are 25-35. The first wave has passed The Wall. More are to come.
Suicide stats for female are sharply rising and many Leftist news sites are "sounding the alarm".
It's Delicious!
Tattoos are nigger tier, degenerate and usually indicate low intelligence.
If a white woman has lots of tattoos she is most likely a coal burner and ought to be lampshaded. And if a white man has lots of tatoos he's either white trash or a fucking retard.
They are conformist and the ultimate symbol of kike degeneracy. Every fucking Roastie you see is covered in them.
Thats why he got kicked out of his village and died in the mountains.
He was murdered m8 i think they found a spear or arrowheads in some wounds and all the people who were there when the dug him up died in some weird ways right after, hes probably a cursed mummy.
You guys are stupid. Women like em so what is the problem?
>implying women are able to make good decisions by their own
oh yeh boi !
Tattos iz no kosher
u get it???
so pay me lil nigger
niggers = to retarrdeeddddd
tatto = niggers
sooo wut iz the
tatto intitsligeence
Of your peers...?
they make shirts that have sleeves. go wear some ed hardy, you homo.
Tattoos are for narcissists
B-But Latin Americans wuz black back in 3250BC
There is nothing older than nigger culture you retard. Niggers were the first people
Our priest called them out as mortal sins, and we were taught the same in CCD classes in the late 70s, so yes they have.
Degeneracy. A sign that the person is mentally ill or has low IQ usually happens with people who are either in prison because they are stupid or brainwashed kids that grow up to be either a SJW snowflake or a Femenazi. Same thing with people tattooing swastikas.
Appeal to authority logical fallacy, try again (((Yeshua)))
This made my dick hard for some reason.
Because of the 50 shekels.
Having tattoos shows off how a person has bad decision making. I'm moderately against tattoos, especially on women, but I don't fully condemn it. So unless you're in the army, navy or a rock musician, DON'T GET ONE.
>mfw I know a dude covered in WH40k chaos tats