Say something nice about Europe's most hated ethnic group! I'll start...

>Germans invented modern computers and programming language.

Other urls found in this thread:

Germans are good at prepping the bull.

the girls are pretty fun, they like to fuck but not in a trashy way

They are doing a world a favor and are dying off.


they are the funniest people on counterstrike

German parents cant be affectionate with their children without people assuming the worst

They contributed with Norteno music

I love Bibi Wilhailm and she's from Germany

In fact they may have introduced the type of genre> the accordion

Et tu croatia`?


They are great at creating the worst, most destructive ideologies

That all hope in Germany isn't lost. I have a Germany colleague who visits his hometown and he's so ashamed of his country that Merkel has allowed all the immigrant in. He feels betrayed, frustrated and can't even tolerate the word "immigrant". When he talks to me about it he's genuinely depressed that his country is in the state it's in politically.

Holy fuck when you consider Karl was German.......FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK...........

They have wonderful and world most successful scat porn industry.

Yeah, but the biggest scat classic of all (2 girls 1 cup) is 100% BR.

Take that, sausage makers!

Wrong that was Babbage.

>best economy in the world
>world class food
>amazing politics
>knows what's best for Europe
>rules over Europe
>amazing economy
>richest country in the world
>everyone else is inferior
>2nd highest taxes in the world but it's worth it

Hat's off to you, fine Sir!

The Germans wouldn't have used chocolate ice cream though.

They do the best white chimpouts.
Still waiting for the next one but they seem so cucked now.

when you look at the history of earth since its inception, all the way up until today, and if you then were to ask: what was the worst thing that happened?
some would say the extinction of the dinosaurs, some would say the ice age, some would say world war 1 or 2, some would say the birth of hitler.
but from my point of view, that's all okay but the worst thing for me is, that after world war 2 the allied nations didnt bomb the shit out of germany to its full extinction and leave nothing but radioactive wasteland.
germans have shown time and time again that they are way too obedient, precise, and lack any sense of empathy when under a directive, e.g. when they can deflect resposibility.
this is an explosive mix, maybe they can engineer and manufacture the best cars, machines, whatever, but when told to manufacture death camps capable of killing a whole etnorace, man they will do it and won't bat an eye, after all "they were just doing as they were told".
I don't believe that 6 million jews were killed because history books tell us, i believe it because i know germans.
fuck this race

>Best economy in the world
>Amazing economy
>Richest country in the world

>Economic stagnation is only made worse by the fact that all of those immigrants do fuck all.
I wish I was kidding.
>Knows what's best for Europe
I hope the EU dies fof already

>best economy in the world
>amazing economy
>richest country in the world
>2nd highest taxes in the world but it's worth it

Is the meme of hardworking Germans true? We all know the stereotype of hardworking asians but it's barely mentioned among white people. Can you compare yourselves to those hardworking asians who study/work for like 15 hours a day?

He was a Jew living in Germany you fucking retard

Replacing poop with chocolate takes all the magic out of scat porn.

not even NatSoc, but this made me somewhat proud

Germany is the world's best country.

>Can you compare yourselves to those hardworking asians who study/work for like 15 hours a day?

Let's put it this way. In 2016, the German work force accrued 1.7 billion hours of overtime, half of which was never compensated.

There you go again!! Like half of all Germans have this self pitying attitude that ALL the blame is you guys. Why not be like Japan and have a "I don't give a fuck attitude"? Japan did equally horrible things in WW2 and they haven't apologise to this day!!!! I guess that's pride but for fuck's sake all the people who experienced the atrocities of WW2 are almost dead and it's no use clinging on to the past. What's done is done.

If I were stuck on a desert island with a Jew, Muslim and German and only one of us could live, I'd shoot the Muslim twice, the Jew once and then myself because a German is way more productive and smart than I'll ever be.

Best TV

No we can't, thats for sure. But it is my honest believe that paid vacation and healthy work horus actually help our social factory being more productive. Especially since research, innovation and entertainment become more and more important in modern economics. Being present at work all the time won't always do trick. You need leisure time to reload your batteries.

I’d shoot the German before he gives everything away to the Muslim.

WOW. In budget Australia NO ONE would do that and then we'd complain how we're overworked and compare ourselves to China. Fuck people don't know how good they have it in this country. Is this why Germany is the ONLY European country with a consistently healthy economy?

Is this Sup Forums?
p.. Sup Forums??? (つд⊂)ゴシゴシ

>best economy in the world... after the USA, China, Japan and soon India
>*food from all over the world, because German food is objectively shit (which is there are kebab shops at every corner of the street)
>amazing politics, so amazing that they are causing the genocide of the native population
>rules over Europe through debt in virtue of being a puppet-state of Brussels and NATO
>see the first meme arrow again
>have to pay 200 euros every single year just to be allowed to own a tv
>pay a quarter of your income in car insurance, a quarter in health insurance and another quarter in taxes, the rest is barely enough to pay for food and house expenses
>totally worth it, we're number 1!!11!

Okay, I did some more digging, and it looks like Germans actually work the least hours annually, with Mexico working the most hours annually.

>it looks like Germans actually work the least hours annually

Did some more digging: the German work force consists of about 40 million employees, 15 million of which have a part-time job. This Goyim changed my life.

I actually really like the phrase "arbeit macht frei" because even though it's known for all the wrong reasons I do feel it's true. If you develop passion for working and your job you will feel happier, get things done quicker and do the things you actually wanna do like taking a vacation. It's just less stress, less complaining and more doing. Simple, nice and easy.

germans are shit, it's true, unfriendly, mischievous, backstabbing, they will sell their own to the authorities whenever they can

t. german

My former design professor used to say exactly the same thing.

>have to pay 200 euros every single year just to be allowed to own a tv
>pay a quarter of your income in car insurance, a quarter in health insurance and another quarter in taxes, the rest is barely enough to pay for food and house expenses

Is this true?
I think that Japan is the worst country
(Social security expenses, taxes, etc.),
but if so, Germany is worse than Japan...

They burn marvellously

>kebab over German food

Are you a nigger ?

>They burn marvellously

We learned it from watching you.

I don't know how you can live with yourself Hans, when your ancestors killed thousands of innocent ANGLOS

I feel like the term "work" is misused because I had a part time job working at Subway and when I was pissing around it was still considered "work". Sometimes some places put "driving to work" as working and even fucking eating lunch as part of "working".

I don't know. I'm very traditionalist and to me you're only working when you sit down and actually work/lift the timber/cement the road/ clean the floor etc.

What is the correlation between German work hours and productivity compared to the rest of the world?

Mexico for example have extreme working hours but less productivity due to massive inefficiency.


Yup, its extremely shitty. But forced TV license are a said reality in a lot europeean countries.

On the other hand, everyone has health insurance. Free daycare for your children, + 200€ month per children plus about 7000 € tay breaks per child. Doenst cover all the costs and native poplaution is still regressing, but its a start.

Another downside: getting into the property market is very expensive compared to most others countries (around at least 20.000€ extra costs per transaction).

Then again our social security net is decent. Worst that can happen is a small paid appartment + heating + TV + basic furniture + heathcare and some other things as well 405 € cash every month.

Alll things considered less rampant capitalism and higher taxes. Can live comfy here.

>germans have shown time and time again that they are way too obedient, precise, and lack any sense of empathy when under a directive, e.g. when they can deflect resposibility.
Thanks for the compliment bro, I think you are absolutely right.
We truly used to be a great people, sadly I think that we might not exist for very long if things continue.

>innocent ANGLOS
There is no such thing.

Just proves you guys are smarter and know when to change sides. Why stick with a dying side when you can analyse the situation and profit. Communism and dictatorships are really good at doing this too.

In a good or bad way?

good point.
while at work you may do nothing but actual work. it's already a huge stretch to just put out your phone. lets sayyour phone is ringing. you would rather keep it in your pocket ringing than taking it out and declining the call as to not give the impression to be a lazy guy who looks at his phone during work.
eating food during work would also be wayyyy off and if you'd see such a behavior it is 100% not a german but a spanish/italian or otherwise mediterranean slackoff.
you have 30 minutes per day designated to eating/looking at your phone whatever. the rest of the day is strictly for work.

Blind obedience has its pros and cons.

>Why not be like Japan and have a "I don't give a fuck attitude"?
Are you retarted or just a stupid teenager?

How hard is it to start a business in Germany?

respectable nation in the past, now just a bunch of degenerates like every other european country.

>know when to change sides
Germans don't change sides they LOVE their authorities, that is why Merkel is still in power, Germans vote for her simply because she is an authority figure.

Whoops. My mistake. Anyway while that's true if you ask Japanese about it the best response is "what we did was bad" but nothing else. Most Japanese people truthfully don't give a fuck.

Don't you speak German Switzerland?


It was not during class. I was employed at his chair ("Lehrstuhl" dont know the correct english translation) and we were at seminar in an other city. He said it to his small group of students. And it was more in a "lets see how far I can go unpunished with my views" way.

>best at sucking nigger dick
>world class muslim cock suckers
>genociding themselves faster than muh 6 gorrilions
Truly magnificent, keep up the good work!

Why do you think that is? Why do Germans love authority so much? It seems like every other democratic country is against it and with communism it's just fear but Germany has never been communist. Do you guys just genuinely love order and authority or does fear play an equal part? Hitler did have the Gestapo and stuff

>se is "what we did was bad" but nothing else. Most Japanese people truthfully don't give a fuck.

I think it is more related to their culture. I lived 2 years in South Korea and I met some Japs there. From my experience Japanese people do not externalize their emotions and feelings. From what I have learned, Japs feel bad for what they did in Sout Korea and China and when they are asked about it they give a short answer like you said but it is because they feel ashamed and don't want to talk about it. Well, it is just my experience, maybe some Japanese could tell us more?

they have best mosques in whole eastern europe

Hahah I love professors like that. I had an economics lecturer and he was redpilled saying the opposite of the liberal bullshit in universities today. It was great.


i started a business in 2015 with just myself making 100k gross revenue/yr and 2017 i ended with 20 employees and 1,2M€ revenue.

starting a business is very simple and the upkeep is also manageable.
it is an open market, probably similiar to the US.
The thing is, to get government contracts you just have to submit the cheapest offer, while at the same time proving that you can fulfill the contract based on past, completed jobs.
Another requirement is that the company has to exist 3 years.
The first year i worked for private customers or bigger companies in my field as a subcontractor, but already the 2nd year i was awarded government contracts of 100k€+.
For this year i have already signed contracts worth around 1M up until june and am not looking for more. I decline any incoming inquiries by default.
Basically when you are the cheapest bidder and seem somewhat competent you will be able to get big jobs without a problem.
If you breach or fail to fulfill contracts several times, you will get blacklisted fast though.
So the "black sheep" companies with bad infrastructures or shady management are being naturally sorted out very quickly.
and the ones that just put the offers way off limits and too cheap will go bankrupt anyway.
so yeah, it's just an open market situation

Hello Mustafa

To some extent it was certainly the Prussian education system, which focused heavily on discipline.
I wish I had a more through answer, but I really don't, I don't know exactly why Germans are so authoritarian.

Yeah I think Nips are the master of hiding their emotions. I bet in their own time maybe they feel bad and are tormented about it or who knows maybe they truthfully do not care.

You lived in South Korea? Is the meme of angry Koreans true? Every K-Drama or K-movie I've seen at some point they get angry very quickly and say very hurtful things, scream and sometimes break things. Do ACTUAL Korean people behave this way? I was told Koreans just flat out hate everybody, but the top of the hate list is China and Japan.

When I heard the story, I felt that German is better.

Even in Japan, public television is a licensing system.
It is 15,120 yen a year.

There is no day care for children, childcare fee is charge.
(Childcare fee will increase or decrease depending on annual income)

As nursery schools are not enough,
Japanese mothers are always waiting for a nursery schools.

People who live in Japan can receive public health insurance.
Health insurance has an upper limit on self-payment,
so it does not have to pay anymore.
(About 15,000 to 70,000 a month)

Together with the premiums of health insurance,
nursing-care insurance, taxes and pensions,
about 30% ~ 40% will be collected from annual income.

Nursing care increase or decrease depending on the state of the body the services that can be received.
(Several ten thousand yen ~ 360 thousand yen)

If you have a good government, authoritarianism just gets things done without any emotion. Sometimes I wish New Zealand was more authoritarian because we can't get anything done. It's always White guilt this, sentimental value that, crying here, complaining there. Lawyers fees here, debates over there. Sometimes I just want to kill all the Maori, SJWs and get to work without debating and crying over everything like a little bitch.

>If you have a good government, authoritarianism just gets things done without any emotion.
Yes, the problems happen when the government hates the German people and tries actively to get rid of it.
Then authoritarianism is *really* bad.

Ich liebe dich!

I still love the british i buy British chedder every week and drink scotish whiskey.

I have holidays in the Uk.

I will buy extea british goods to support democracy and freedom.

My mum loves the queen .

Best economy? Richest? Rules Europe? What the fuck am I reading. Was pretty sure there are richer countries. Good food? Fucking fat Wursts.

VW and other German carmakers reindroduced the gaschamber

>My mum loves the queen .

A German loves another German? Truly shocking.

Not even German, but this made meenvious of how you, as a nation, are perceived. Hats off to you.

>be me
>doing building apprenticeship
>company gets work at kim dotcoms house
>my first time there, I arrive, jump out the van
>Kim comes zipping around the corner on a golf cart
>before I have time to introduce he shouts "whuts uhp muthahfuckahs." In his accent then leads us into his mansion.
>loved Germans ever since
Also the cunts a fucken giant

I fucking hate Germanistan. Just nuke that shithole already.


German cuisine is the best in Europe 2nd only to Italian cuisine

German food is fucking great, what are you on about? The only reason you wouldn't eat it is because you are a nigger.

If there one german worthy of movie like "Social Network" or "Wolf of Wallstreet" its him. Seriously, look up the things this fatso has done and the enemies he has made.

Ironically Berlin's German cuisine are all in expensive restaurants and largely overpriced.

The only city which I could find authentic cheap German food on the streets was Stuttgart.
Stuttgart is also objectively majority German. Turks and Rapefugees aren't an eyesore like in Berlin or Munchen.

Only German desserts and pastries are actually good, the rest is basic garbage like wursts and schnitzels drowned in a sea of shitty sauces that give you diabetes.

I was employed in Samsung as Android engineer.

> Is the meme of angry Koreans true?
No I don't think so. But meme of beling souless robots is very accurate.

>Do ACTUAL Korean people behave this way?
Not really, they are taught to obey and be quitet. Hierarhy is very important in their culture. For instance if you drink with somebody who is older than you, you can't look into his eyes.

I like Korea but this is no place for white people like Japan. Cultural differences are irritating. For example I don't mind working more than 8 hours, but I do mind forcing me to stay at work and waste my time doing nothing just because everybody has to and this is part of their culture.

Best porn too

>best brothels
>best fetishes
>best prostitutes
>world class porn producers

>go to German brothel
>Ukrainian and Polish girls are 10 times more attractive than German """"girls""""

>best fetish


And they should all be "physically removed".

You sound like a fag mane one of those days i regret going for german in highschool....

Wow. You must've been fucking smart. Anyway due to Korean movies I always thought that sometimes these people actually talk like this.

In other asian cultures (Chinese) some do. Basically in this scene his asking who the person is. The guy says to apologise and nothing bad will happen but he tells him to fuck off. Great movie btw

Every German worth mentioning in history would feel nothing but misery upon seeing this post.

It's a turk poster.

Germany doesn't exist without Prussia. The modern clay called Germany is a bastard state that is is the modern confederation of the Rhine.

>most hated ethnic group
I thought it was us.