try it LOL !!!
you are a slave
>protip you can't
try it LOL !!!
you are a slave
>protip you can't
Other urls found in this thread:
Its literally not possible. Unless you are squatting on federal land and have a rogue farm that is large enough to feed you.
I already do this. Its called using other people's money
t. Citibank employee
Yes I can do it easily.
Population density on my island is 7/km2, or 19 per sq mile. there are fish in the ocean and vegetals growing by the beachside. sometimes I walk to the local fish & chip shop and move some boxes in exchange for a carton of milk and some propane.
Source of pic plehs
don't visit me like fucking ever
Have you ever tried stop eating, drinking and being homeless ? Protip: you can. For a few days. Then you die. Getting food, clean water and building a house require you to work moron. People always needed to work from the beginning of time. Its just that now you trade your working time for these and provide other things to society in exchange.
you CAN live without money. but it requires one thing
remove government. therefore no reason to pay taxes and no reason to use the fiat money
here is hobart visit them instead.
Have (you) ever tried (attempted) not to make (create) low quality (shit) posts?
staying alive is actually really really easy work. I mean don't you even have free restaurants in your country? fruit trees? animals??
*local warlord burns down your farm and rapes you and your goats*
pssh, nothin personnel, anarchist
MAGNIFICENT. Don't say where it is. I know I wouldn't
You're supposed to rape him first you retard
>implying local councils wont hire police
>implying no tithe
wtf is wrong with you. tip your local cops more often
>remove government, no reason to pay taxes
>except we're still going to have government and taxes
wew lad
it's the exact same thing except instead of voting you pay with money, and instead of laws, people actually decide things on a case-by-case basis. also money.
>having a local warlord
not when I can actually influence my community and not some money grabbing government
t. Christian
I'm gonna find this place and come over.
If you work for someone for goods is that not the same as money but you've just cut out the money step?
I was homeless for about 2 and a half years. Not by choice mind you, but ultimately i accepted it and had a first. But then it got REALLY boring. So i got a job. Fast forward 20 years and i own a home, got a wife and two kids.
imagine being so dumb that you think warlords would continue to be a problem after the governments that created and funded them collapsed
looks like the equivalent of a tropical Hobbiton
>when you notice every single plant has spines
Nice try, goy. There is no internet on that Island.
I'm gonna find the true place and kike it.
I never hold cash and I never check my bank balance. Its too easy for that kind of shit to stress you. I just pay for everything on card and live frugally and sensibly with a few luxuries
>have you ever tried living(existing) without money(income)
Why would I?
>what are satellites
goyim aint stoopid
Another stinky shit smelling gibber detected
i mean i know right? tell that to the other user, not me
... In what way does the requirement for the use of currency relate to slavery? Like, hypothetically, if I could exist without money, how would that make me less of a 'slave?'
Also, couldn't one make the same argument about our requirement for food? I mean, have YOU ever tried living without food? What are you, some kind of FOOD SLAVE?! Break the chains, brother!
And a final point: wouldn't slaves be the only people that DON'T need money to 'exist?' They can't own property so no taxes, everything is provided in exchange for labor with no currency involved, and you needn't ever worry about how you'll pay for necessities.
So, by your logic, aren't slaves the only people that are truly free?
This is a completely inadequate shitpost. Please retreat to the youth of were you came also know as 'reddit'
yeah it's called
>my entire childhood
>my entire college career
>a few years later when I saved up enogh to go on vacation for a half year to asia
Literally any old mining town in West Virginia. You will see people living in conditions that would make a cockroach vomit.
Money is not what makes one a slave but rather vice. The vice that our current liberal order loves to make the most use of is sex.
>“Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave. For he serves, not one man alone, but what is worse, as many masters as he has vices.”
sex barter, try it OP you faggot
Im 21 and honestly about to say fuck it and live as a bum till i freeze to death because im not working 40 hours a week for minimum wage to get a company rich. Fuck this society fuck this earth fuck every one of you.
Even they have money for Oxy.
t. West Virginian living in old mining town.
>have you ever tried living (existing) without food (sustenance)
>have you ever tried living (existing) without housing (shelter)
You can spend 8 hours a day working and exchange the money (income) you receive in exchange for food and shelter and other goods and services... or you can spend 16 hours a day hunting and gathering and chopping firewood and boiling water and maintaining a simple shelter and so on.
Deer snaring operation within walking distance of water. If you had a knife with you and got any bad/fixed teeth pulled beforehand, you could last quite a while. Bear deadfall could be baited with deer guts, if you can fish, even better. If there are racoons around they are not hard to trap, and you could eat one before it went bad, or preserve it with smoke.
Getting that labour skimmed by the government is a new twist. As is fiat money that loses value the longer you hold it.
>People always needed to work from the beginning of time.
Yes, one hour a day.
>*local warlord burns down your farm and rapes you and your goats*
Effectively, the same things happens if the local mafia (read: government) doesn't get their protection money (taxes).
Which part of the country? Arizona sounds like a blast, North Dakota in winter, not so much.
Have you read this guy's book? I started listening to a podcast he was on, Red Ice Radio, I believe, but had to go to work and didn't get back to it.
A person needs very little to merely survive. If we are talking about merely surviving, then yes, I've done it.
Wage slavery is a particularly hard sell these days. I don't blame you.
I need stuff to stay alive. Stuff I can not get on my own. It's not anyone's job but mine to keep me alive.
>never hold cash
I hate money, and I believe it truly has a (negative) spiritual effect. That said, as a human trying to survive, it is in my best interest to hold onto some cash at home.
Ever seen what happens when banks don't have enough cash on hand for people to withdraw? Or when a small limit is imposed so more people are able to take some out?
Have some cash, gold, and silver on hand
Looks like Tasmania to me m8
Hands off Tassie, seppo slycunt.