Idle during the Ciao Summer Festival
Aikatsu and Pripara
Ako is dating Kirara!
DanPri confirmed playable?
Voiced by Kurosawa Tomoyo.
>her mascot is a tapir
Someone get me that "Yui on Shougo" keychain.
If this is what PriPara is going to be now, it should've just been part of the Pretty Rhythm series from the start rather than spin-off.
>finally get to the end of DMF after slogging through the absolutely terrible beginning and middle sections
>group fansubs end the episode before the show actually gets decent
why though, I see no reason for them to have made it through 39 episodes of absolute shit only to drop it just before it gets good. 48-50 in particular were top tier, early 40s were really good too. If it hadn't been for character backstories I would honestly be suggesting to just skip all but the ending of the series, the first 24 episodes were especially terrible and had no redeeming factors other than Mia, and even Mia couldn't carry that weight alone.
I hope we get an episode where Leona visits Danpara.
don't you tease my heart like that you fucking cunt, if this isn't real I will be very upset
Maybe someday we're gonna get another PR anime.
The Ciao Summer Festival is happening RIGHT NOW. Why the fuck would I fake this?
The Aikatsu event where they're announcing it is happening RIGHT NOW
did the game master get invited to Danpara?
Would puri.
fuck I would pay so much money for these
Finally, the fated conversation can occur.
>Omoshiroi janai!
Que sera que sera.
This is gonna be canon or just fanservice?
The two episodes look like they've been corrected by Takahashi and Miyatani, so if we go according to their rotations, the crossover episodes should be episodes 72 and 73.
Who knows.
honestly I don't even care at this point, that's how low Aikatsu has gone that I'll accept a noncanon episode as long as it has best girl in it again
We have no confirmation that Kii is in the episode though
I hope it isn't canon.
>Ichigo killing the Stars cast and taking over the show again.
Kii is my second best girl, Ichigo will always be number one in my heart.
God damn seeing the OG's again makes me so happy.
the third wheels are conversing to one another.
So if Stars and OG actually do take place in the same universe then why isn't Elsa trying to recruit Mizuki/Ichigo?
Somebody stop Koharu already.
Oh boy, I can't wait for Roller and Aoi to get together and cause some *catchphrases intensify* dialogue.
why do you think she is currently recruiting lower tier idols? she knows people above her level won't take her offer, so she is trying to build credibility before going for the real big fish; end of final episode of stars will be Elza trying to recruit Mizuki and Mizuki giving her an incredibly awkward "n-no thanks"
picked up Stars yet again.
No. If S4 is Japan's top any OG is less than a literally who.
Because you could never understand the masterful writing of Aikatsu with your pitiful intellect.
Photokatsu getting crossover song.
>implying any of the current S4 are higher than tier 3
>very fast Karen vibrating at incredible high speed
>Rola aiming for bigger and bigger groups to be an unwanted hanger-on to
She is cosplaying Radical Larry
>tfw realize seeing OGs on Stars is gonna make me dislike them
Apparently the eps are going to be on August 17th and 24th.
Why do you post this everyday?
>2 more episodes of OGs
God bless
Looks like Stars on OG. Hopefully they wont bring the shit parts of Stars with them.
Any word on how long that preview was? Seems kinda long given the amount of screenshots.
>being this new
Aikatsu x Stars would be good if Stars wasn't bad.
Apparently photokatsu is going to start doing new Stars songs now too. I hope that doesn't mean they're done with new OG songs though.
I am so happy to see Ichigo and that axe. I hope the OGs stay alive for as long as possible.
I'd love some Photokatsu OVAs or something.
Does that mean Garara won't be singing? Tomoyo already sings for imas doesn't she?
>Kurosawa Tomoyo
>Omoshiroi janai!
>Omoshiroi janai!
>Omoshiroi janai!
>Omoshiroi janai!
I love you, Ichigo!!
Reminder that no matter how hard Stars shits up this crossover or how bad it turns out to be, you fags will still slurp it up because OG happens to be in it.
Yes, and?
I won't, I never really care about 9/10 of the OG girls.
And you're trash ;)