/Italypol/ Leftists on suicide watch edition

The situation so far:

Right-Wing Leading In Italian Election 2018 (English)

As Elections Approach, Italy Shows Record Alienation from European Union (English)

Pamela didn't die of overdose, she was raped and then killed by 3 boat "refugees"

Salvini (Lega):
"The day we find out how Pamela died, leftists talk about racism.
As Italian I'm ashamed about antifa manifestation in Macerata."

Meloni (Fratelli d'Italia)
"When we will be in government, we will outlaw antifa"

Fascists enter Chamber of Deputies. Leftists on suicide watch:
"Our President should do something, someone should react to this".

Lvca glorified by Italians as National Hero. Banners and messages written on walls all over Italy.

Financial support from all Italians, Luca "The Saint" Traini: "I'm honored, please give all the money to poor families as long as they are Italian families"

Luca Traini arrives in Montacuto Penitentiary, welcomed with applauses. "He's an hero"

Refugees hospitality center set on fire in province of Naples

Immigrants in Rome on suicide watch: "We are scared now"

Pamela's Mom: "Thank you, Luca"

Luca "The Roman Legionary" Traini to prosecutors: " I Have no regrets, I'm sorry they are not dead."
"I was planning to kill Innocent "The Nigger" Osegale (Pamela's Butcher) inside the court room, but he was too much protected by the police"

LATEST UPDATE: left wing party PD fears massive loss of votes

Other urls found in this thread:


Some old happenings related to migrant invasion


>people from a very small town barricade the streets to block refugees to be settled in their townn


>I don't care about being considered racist or uncivilized
>Africans are like apes, they are less intelligent than us

Damn, you guys are doing it right.


Hotel manager forced to take in migrants even after he changed his mind about the issue.



thank you for this webm

vote Lega

Conan O'Brien leaves soon Haiti to rise the "fascist scare" in Italy.


Next week best duo Borghi and Bagnai is coming in my city. can't wait to listen to their speech live.

Who's the chick listening to her? She looks North African.

(((La7))) journalist I guess


can you film it?

The funny thing is that Bagnai is a leftist and was actually a communist. He even adheres to the new Keynesian economic school. He became joined Lega when he realized that the EU is destroying our economy and companies while at the same time Italy is using sovereignt.

>Nth for economisti piddini contro l'analfabetismo funzionale youtu.be/FN5gO6DHIVw

they live stream their events (usually), or if they can't live stream it they upload the vod later on...

>became joined
Fucking spellchecker.


Finito ora, vedete se vi piace o se ce qualcosa da aggiungere o cambiare, frasi etc.
è la versione bianco e nero, volendo posso anche fare lo sfondo col tricolore.
spargete su kikebook e twitter

>that laugh Borghi makes when he hears the nonsense coming out of the mouth of PD's main economist

Reformed communists are the best communists


Godspeed Spaghetti Niggers.
Drive them Untermenschen back to the sea. And make sure they don't come over the alps

That's too extreme. We need to make him look like a martyr but that makes him look like a retarded gangster.
Keep it simple, no need for guns, corpses, helicopters, even the car is too much imho.
People would get scandalized by that. It makes him look like he did it just because he wanted to, not because he was sick of the situation.


What are the latest polls/opinions?

Ho visto un paio di interviste di Borghi, fa spisciare come parla


An italian family of squatters kicked out of council house, the municipality lawfully assigned the house to an Eriteran family.
Local citizens and Forza Nuova protest as they don't want council housign to benefit non-italians.


italy is a fucking racist state!
racist against italians...


"Stabile il M5S rispetto ad una settimana fa, è il primo partito italiano con il 26,8% dei consensi. Segue il Partito Democratico al 21,9%, in flessione dello 0,1%. Duello per la leadership nel CDX, con Forza Italia in ribasso dello 0,2% e che scende al 15,3%, mentre la Lega si avvicina pericolosamente con il 14,8%, in rialzo dello 0,8%. Liberi e Uguali al 5,3%, cede lo 0,3%, guadagna invece Fratelli d’Italia lo 0,3% e supera la Sinistra portandosi al 5,5%. Più Europa (Bonino) sale al 2,1% (+0,2%), balzo in avanti di mezzo punto per Noi con l’Italia che si attesta al 2,0%. Stupisce il dato di Casapound sottostimato dagli altri sondaggisti, TP lo indica all’1,9%, bene anche Potere al Popolo all’1,5%. Insieme vale lo 0,7% e Civica Popolare appena lo 0,5%. Coalizioni: il Centrodestra al 37,6% registra un rialzo dell’1,3% in soli 7 giorni. Stabile il Movimento 5 Stelle che con il 26,8%, resta davanti e allunga sul Centrosinistra al 25,6%, perde mezzo punto in una settimana."


I'm racist. Don't give a fuck. Europe is small, we don't have space for Asians, Africans and Americans.
Their continents are huge so they have lots of space.
Italy is overcrowded, the density per square km is one of the highest in Europe if not the highest. For once we can decrease our population a bit and improve our ecological system but no, they want to import more people and increase the density per square km even more.

>Pro open border anarchists lose their squad to illegal Niggers

Luckly i know italian.

Here's a list of council houses assignment in Milano.
Notice anything?

Who is him?

SONDAGGI ELETTORALI DEMOPOLIS – Il M5s resta il primo partito italiano con il 28,3% dei consensi, ma rispetto alla rilevazione precedente di fine gennaio, perde l’1,2%. In flessione ma decisamente più lieve, il PD che cede lo 0,2% e si attesta al 22,8%. Sale Forza Italia al 16,3% con un guadagno dello 0,3%, stabile la Lega al 14,0%. Liberi e Uguali al 6,0% perde lo 0,2%, Fratelli d’Italia al 4,7% è in calo dello 0,1%. Coalizioni: Il Centrodestra raggiunge quota 37,2%, il Movimento 5 Stelle cala al 28,3%, il Centrosinistra resta ancora indietro con il 27,5%. Sinistra al 5,8%. Ad oggi non ci sarebbero i numeri sufficienti nemmeno per il CDX per vincere le Elezioni Politiche 2018.


ofc most of them are shitskins....

>Latin America
>Latin America
>North Africa or Middle East
>Latin America
>North Africa or Middle East
>Latin America
>first Italia wow
>East European or Balkans
>North Africa or Middle East
>Latin America
>second Italian
>Latin America
>third Italian
>North Africa or Middle East
Holy shit, only 3 Italians in the top 18

One of the big Late Night Show hosts.

that's the opposite: the italians were in the house as squatters, the town government had it assigned rightfully to the niggers.

I'm proud of you pastabros i hope you get to lead europe again to a new renaissance for the 3rd time

If he likes Haiti so much, he should go live there but not in a resort.

i know,Italy is for italians.
i was saying that there is too much self-racism.
for example the other day at the antifa(ggots) manifestation they were chanting pro-foibe chants.
fucking traitors.

>Torres Terrones Luz
>Terrone + Luz extinguido

Same situation in spain unironically migrants are given priority because they have no family to rely on so they are considered more vulnerable

antifa are terrorist domestic organizations and all centri social should be outlawed.

Trump later said that he didn't have any idea about who Salvini is

Very kind of you, too bad the money to build all those houses (not to mention the salary of the ones assigning them) is payed for by spanish taxpayers (and in Italy it's the same of course).
There's a reason if illegal immigration is a crime.

he will

And also the accumulated wealth and infrastructure built by my ancestors wasn't built for a sandnigger,even if they pay taxes,our wealth is the cumulative work of generations before us

Who the fuck is this faggot?

Milanese journo. Was candidate with PDL at some point (sempre al comune di Milano)


Lads, how bad are M5S, could this result lead to Italy leaving the Euro or the EU, and what's the likelihood of the /ourguys/ being in government?

Glory to Rome

Not so big. They forced Leno (Napoli) to retire to bring a (((new generation))) of talk show hosts.

Charity should be paid for in private way, not through taxpayers money: if you want a family of niggers to have a house, buy them one or give them yours, public housing belongs to lawful born citizens, not even the ones that got it through a piece of paper and came into the host nation the other day.


tell when luca will escapes from prison haha

a host from two scoops guy's show
having him harassed on camera with the roaring of a Busso engine would be glorious

>be la Luz Extinguido
>find picture of Ivory coast negroes
>flip it
>hurr Italians are not white

Luckily even normies see antifags as scum


Good luck italianbros. Hope at least you can save your country.

not the soyboys, sadly
pogroms on cityfags when?


Hope so. If he doesn't win I just wish we could get rid of M5S

Leva militare obbligatoria per tutti i soyboy

Chief economist of Lega said "at the end of the next legislature, euro will be no more"

B A S E D,
if i recall correctly she lived in SA btw,
in another interview a cuck journo said "how can you be so racist if you lived in africa?" dismissing everything she said as "racist",
but what the fuck do you know, she lived there, she has grounds to say these things.

>Italy is about to go full Rome over the migrant issue

>implicando che non si faranno fare l'esonero medico da qualche amico

What a fucking chad.

realized just now, the interview i was talking about is in this youtube video

better than having the nightmare option of EU ARMY that Germany would like so bad

How popular is Il Duce in modern day Italy? Are there any apologists for him?

>how bad are M5S
they change their minds every week and in general they're just controlled opposition / crypto kikes.
>and what's the likelihood of the /ourguys/ being in government?
Lega is already in the winning coalition, now we are just hoping that they manage to be the party with the majority of votes in the coalition so Salvini can be our prime minister.
>could this result lead to Italy leaving the Euro or the EU
Lega has Borghi and Bagnai as economists and they are anti-Euro. In the program of the right wing coalition they want to change some eu rules and if they won't change them Salvini has already said he will be forced to leave EU.
Probably won't happen in the following 5 years, maybe within 10 years.

Adorable redpilled grandma.

It seems like M5S are pretty much Pirate Party-tier, and are only half committed to being anti-EU. Grillo seemed more against it than De Maio.

If Salvini isn't Prime Minister, who will it be and how much worse are they?

I hope that you can join us outside of the EU, soon.

non sequitur, we can yell the EU to fuck off even without conscription


Race war when?

I asked this question in another thread, but I'd like to find out what other people think.

How preferable would a 5-star victory be preferable to a PD victory? Personally I would support the Lega Nord or a decent neo-fascist party.

Bravo Lvca
Bravo Italia

Any coalition needs at least 40% of votes to govern, the right is close to it having 37-38% of votes in polls, probably we won't see the right governing alone. M5S is a meme tier party composed of retards which constantly changes its positions in order to not lose votes, the premier candidate for M5S, Luigi Di Maio, can't even conjugate verbs properly

it wouldn't, they're both shit

>How preferable would be having cancer over having leukemia

>only half committed to being anti-EU. Grillo seemed more against it than De Maio.
they're no longer allied with anti-eu parties in the eu commission ,they're ultra fags.
>If Salvini isn't Prime Minister, who will it be and how much worse are they?
Berlusconi is in panic mode and has no idea who to put there as a prime minister. He named a lot of people, even (((Tajani)))

p.s. fuck you gookmoot your new shitty captcha is way too long

Average italian is an apologist in the sense "he has dome some great/good things". In fact we call fascists "nostalgic" not apologists.

Bravo Nonna Elena

I thought that they were still in EFDD?

>cherrypicking some immigrants in an entire crowd while your country is flooded by negroes
You are retarded beyond any human conception

>Better to be uncivilized racist than monkeys

bella storia
"low IQ monkeys"

m8 those niggers are from Ivory Coast, the pic is flipped

true but since they tried to join Alde one year ago they pretty much don't trust them anymore

fuck, i remember this story,
he should have burned the hotel down to the ground
i suppose the fuckers have destroyed it know anyway

Down the memory lane: huge scuffle in Sicily at local market, dindus enriching sicilians with their vibrant culture


>their ways will be our ways, migrants are the vanguard of our future way of life

t. Laura Boldrini

that motherfucker, he is one of ours
i will come over to italy and smash his skull with my broadsword