Give me one good reason why Straya should be a republic.
Give me one good reason why Straya should be a republic
Can't think of any actually desu
I can think of why the concept of voting should be abolished there
It shouldn’t be. I don’t know why every country wants to be independent now.
Australia should become at least two independent nations, starting with Tasmania.
They're like a dead weight.
>Not being an Australian nationalist who wants an Australian head of state
>Wanting a women bong as your head of state
>Wanting the (((Westminster system)))
because it's gay af
>wanting to swap a woman bong for a woman boong as head of state
If we went republic now we'd be irreversibly fucked
>Give me one good reason why Straya should be a republic.
we need to become a republic so the greens can implement an open doors immigration policy for the country and finally get rid of the racist white majority.
We dont have to have the fucking queen on our currency
I'm in two minds desu. I only support the monarchy to keep shitskins salty desu.
>I only support the monarchy to keep shitskins salty desu.
the greens chink in my local council wants to ban australia day from even being mentioned and any related celebrations.
I dunno, how about some inalienable rights? Maybe start with protected free speach
Send her an anonymous letter calling her a cunt
Ignore these cucks
Just one example?
>re-evaluate the constitution, make amendments (free speech, gun rights, land ownership only if your a citizen, ect)
>not being beholden to a nanny state that didn't elect Nigel Farage when it had the damn chance. Gough whitlam was a paranoid Sup Forumsack and could've made nationalist memes great again if given the chance.
>Without the above problem addressed, making major nationalist economic reforms that insulate OZ from the eventual global "bubble and bust" cycle is impossible. Howard sold most of the states gold bullion reserves during the last crisis, the next one WILL make ozzie battlers homeless.
>Also 'fuck off were full' immigration reform. first we get the infrastructure/jobs, then we get housing market less inflated by chinese millionaires fleeing communism, then we fill those gated community homes with huwiite children.
>This has nothing to do with anything, but have you cunts considered encouraging abo reservations to adopt casino's? the native american culture is self sterilizing now and standard of poverty is raised due to their 'hard work'. Plus game of throne shenanigans. Also If we use the bank of flabbanabba in the tax haven of blackfella land we could get 1980's capitalism rolling again
>Meme flag
Who is asking? Come on gen z fag, lets see what you are hiding
> Send her an anonymous letter calling her a cunt
Be sure it's anonymous because your you don't have the right to express your free speech in this clusterfuck of a constitutional monarchy
And what about cultural heritage? You can't escape british past.
Pls don't make me kill you. I hate that flag.
i'll probably get arrested for a hate crime if i did that.
After you learn the lessons of the past, you leave it there. Also
>Impying english culture is ozzie culture.
>Implying modern Sweden, Germany and to a lesser extent Britain aren't cautionary morality tales.
>Implying implications
Are you a britanon? you vote leave or stay? find Nigel Farage and ask why that goat faced harpy teresa is fucking dragging her feet
If we become a republic thats it, end of Australia, you can bet your arse whoever makes it happen will copy the u.s, stay just as cucked as before and next thing you know we’ll have chinese flag atop of parliament house.
The queen is a guard against corruption and undue international influence.
Can't be bought like an elected head of state.
You can't ever become a republic, we depend on each other for security.
(you): I didn't think Straya would end this way.
(user): End? No, the journey doesn't end here. The end of colonial rule is just another path, one that all nation-states must take. The grey rain-curtain of juden lies rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.
(you): What? user? See what?
(user) A White Ethnostate, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise, gert by sea.
(you): Well, that isn't so bad.
(user): No. No, it isn't.
You aren't under colonial rule you pleb. That's like saying Jamaica is under colonial rule.
numbers checked.
>your obvious joke has a logical flaw, haha pleb.
constitutional monarchy didn't have the negative impact i wanted. why did kek give you those numbers? i don't know, but i chek them