I'm sorry Sup Forums, I might be a straight man, but I fell completely and totally in love with this man at this moment.
I am completely GAR for Araragi-kun.
does this make me gay?
I'm sorry Sup Forums, I might be a straight man, but I fell completely and totally in love with this man at this moment.
I am completely GAR for Araragi-kun.
does this make me gay?
you're not gay for liking Arararararagi
but you are for being OP.
Yes you faggot
>does this make me gay?
Pretty much, yeah.
I'm completely GAR for him too, no homo.
What sort of shit subs are those
I know nip, and those subs aren't bad, they aren't perfect but they nail the main point
besides araragi is undeniably GAR
I'd be willing to go gay for a stupid sexy calendar.
yes he is
thanks to this thread I decided to download the whole movie, and I was stunned by what I found. This was amazing film noir.
Fuck. Every Film noir fan should see this 3 shot.
not quite DtB or Cowboy Beebop, but pretty solid
Manlets can't be GAR though
wtf, have you not seen this manlet's abs?
Yeah I'm not gay but I want to lick his abs and I hope his dick is big
Don't use the oldfag term GAR with something fucking lame as Monogatari, thanks.
I'd just love a nice actual scale figure of Araragi, it's hell seeing really well done figs for the other girls but Araragi only has a crappy figma and nendo.
He's only like this in that one part of the story though. Also maybe the end of Tsubasa Tiger too but that told from Hanekawa's perspective and she probably made him look cooler than he actually was.
God damn he's a hunk. How do I achieve Ararararagi-mode?
What just because FSN came out 3 years before monogatari i can't use GAR for Araragi?
>oldfag term
Is this the new way of saying buzzword?
>God damn he's a hunk. How do I achieve Ararararagi-mode?
lots of situps should do it. dude is fucking ripped. some serious dedication might do. I know speaking seriously as a straight man; I completely understood why Hanakawa was completely mesmerized by his abs. Personally, I would have been too.
It's not your fault. It's the vampire charm.
Am I back to 2007?
>gay for archer
>gay for araragi-kun
Shouldn't that be GARAR for Araragi?
I'm GARARARARAR for Ararararagi-kun.