What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
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Its pronounced paul.
I always pronounce it poll
(((((they)))) want more normies to get redpilled. LOL.
> btw fuck jewflix
Marketing bonanza for homeland.
The future is bright, Lambright#2020
Hey they didn't say anything about this being literally the most horrible place of the web where white people plan mass shootings?
So who is that character browsing pol? Is that the president?
He should have said.
>I might use that, a fucking leaf
I always said forward slash poll forward slash
It's supposed to be Alex Jones.
I always say forward slash P O L forward slash period
He's lacking super male vitality
That show is still on air? lost any interest after they killed the converted marine, and turned the show in generic spy series number 9000
It's the writers spending all day on twitter wearing a pussyhat and typing Russia Russia Russia the guy is supposed to be alex jones
It's pronounced pewle
It's actually semi-red pulled, but still pushing the (((agenda)))
Never got in to that show but the lines actually make sense and the slight laugh implies they know what's up. I approve of this especially since no one will know what "fortune poll" is.
I understand all except the quote. You are not supposed to talk while eating you unmannered ape.
I need to leave this place, it is far too mainstream and crawling with boomers
In another year or so it will be just another /r/politics through the sheer influx of clueless norms
>viewerfagging these shalom sandnigger LARPqueers
Yeah, I agree, we need an oldfag ethnostate
It's the only acceptable way.
>crawling with boomers
Ayo hol' up, so whatcha sayin' is we Grandjest now?!
>the president does whatever >>>>>>she wants
I love how all these tv shows introduced a female president in 2016 just assuming they could use her to make reference to Hillary and now it's more like a punchline
Remember when Sup Forums used to be the pinnacle of 4ch
They chasing the coveted white Gen Z NEET autist demographic.
Crypto millionaires, single, 100% disposable income.
Jew propaganda
can we make a petition to hiro to convert Sup Forums to a ponyfucking board for a few weeks until this bullshit blows over? we need chemo
>Sup Forums
>ever any good
Pick one
Yeah, he should mix /mlp/ and Sup Forums like he did last april for ethnic cleansing
Why don't they understand that in doing stuff like this they're only validating us and getting our views out there lel
It means people sit here all day and observe and socially engineer.
How do you think memes spread to Facebook? Some regular user trying to red-pill? No, it's a kike with a public page who sits here all day and collects without really contributing here. All those meme pages are for social engineering and data mining. The page owners talk to each other and discuss social trends.
On the note of films and TV, it's similar. They try to get a scoop of how we think. They don't understand that Sup Forums is not centralized.
>Watching Netanyahuflix
the faggot writers were brainwashed by hillary and soros psyops, i blame them all for ruining a previously good series. you know you are sucking jew globalist dick when you are ordered to take shots on alex jones who is basically the only person in media the last 2 years to get everything right.
Not boomers. Hasbara and /ptg/ kikes. It's actually a persona put on. The same people who try to come off as "git-er-done" boomers on Yahoo.
Common "boomer" words include
>Commie Fascists???
And constant shilling for war with Iran.
Lmao dumbfucks thought Hillary was gonna win
Sup Forums was mentioned a fair bit on American horror story too, particularly when people were talking derisively about the gay guy who was based on Richard Spencer who set up an alt-right cult.
/r/politics can only exist with massive censorship, it's literally run by Shareblue
It's bizarre that it's a female president in the show. Didn't Homeland actively try to follow real life politics closely in the earlier seasons? I remember even Obama being used in the opening credits.
dumbfucks=room full of fag buttfucker writers lol
Checked. This is the patrician way to pronounce it.
this was unironically me
this. I always pronounced it like paul, as in "politics"
But didn't they then have to scramble to rewrite the President as basically female Trump? I do find that pretty funny in theory though I haven't watched that show since its second season or so. I mean imagine if Trump were exactly Trump, exactly the same, except female. How weird would that be. What would liberals even do? I guess it would be just like how they treat Sarah Sanders, on steroids.
Spoiler cunt
they didn't say "good", they said pinnacle, as in the ultimate manifestation of.
kind of funny that Sup Forums has taken Sup Forums's place as the face of Sup Forums.
It's pronounced pull
>platypus lips
>What did they mean by this?
that we need to prepare more infograph threads.
We use mudslime too, but that's accurate though.
I despise boomers so much and thing is, I look back and I always did. Didn't always call them that exact term, but they were always disgusting and loathesome. Some alternatives--"fucking hippies" "free love retards" "me generation assholes" "yuppies" "NIMBYs" etc. All were pretty much coined for boomers, the generation of narcissistic, greedy shitheels.
t. GenX
>where the president does whatever the fuck she wants
Fucking LOL
That guys mouth is really smol
spoiler alert, you had 5 years to watch that garabage
Yes, they thought Hillary was a shoo-in. Then--I heard--they had to rewrite like crazy to make their Hillary into a female Trump. Almost made me watch again. Almost.
its too bad they couldn't have just had a nationalistic ass kicker as president like we do today, wiping isis right the fuck out.
>Yes, they thought Hillary was a shoo-in. Then--I heard--they had to rewrite like crazy to make their Hillary into a female Trump. Almost made me watch again. Almost.
Wait was this actually on a popular television program? Thats brilliant, The white guy seems like a likeable guy.
How fucking dumb do you have to be to believe this?
> (OP)
Be gone
paulitics? Wtf.
Fuck off Wayne
We were last year. Pic related
its part of the government run professional shilling group of bots and paid pro government users.
That guy is an Alex Jones type character working for the CIA.
No, they're subverting Sup Forums by raising awareness and flooding the board with normalfags, feefeelinas, and morally superior progressives. It's a castration operation.
But Sup Forums will always sneak up on them.
they were all set to write about the poor victim female president who had white men trying to kill her because they knew some if Hillerys dirty deeds would come to light if she had won.
side note: memos cant be release because it would reveal practices, but fine for cia/fbi to meet with hollywood to show them exactly how spies operate.
Homeland, a terrorists training guide.
This made me laugh harder than anything I've read all week
Then why are we called Sup Forumsacks?
>cringes internally
Is Homeland still the SJW shit it was last year? I made it through only one episode of last season and stopped watching.
>Sup Forums mentioned in Showtime TV series
I haven't watched Homeland since season 1. What role does Sup Forums play in this? What's the context for this Sup Forums inclusion? Is it portrayed as a haven for ebil alt-rite racist nazi supremacists who have become terrorists?
Why is this board infected with /tv shit???
kys faggot
anybody watch Law&Order: SVU? they are always dropping redpills especially about the juice
Thanks, Don
>basement dweller
Pick one
Yeah it pissed them off.
You see last season was set between Election day and the inauguration and they(like everyone else) thought Clinton was a 100% guaranteed winner.
Homeland likes contemporary accuracy even reshooting scenes to mention terrorist attacks so by the time that season was ready to go, Trump had been elected and fucked the entire shows premise in the arse and it was far too late to reshoot the entire season. But it turns out the "anti war. Non intervention" female president is actually a dictator-lite on a power trip and has had many in the CIA and FBI arrested(this was last season) as traitors when they tried to assassinate her and she's gone full militarist at least thats where they left it with implications she might be a Russian agent.
I've not watched any of the new season yet. I wait until episode 10 or so then catch up week by week for the final 2.
Homeland is set to finish on its 8th season next year.
>tumblr hair
well at least they got the Cheetos part right.
>flooding the board with normalfags
Don't bully the shittiest anime lips ever drawn.
True. it doesn't work. Literally (((they))) called Sup Forums, the "Alt-right" and Identitarians an "online insurgency increasingly becoming militant with a physical presence around the western world".
They published a guideline of how to "deal" with us and it included professional shilling,disinfo and divide and conquer tactics by turning on prominent physical members involved in alternative viewpoints that contrast what the MSM say to the masses.
pic related includes link if you want to read the full thing yourself.
Damn "she's" ugly.
>other Sup Forums boards mentioned as virgin neets that don't matter
>pol is mentioned as important or at least having good slogans for politics
How can other boards even compete with the Sup Forumsbull?
the thought of a female version of trump gets me slightly aroused...
yeah that's what they are going with now.
A Dictator president with fascist tendencies and a militaristic mindset clamping down onf reedoms and who could possibly be a Russian agent. Not even kidding. That's where they went last season and no doubt will expand upon in the next one.
Last season even had the intelligence community coming together to plot her assassination and ultimately failed which led to mass arrests of the intelligence community by the president.