Have yall swollwed the ultimate red pill that being
>nig related ?
Have yall swollwed the ultimate red pill that being
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>pic related
Can a mod edit that in for me?
That’s a red pill too massive for most ppl to swallow
I got baptised last year and while I've noticed the monogamous, patriarchal community is much better I haven't seen any major red pills.
Here are some red pills.
Quote by Joseph Smith
Peace be still, bury the hatchet and the sword, the sound of war is dreadful in my ear. [But] any man who will not fight for his wife and children is a coward and a bastard.
Do you suppose they believe in Jesus Christ at Jerusalem? Can you make a Christian of a Jew? I tell you, nay. If a Jew comes into this Church, and honestly professes to be a Saint, a follower of Christ, and if the blood of Judah is in his veins, he will apostatize. He may have been born and bred a Jew, have the face of a Jew, speak the language of the Jews and have attended to all the ceremonies of the Jewish religion, and have openly professed to be a Jew all his days; but I will tell you a secret—there is not a particle of the blood of Judaism in him, if he has become a true Christian, a Saint of God; for if there is, he will most assuredly leave the Church of Christ, or that blood will be purged out of his veins. We have men among us who were Jews, and became converted from Judaism. For instance, here is brother Neibaur; do I believe there is one particle of the blood of Judah in his veins? No, not so much as could be seen on the point of the finest cambric needle, through a microscope with a magnifying power of two millions. This is a secret that you will perhaps find out, in a coming day, to your satisfaction. The Lord knew how to preach to the Jews, and told them what the truth was. You may as well undertake to command the most degraded of these Indian tribes, and give them arms and accoutrements, and try to put them through the regular military exercise, as to preach to the Jews to make them believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Read more.
Jesus Christ hasnt changed his opinions through his prophets.
Joseph, Brigham, etc. weren't wrong. We failed.
We don't read the BofM enough to be redeemed, go see your D&C.
You interested in truth, youre interested in narrative.
How hard is it to read the book and ask God if its true?
The church seems to be the last white organization left and it doesn't surprise me its the biggest target left of the degenerates.
I dosed out those red pills.
>You interested in truth, youre interested in narrative.
*Youre not interested in truth, youre interested in narrative.
The Jew are more or less on a pedestal in the LDS church; they are given a free pass into heaven because they of Christ's tribe, of the "12 tribes of Israel" the church believes in.
Technically, they identify themselves as a kind of jew. Every member of the mormon religon is assigned a house in Israel when they get their patriarchal blessing done. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Why it never gets talked about in these threads by anyone but me I will never know.
I take that past bit back. I've dropped in on a handful of these threads and that's the first time I've seen anybody else mention that.
I read it the the three books of the LDS church in their seminary program; I didn't here the counter arguments until adulthood. That site I posted is unbiased, some of the contributors are still in the church for the sake of their family and for a spiritual ground.
The church has many flaws in it's teaching, and it has changed with the ways of the world at times, like the blacks and the priesthood around the civil rights era in the US.
I take care when classifying it as only blacks in the priesthood. It wasn't just that. They were not allowed the sealing ordinances either. Meaning they ultimately did not get into the highest level of the celestial kingdom. No. not even the women. There's no way a man can receive his endowment without the Melchizedek priesthood so that part is obvious but black women were also not allowed.
Mormonism is literally Judaism/Mystery Religions- lite for the goyim. It's a mystery cult that was founded by literal Freemasons.
The basics of the LDS church are good, if one is looking for a spiritual ground, but I wouldn't believe in the specifics in the religion. It is also a good community, but some may be too preachy and many others may become too involved in their fellow church members' lives.
I had to leave because I had conflicting feelings about some of the church doctrine.
To be even more clear
7 I have charity for my people, and great faith in Christ that I shall meet many souls spotless at his judgment-seat.
8 I have charity for the Jew—I say Jew, because I mean them from whence I came.
9 I also have charity for the Gentiles. But behold, for none of these can I hope except they shall be reconciled unto Christ, and enter into the narrow gate, and walk in the strait path which leads to life, and continue in the path until the end of the day of probation.
No hope unless Christ accepted is the belief.
Dont confuse Boomerism with Mormonism.
Still dont believe me
RNS: One of the sadder stories in the book is of LDS First Counselor J. Reuben Clark, whose anti-Semitism seems to have been off the charts. Even after the war, he was still handing out copies of the anti-Semitic tract “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
Nelson: Mike Quinn says it best: J. Reuben Clark was an anti-Semite, but it was an anti-Semitism fueled by the xenophobia and nativism of the Progressive Era. Through his legal and business work Clark had the conflicting view that Jews were Communists on the one hand, but that they also embraced capitalism and were cheating in their businesses. I’ve seen no evidence that he changed his mind about Jews after the war.
You're preaching to the choir, I was in the church for 18 years. I moved away from the faith after seeing the church from an outsiders' point of views while living with Agnostics and ex-Mormons during college.
And also to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, manifesting himself unto all nations
Jesus loves Russians, Germans, etc. just as much as he loves these nu-Jews
Mormonism is Christianity restored. No more, no less.
Cuz whites always had the priesthood. Boy I sure am glad I was of the chosen Levitical blood.
Isnt it great that Jesus came to Sweden and Germany everybody and made it clear us white people were the chosen ones?
Oh wait, no we Whitey was punished for his transgressions when he was scattered to the Babylonian wind and lost the priesthood first
Derp derp, SJWs cant into long term vision once again.
Ill make it simple for you indoctrinated ones.
Priesthood Order = first shall be last last shall be first
Jews had Jesus came to first, then Africans (Judea is next to Africa and had many adherents), and lastly to whites through his Apostles
The reverse order happened with Whites then Blacks and now we the Jews are waiting on their restoration
Or did I miss something and the sons of Levite were doing animal sacrifice again?
>book of moron
>red pilled
Fuck off, queirdo.
One more to make you feel better since Boomerism and Protestanism bled into the truth
12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
13 The envy also of Ephraim shall depart, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim.
Now with your background in the church you will know that Ephraim is the majority of the current church and Judah is the 'Jews'
So read that and understand that, no the prophets of Ephraim do not think that the Jews are super duper
In fact, the prophets in the Book of Mormon use the term Jew to differentiate themselves as children of Manassah and Ephraim which is a very Biblical thing to do
The 10 kingdoms (Israel) hated Judah and its kick along friend Benjamin
Nephi and co being part of this lineage would refer to the traveling Judah merchants into their kingdom as the 'Jews in Jerusalem'
Hugh Nibley helps a bunch on this stuff
Jews are the ones muddying the water saying we are pals while they run hit jobs on the church all the time
Who do you think wants to tax the church with articles like Mormon Inc.
>comes to race war site
>hates scripture pointing out inevitibality of race war by white and brown people if they reject christ
youre sure dumb
Mormonism is about bringing the 12 tribes together. We are all children of God, we are all the same in God's eyes.
more mixing together.
Oh, look at their site, more mixing.
Miscegenation is no biggy. Comments?
Everyone sing along with me.
Joseph Smith was called a prophet
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
He started the Mormon religion
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb).
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
Joseph Smith was called a prophet-
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
Many people believed Joseph
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
And that night he-ee saw an angel
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
Joseph Smith was called a prophet
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
He found the stones and golden plates
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
Even though nobody else ever saw them
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
And that's how the Book of Mormon was written
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
(Dumb dadumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
(Dumb dadumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
(Dahumb dahumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb duuumb, duuumb.)
Martin went home to his wife
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
And showed her pages from the Book of Mormon
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
Lucy Harris smart smart smart
(Smart smart smart smart smart)
Martin Harris dumb dadumb-
Lucy Harris smart smart smart
Martin Harris dumb.
So Martin went on back to Smith
Said the pages had gone away
Smith got mad and told Martin
He needed to go pray
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
(Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb)
Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.
Derp derp we can't into a church with a literalist belief in 12 separate tribes
we recommend that people marry those who are of the same racial background generally, and of somewhat the same economic and social and educational background. Some of these are not an absolute necessity, but preferred; and above all, the same religious background, without question. In spite of the most favorable matings, the evil one still takes a monumental toll and is the cause for many broken homes and frustrated lives
That's still official revelation we follow
Nice Jew song, good to see you follow that drum
Joseph Smith was a fraud, are you mentally defective?
He's also comparable to fucking mental handicapped Muhammad The Prophet.
If you're a serious seeker of truth, Joseph was 1488 before your Hitler
Zion is the ethnostate of Ephraim which is overwhelming white and located in the US
We don't believe in smushing different bloodlines together as we believe the 12 apostles will each judge their own group
So Africa for the Africans, US for the whites, etc.
It's why the literal gathering of Israel ended with the whites.
You do realize white Mormons gave you Trump via the electoral college?
Then explain the return missionary wives. There are no white stakes nor are there white wards, you are assign a ward with residential boundaries, so it forces members to mesh. There is an exception, the church does enable the spics with spanish speaking wards.
Lol didn't like getting caught singing Jewish propaganda. Glad the Jews at South Park do your thinking for you.
Hispanics struggle like Samoans. They can't integrate well due to tribalism.
However, African Americans can so what does that tell you?
Jesus fucking chirst you are a mental defective.
The point of Christianity is for the gentiles and IT HAS SUCCESSFULLY BEEN ACCOMPLISHED, mark my words. Most of the world has now heard his bloody name.
It is not exclusive for Whites, blacks, jews, arabs, etfc It's meant for everyone
Many in Utah didn't want Trump after Cruz campaign spread those Melania pics around. They voted McMullin because of that. But yes, Trump did get more than Eddy in the end.
See example here
Sucks that you took the whole bottle of blue pills.
Also the south park reference is some decent satire.
It still race mixing, all the same.
finally, a flotus worth fapping to
Yeah we are aware of secret societies.
A single CIA investment banker well funded out of nowhere...
Yeah, not happening. It should also tell you allot about the ferocity of our beliefs they couldn't find a believable stooge who was really Mormon.
We hate, hate those that do secret societies.
You sitting peacefully in a room any race via shared belief is an admirable goal. It doesn't mean we actively race mix.
It's very much a discouraged exception per previous quote.
Yup cuz I'm quoting a Jewish cartoon that supported Hillary not a guy who ran for President on deporting blacks back to Africa and their families to prevent a civil war.
Stay sharp mexico.
I wonder why a mob killed Joseph Smith...hmm? Oh of course he was a cheat, people do not like cheats, seduced several men's wives collecting all the way up to polygamy, Muhammad life style, and a false prophet. Sure he disliked court Jews but it does not break the fact Smith was full of shit.
There's nothing secret in the LDS church but their temple ordinances. People have brought hidden cameras in their temples an posted it on YT, the secrets are out there.
i was once a part of the LDS collective, there's mixing, they Seal children of other races together so the family may be together in "the Eternities".
Hmm ... ?
Newfag please.
Wow I tried to make a joke because if an audience laughs at it, that means they might be interested on what you are trying to persuade. I do not care if South Park made fun of it or if it's Jewish, I learned the Mormon fiasco along time ago without watching the episode on South Park. The show paraphrased it too much and may have excluded some key points.
Mexico why are you here? To defend Catholics? Debating Mormonism is the stupidest thing on Earth.
It's whole belief is undebatable. It's based on personal divine confirmation. You really think logic Trump's God?
If so you're an atheist and then none of this matters?
You people are incredibly illogical in your cognitive dissonance.
Sacred vs secret and your right its all there
>Communist flag mocking 'unworkable belief'
Any continent has Mormons. The fact that the doctrine speaks in tongues is good, however Smith might of been some false prophet. Maybe Mormonism is good, yet unorthodox because Smith introduced it. Maybe the people now in days reformed it.
I'm beginning to think think LDS user may be and Elder or a Sister user, a cyber missionary.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Happens when you actually talk to an educated Mormon
Either the books true or not. That's up to God
God's killed cities, done polygamy and slavery, robbed, had bear attacks, etc.
If Joseph is the rock you stumble on in Christianity, you're illiterate.
Red pill is that once racial segregation ended the Mormons simply adapted to it, like Jesus adapted to be blue eyes and Asian in Asia. Nothing to see here, another milk cash cow of Judaism Jesus.
Okay this is the weird part of Christianity. Luther red pilled Europe* Jews take opportunity. Protestantism is introduced than later divided into a shit of sects like baptist, Mormon, apostolic, Lutheran, trinitarian, etc. Most of them speak in tongues. THEN WHICH IS THE CORRECT CHURCH? Catholics are pagans mixed with baphomet, while Protestantism brings about what Christ was aspiring.
Lol no, I'm an angry old bastard that's pissed at the lack of scholarship of the youth.
Your garbage educations don't even teach Greek or Latin anymore or classic works of great minds.
Then you show up here waving you're tiny Peter's on how smart you are shaming yourselves.
Consider me hard love. You're dumb. Learn Latin at least. Then come back.
Would they go to a website made for spreading gook porn cartoons tho?
SeeI welcome true debate as I'm bored of undereducated scriptorians discussing heresay without actually challenging the belief.
I would love to here a discussion on the proper form of baptism and why instead of derp derp Joseph liked girls tee hee her
Or why do angels have wings
or why 12 was the number of apostles
C'mon there has to be some thinkers left
Religion is weird
(((Lehi))) had 2 son how fell from grace; their family's became the Amerindians. The good sons' family stayed light skinned, The good son's tribe died in a big war between the two brother's tribes in 400 AD. The last man of the good tribe buried the gold plates in New York before he was killed. The bones, armor, and weapons of these people have yet to be found. They've only been dead for 1600 years.
The proper form of baptism is by water, while the Catholics baptize a baby, a new born without sufficient knowledge of good or bad. Also if Joseph was the leader does that make Mormons follow him or the new testaments commands because very cult has it's own thing. Trinity can ware make up and have the option to use the veil on women's head, other doctrines prohibit the use of make up, unorthodox fashion; only skirts for women, and the must of women using the veil.
Yousound like an old man whose set in his ways, like an old boomer and the Holocaust.
ayy lmao
Meh I thought this was where men came to talk like the Greeks spoken of in Acts
But I get followers instead of thinkers which as a white man makes me rage
Hitler, Joseph Smith, Thomas Jefferson, etc. These men had bold big white ideas.
Now the closest is some faggots on YouTube pretending their white for a nickel
I've triggered more of your things here than you think but if white men don't start thinking again, my children have a horrible future
So out of love for them I come here and try to shake you awake
I've read all the anti stuff and pro stuff. It's retarded. The books either true or not per God.
My question is given that I believe the book is true and it's extended truth that way more is going on in real history than we are allowed to know, just what the hell is going on?
they may have to dig into the filth to get what they desire, another notch on their conversion belt.
It sure is but (((modern science))) is weirder with their omission of things that go against it.
Read Charles Fort.
Welcome to the future
Smith was more like those in the Thule Society.
Nah I'm an old man looking for truth and frustrated on how hard it is to find it.
I mean what the hell are those giant pictures in the desert and how do they fit in any belief system.
They ruin scientific history. They aren't in any scripture. Yet no one wants to talk about them logically.
I tried x but it's a dumpster fire of kids and weirdos. You guys at least try.
>Thule Society
His ideas sound interesting but not very scientific desu
They follow the Book of Mormons rule set for Christ which is a mix of old and new Testament.
Think turn the other cheek in day to day life but dying to defend liberty and family.
Or simpler, Jesus would be ok with me killing a would be rapists of my daughter.
***Thou shall not kill***
Jesus will not be ok if you kill rapists, no matter how much they earned it, let alone killing people in a war.
You obviously don't know our theology
Meh, he shows how dumb we are. It's 2018 and we really don't know why fish fall from the sky
I'd suggest listening to Alan Watts lectures for some things to reflect on.
We actually do know why with a very simple understanding of meteorology
Depends on your interpretation of this
King James Bible
Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
Or other similar scriptures
No we don't. We have theories. But kids have been told theories are as good as proofs in our shitty nu science.
A good example of a lie you drank.
A squared plus b squared does not equal c squared.
Pythagoras used that lie to keep chumps out of his cult.
One hypothesis is that tornadic waterspouts sometimes pick up creatures such as fish or frogs, and carry them for up to several miles.[1][2] However, this aspect of the phenomenon has never been witnessed by scientists.[3]
You waking up yet? I care about you stupid gits as when I'm dead my kids and grandkids will have to live in your world.
And a world of thinkers is livable vs. the oncoming tide of apes in human clothing that mankind's becoming. Always obsessed with rutting and baubles.
Pathetic is what that is.
So why are their twelve apostles? I honestly haven't heard a good theory and I don't have one.
Or why is the godhead three entities? Shouldn't one suffice? And why does the number 3 have such significance?
Why do the pyramids have musical harmonies and did Joseph the genius build them?
I agree that people are very misinformed about theories and how science actually works, but a theory still can have a lot of backing to it, like evolution. The whole point if a theory is to prove it wrong. If something hasn't been proven wrong over years if research then it just might have a base.
Is this an idea supported by most mathematicians? Since I've never heard it.
I'll do so. But what's the meaning of death? I'm not much for cyclical logic or profundities.
I will say now that I think about I have read him.
I disagree with
Watts felt that absolute morality had nothing to do with the fundamental realization of one's deep spiritual identity. He advocated social rather than personal ethics.
I instead subscribe to Joseph belief that God is good because he follows universal law perfectly and vice versa.
So while their is moral relativism depending on the situation, it isn't the mean but the exception.
I will read more though. Thanks!
a2 + b2 = c2.
Pythagoras knew that the number 1 breaks the formula and used that simple test as a way to filter dummies out.
There is a belief is you rejected this theory, that you would be taught the correct one.
More for you about how it doesn't work
Dude what the fuck are you talking about
Oh look the missionaries are back
>is the Pythagorean theorem wrong?
There are certain situations where the Pythagorean theorem does not apply. For instance, in a triangle where there is no right corner, this theorem does not give the right result. You would need a modified version, either the Sine or the Cosine rule.
I could also heavily bend space. I can draw a triangle on a sphere with 3 right corners and three equal sides, and the Pythagorean theorem would not apply.
The theorem also does not apply to squares, or to circles.
The last example seems rather trivial, that's because when they teach you this theorem, they state it only works for triangles. And likewise, if you want to make it into an official theorem, you need to mention that it only works in a flat (even Euclidean, I think?) space, that it says something about triangles with one right corner, what distance function you use, etc.
A lot of these properties are trivially met on the level where people apply this theorem, so it's not worth mentioning it (in fact, it will even be confusing for them). But as you go further and further into maths, you will find more and more rules and properties that you should mention for even the most trivial of things. But since it's maths, everything will be logical, well defined and correct.
That piece of horse shit? Hahahahaha. Fuck off.
Christians think the son of God is Jew. Enough said.
Ah, the idiots that worship a demon called "Mormo". They are not Christians.