Does anyone else here regret voting for Trump...

Does anyone else here regret voting for Trump? I kind of wish I wasn't so vocal of my support of him in 2016 but oh well.

fuck off shill

I regret voting for Crooked Hillary

I live in the city so I voted for Hillary.

said nobody ever

Nah your canuck ass voted for Trudeau

Same. I was only beginning to be redpilled and wasn't ready to make the plunge. I regretted it on election night when they announced the results and my best friend started crying and throwing pots and pans.

I don't at all regret voting for him. Sometimes I am wary of what the future holds, but given the information available on Nov 8th 2016 I can think of no conceivable reason to vote for Hillary. Even if Trump turns out to be less than stellar, I don't think there's any scenario in which hillary would've been preferable

Yeah I wasnt a big fan of hers or anything it was "the lesser of two evils" type thing. Then when I saw the reaction to the victory and I saw this teen threatening suicide over Trump's I knew I was on the wrong team. Then I bought the official Trump hat.


I doubt this shill even knows what flag he's using

yeah, it would've been more interesting seeing things go downhill with Hillary

no, only shills feel this way. They're a race of beings whose language is nearly identical to english, except interestingly enough, it flips the meaning of "trump" and "clinton".

Weird how much sense that makes, eh?

The flag of Wiz Khalifa?

Trump knew he could punt on the sanctions deadline because the Republican majority in Congress won’t do a damn thing about it. It’s not even clear what the precise congressional response is supposed to be when a president signs a bill into law and then promptly breaks that law by announcing he’s going to refuse to implement it. But the GOP could force Trump into line on these sanctions if it wanted to; his refusal to enforce them is an impeachable crime.

The trouble is, the Republicans in Congress simply aren’t willing to do it. The Democrats in Congress are screaming as loudly as they can about the sanctions, but the media is largely unwilling to cover the issue no matter how much the Dems set their own hair on fire. But keep in mind that if Trump had enforced the tougher sanctions against Russia, it would have helped him in the credibility department. It was an easy political win for him, but his boss Putin wouldn’t let him do it.

So Donald Trump missed a political opportunity here to help himself.

Start looking for a new job shill. Funding will be drying up soon. Plus you might be able to avoid the rope.

I'm not a rural or suburban retard.

No because I am a Russian hacker who is also a nazi and was paid by Putin to sabotage the election by putting Trump in office so he'd start World War 3 with Russia.

Absolute leafposting


I guess the word "shill" just means anyone who uses this site and isn't a Trump-worshipping faggot

I didn't vote for Trump. But I sure as hell will the second time.

Listen to me right here faggot.

I'm a liberal nutjob and I voted Trump, Clinton wouldve been the deathblow this country was headed for. If i could go back in time I'd vote for him again. Fuck you and fuck your kind.