ITT: Worst girls of their respective series

ITT: Worst girls of their respective series


Eyebrows slut

Yukari is really fucking hot though.

>not Fuuka
>not Sayaka
not Nui

ITT: autistic faggots doing it wrong

Mitsuru is hotter anyways.

How can you NOT love this smile?

>not Nui
This isn't the best girl thread.



This thread isn't asking for BEST girls, user








>hating on pink phoenix ranger


She was so fucking annoying that made me think about dropping the series. Ayame is the only reason I continued watching.

>Yukari worst girl
>When Fuuka exists

Wake up
Get up

But she's the only good character in the show.


This is the correct answer for Persona.
Not only the worst girl in the series but also the worst character in the series.

Thousand times this.

Every time she is on screen I want to skip the chapter or anime.

Chidori was worse.

Why is it that Seo loves making worst girls win & best girls suffer?



>shit taste


worst persona girl is yukiko though

Chie was the only worse girl in persona, and that was just because her voice was cancer.

Other then that she okay.

That's why you don't play with dubs you fucking retard.


>Chie was the only worse girl in persona, and that was just because her voice was cancer.
In Golden sure, her original voice actor was fine and suited her.

Why are worst girls so fuckable, Sup Forums?

you son of a bitch fuuka is undeniably best girl

Because you have no need to care about them. You can just let your instincts from years of evolution take over and ravage them with no concern for their well being.

Fuuka is an angel

Fuuka is the kindest and purest, people like her are rare and precious.