Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Mondays suck but Lille doesn't Edition

>GroKo publishes contract, lists of potential ministers leaked
>Anger in the CDU brewing at Merkel for making concessions to the SPD just to retain her power
>Gabriel (Foreign Minister, SPD) publically raged against his own party and Schulz for betraying and sidelining him


>News in german

>English language analysis

>Self improvement (Basic bodyweight workout) (No excuse for being fat)

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta



cmon frens


When's the results of the SPD groko ballot?

How satisfied is the german public with this GroKo?
Will the Soli dissappear? Is there going to be a Familiennachzug? whats happening Hans?

Daily reminder.

yes, because greek culture and heritage in constaninople were perfectly preserved

The destruction of germany.

>greek culture and heritage in constaninople were perfectly improved

läuft. surely if the populace aren't happy with merkel, indeed it would appear that the CDU is unhappy with merkel, change can be forced?

Not really in the case of CDU.
Merkel did an amazing job of killing the career of actual conservative of god forbid center right politicians and promoting loyalists without any opinion into all high offices. CDU is literally a one Merkel show and no one besides her has any say, which is the reason why she easily gave away all government positions to SPD. And even if there were a secret conspiracy to get rid of Merkel within the CDU base, they cant because everyone with power to get rid of her is already a puppet of her.

Will Merkel stay for the whole 4 years or do we get a vote of no confidence in 1-2 years?

Face it, user. Merkel will only leave if she has a stroke or the dementia gets her.

Good morning Germanbros, I wish you all a wonderful and productive week

New Government doesnt even have a Honeymoon period it is just losing votes on its first day.

I want to believe, but it's not like it will get better once she is gone.

Do you know where exactly that is?

I miss Tayanon so much.

I must know this also, see you there user


Rosenmontags bump.




In Germany it is allowed to kill tyrants, yet nowhere is it defined what a tyrant is. The sole intention of this law was to stop a second Hitler from grabbing power.

Can you define what a tyrant is?

All I can think of is
>any politician who prohibits freedom of speech or encourages such prohibition

Miss you too

>200% Jupiter

der wilde Osten grüßt, how is fasching doing so far westcucks?

kek demands attention for this post.

leftists truly are the new neocons (idiots).
core neocon doctrine holds a clear a priori good v. evil narrative, with one self, as a buyer, clearly on side of the good naturally.
hammer and sickle my ass, couldn't they at least have come up with a distorted way to bring putin into play?
what lazy activist fags

I don't know about tayanon but taytay herself seems pretty busy.

It sucks as every year.
Also using hammer and sickle and then write right wing dictatorship into it is a special kind of stupid.

>couldn't they at least have come up with a distorted way to bring putin into play?
They did.

More gibs pls.

yeah, they're probs special kids indeed.
had me thinking if they were false fagging this, but this seems a stretch

but looks sorta comfy



88.14Kg guy checking in, have to go now, though.
Gettiny physio for my knee.
Also, pic related at that OP (though I am the one that posted the KC-OP-shitpost-General that one time)

>way to preserve:
Yeah, if you tkae a high-consanguinity niece-fucker malformed faggot tribe as "the future".
Fuck off, Sören.

Hehe, is that the hitler-mountain-house?


There is always the option of making the Holocaust fiction a reality to get rid of the Muslim invaders. Just saying.

>dumbfucks photographing this be like:
>HAHAHA that's 100 likes on twatter/faceberg for me
>take that, fascists!

I didnt take part in this degeneracy since I was a teen.
I never got how grown people are fine with their kids drinking themselves into near coma every fucking year.

The rightful heirs of the ancient white Greek culture are Illyrians which are todays Albanians.

What exactly is "Dunkeldeutschland"?

Putzig ... sitz grad vorm scheiss Confocal, muntert mich auf


>Hammer and SIckle

God damn it, they are not even trying.