Russia hate thread

Russia hate thread

Other urls found in this thread:,54420,22867110,szef-koloruje-ukraincow.html?disableRedirects=true

i have to save her from that shithole she lives in now



Here we can see saviours of the white race






Top right is an Oblivion NPC


russian cuisine


At least they have the decency to pile it together.

la atrocidad.....

R*ssia is shit,but dont act as if U*raine is any better

Why do you persecute me so?!

you guys seem upset

you are not american as im not too


My anti-Russian folder is quite large, what do you want?

too many thread speaking good about you and it seem that you must remain our eternal enemy


Лa кpeaтypa....


They are jealous of your T-I-G-E-R-S and H-I-V


thats your country, ukraine.


Can you afford cheese, now ?

Cunts are weird


There is Ukrainian language on kiosk.
Use other pictures. Just google Omsk for example.


they have TIGERS

are you a jew user?in france is the only ones that care



Funny enough I buy cheese from the french network, Auchan, as it is cheapest there.

gee, I wonder who is behind that post

Not Jew, just Anti-Cryptocommunist

>be russian
>get sent to die for iran in syria
And you call the USA cucks...

Back to cleaning my toilet kakal xD


>all these r*ssians posting under european flags
if russia is so great what are you leeches doing in european countries?

It's not particularly great, but that's not a reason to hate on it.


Fuck Russia and fuck Putin. I have nothing else to say. That kike ruined our country.

It's look fucking delicious.
I wish I have dinner like this.

Yeah like we had it so good during soviet times...


>be russian
>forced to serve in military
>forced to kill sand niggers in the middle east to serve other richer sand niggers in the middle east
>cucked by muslims in and outside of country's borders
Just fuck off.

ur gf looks like she's on krokdil

Pycня нe люди, пoдтвepждaю.

your shitstain "country" has been ruined since its creation

Sup Forums changed cucks to keks. Very funny moot.


There are legal ways to avoid draft.

>tfw Bolsheviks where jewish
>tfw communism was invented by jews
>tfw they arent really jews but khazars

Those are ukranians, dumb ameritard.

if the USSR returned i'd gladly die for the country

>Leaf humour

I prefer they have TIGERS

I was told you can suck your way out

Ukrainians are FORCED to wear blue-yellow uniform in Polish workplaces.
Remins anything ? Talk about subhumans



Seems delicious.

This map is incorrect.

I don't think you ever lived in USSR.

That's not a legal one.


We are the greatest nation of Earth.




how's that male prostitution going for you, mykoła?

I already got that you meant ukraine, kek.


Should we include Lithuania ?

Fuck off Ivan. Go drink vodka bylat pizdets.


i need more of this.

No, you should paint Crimea and Kaliningrad red, and draw DPR's and LPR's borders.

>pierced nose
>slutty pic
it's all degeneracy, forget her

Why such butthurt, Shlomo? You know it is true.
Also Russian Jews are best Jews, exept bolsheviks.

>posting diaspora

Sry, don't have any.

Fuckin saved. Thanks user

>posting some random funny Rusmutt and Polemutt memes makes me a diaspora.
Why are you even here on Sup Forums? Get triggered this easily?

fuck that looks delicious

>el slavino
I keked

He meant that you've posted picture of diaspora. That coalburner is from UK.

70% of those are copypaste from ukraine, baltics, caucasus, and turkey.

Oh ok, but isn’t she a polack anyway?

Moldova has 0 claims but hey I'm all for it

Probably. But she looking weird as fuck. Square heads is not slavic thing.

I mean, even if I agreed to that, and I don't, we don't know for sure who copied who, but even if I agreed, in the end it does not matter, what matters is that pictured food is russian cuisine, and the picture you posted is shit food from some canteen for the amount of money that in European places will get you no more than few pieces of bread.

> this churka-loving hohol with meme flag


i'll give you a hint, all those nations i mentioned existed long before the modern "russian" migrated from kievan rus, you don't even know your own history, so it's very clear who copied who.

It's a Balkan thing. Bosnians in particular have that inbred square heads