Why do conservatives always increase military spending? Is there any actual profit from this?
Why do conservatives always increase military spending? Is there any actual profit from this?
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They're rural and suburban retards.
>have global hegemony supported by massive military infrastructure
>want to see that continue
>increase military spending whenever possible
It's not rocket science you morons
How is military hegemony even profitable? Its not like you can make Norway share their oil profits
Because physical survival is more important than any retarded social issue?
''Support our international financial infrastructure or we'll come and liberate™ your country''
Their friends are shareholders in thr military industrial complex. Republishits literally profit from ripping us the American taxpayer off
its not "conservative"
they're warhawks on both parties. war is profitable, and profit has no politcal preference.
thisAlso it gives our oligarchs free reign to do business all over the world with as few restrictions as possible
>they're warhawks on both parties.
dont even try to pull the "both as bad as each other!" card when we all know its mainly republicans with corrupt interests in the military industrial complex
>implying both parties aren't just 2 sides of the same shekel
Is there any actual example? Like some countries dont wanna use the dollar but they are madd to use it or what?
>invest in defense stocks
>pass bills giving the defense industry free money
The worst part is that it's totally legal. Insider trading isn't against the law if you are a congressman.
obama was at war every day of his presidency. he not only continued bushs useless middle east wars he launched several more. warhawks are warhawks
This. How do people on this board still not understand this?
because massive liberal corruption funnels a significant portion of military spending to private interests while our equipment rots in the field
Fuck off leaf
The US dollar makes up 2/3rds of the worlds global reserve currency. This is because nearly every oil-exporting country in the world exclusively sells their oil in US dollars (the Petrodollar), so the rest of the world is forced to hoard large amounts of US dollars to buy oil, this huge global circulation of dollars allows the US to print it almost to infinity without hyper-inflating their currency.
When an oil-exporting country tries to abandon the petrodollar, it gets liberated™. Iraq, Libya, Syria and Iran all threatened the petrodollar, and all of them got directly or indirectly liberated™
Actually we can. By having the US dollar be the petro dollar, all countries that trade in oil must own significant quantities of US dollars. When inflation eats away at the value of the dollar due to monetary policy, it lowers the value of each dollar held and transfers that value to the newly created dollars. In essence, expanding the dollar supply creates a small tax on each and every existing dollar. Since everyone must have dollars to trade in oil, we essential are taxing the entire planet.
This only works as long as the US dollar is the global petro dollar. Our military hegemony is what maintains this system. This is why any dictator who says they're going to stop using the US dollar for oil trade finds their country being "liberated".
Interesting. But what is EU countries start to pay with euros, this is world currency too now
>Is there any actual profit from this?
For the military corporations and more debt for the people.
The Clintons love military interventionism. Obama didn't seem inclined to go mucking around in other countries but he hired Hillary Clinton we just like her husband loved screwing around with other countries.
Republicans are the right side of the Kosher Sandwich. When America tacks left, (((they))) infect the country with more brown people to take more territory from whitey. When America tacks right, time to pump up the army to defend our GREATEST ALLY.
Fuck yeah!!!
Most politicians are for increasing military spending because they are some of the biggest campaign contributors.
Money rules politics, and it has for years.
We need to get both money and special interest groups out of our political system
Oil-exporting countries simply aren't allowed to accept euros, if they do the US will bomb them into submission.
Apparently it's necessary for our attempt to control world finance. If I had it might way I'd cut military spending to a 1/5 of current levels, eliminate social security, and shrink Medicare/Medicaid to 1/5 of current levels.
There has been talk of making the Euro the equivalent of the US dollar in oil trading but my wild guess is people in governments of EU nations have significant financial holdings in the current system. Changing it might be good for their nations but bad for their own personal finance. Also they might be worried that the United States will remove their military forces from Europe, making the EU nations responsible for their own defense. Even with the boost from having the Euro benefit from petroeuro status, the cost of the military might be more. Europe has torn itself apart many times so there might also be fears that if the US military stops existing in Europe, NATO falls apart and the nations of Europe start fighting each other again, obviously destroying the EU and leaving the whole place vulnerable to outside forces.
Because conservatives are fucking moronic inbreds most of the time, so it's a good way to stay in power.
t. uygur
the armenian genocide happened buddy
Why the push for more OFFENSIVE spending? And the RUSH? Trump is gearing up for a major war. (Has been since he entered office). He is owned by the Israeli Fifth Column.
that's because people who actually make all the decisions realized that funding "rebels" and installing puppet governments is actually far better than invading because it costs less, brings same (or even better) results and doesn't make you look like a warmonger when footage of your soldiers mistreating "liberated" civilians eventually surface of the internet
to put it in perspective, compare iraq and libya
usa got the hold of both their oil reserves, but at a much much lower price for libya
also do you actually believe that either obongo, clinton or trump decide what country gets invaded?
they're all puppets with different rhetorics for which you can vote for in elections that create illusion of political dichotomy, while the same circle of corrupt oligarchs makes all the decisions
to oversimplify it, only thing a politician actually has to do is sell the war to the people, either with "OMG EVIL ASSAD IS GASSING BABIES WE MUST SAVE THEM" or "AMERICA FUCK YEAH LET'S INVADE SYRIA" narrative
The only reason other nations don't have large fleets is due to American naval supremacy securing the waterways thus allowing international commerce.
It keeps it fairly peaceful and very profitable.
>inb4 much 2011 Somali pirates
>inb4 much brave captured American sailors
>inb4 muh 7th fleet
Piracy has plummeted around East Africa & we were not going to go to war with Iran over some shithead Zodiac capitan that wasn't able to follow directions
7th fleet and all surface warfare ships have suffered the most under sequestration
I assure you that THEY are making a profit.
>spending money on one of the only government mandates rather than sex change surgeries for three year olds
Real fucking mystery.
because democrats weakened America, thinking our enemies will simply go away
>the only
Could have spent on education
On building infrastructure
On health care reform
On homelessness problem
Oh and the public debt
>can't even defeat goat fuckers and jungle chinks
it's profitable for the military industrial complex
Both sides increase spending. Always.
the western world is built on unsustainable debt. take japan for example, 250% of GDP
play the Metal Gear saga and you'll understand why.
and what are conservatives doing about china's land grab in the south china sea? oh that's right, looking the other way. the truth is, you never use your military when it's actually needed
fuck yourself leaf you and your weak military would get ass raped by north korea in 1 day
we have to keep increasing it because the democrats DECREASE it. these "increases" are just us returning it to the normal level of spending after being slashed by morons who don't know what they're doing.
>decrease wasteful spending
gee, i wonder why. also this , the truth is, the military is just for show. to "intimidate" other countries but it's pretty much useless
>wasteful spending
oh, you're one of these people who think that "having a navy" and "paying the people you hired" are wasteful activities.
This is a joke question right? Our government has been controlled for years by something called the military industrial complex, which basically means that US companies who create weapons get more money any time we need more stuff for our military. It’s not rocket science, companies who sell military equipment influence politicians and generals to buy more of their shit.
because if you're weak and look weak the bullies will attack you.
Most countries in the world are not compassionate. the largest religions in the word want to kill the others, they didn't get that way by being soft and accepting they got that way by being ruthless.
Most people in power all over the world did not gain power by being push over wimps (trudie aside) , they got to power by being ruthless and taking out their enemies.
What happened to the weakest kids in school?
they got beat up and robbed all the time.
what happens to a business without anti theft security?
they get most of their stuff stolen
what happens to the variety store or gas station where the loan clerk is not behind glass?
they get robbed and sometimes killed often
What happens at banks without security guards?
The world is not a peaceful or compassionate place, it has been built on defeat or be defeated.
The white empire didn't survive as long as it did by having open boarders and no armies. It survived by having great walls surrounding their castles and towns with great armies ready to defend the women and children from invaders that would take for the sake of taking.
USA no wall, people come for free gibbs and rape and steal.
Britten, Germany, France and most of the EU, they decided to have compassion over security, now look whats going to happen or happening.
France in a state of martial law, EU cops everywhere (not even their own cops) so they had to allow other courties armies in to get them out of the problem, they will NEVER get out of it so long as they put compassion over sovereignty and security of their own people and way of life.
but with no army's, no money for policing they will never have sovereignty or security ever again. If they try and send them back or exterminate the criminals they will get attacked even more, because they are not showing compassion.
Bottom line is Stop it BEFORE it starts.
Never let the orks in ever.
Japan owns most of its debt.
it's just the other side of the NEO cancer, you MUST subscribe to this train of thought and commit to the same shit if you're a republican running for office just like you have to support gun control and rights destruction if you're a democrat, the weird thing is Trump was against this shit and had statements saying he didn't not want to intervene in the Middle East and then shortly after entering office suddenly is tooting the neoconservative horn of old
If Islam is allowed to become a super power they WILL destroy western civilization, this is without question.
Do like George Washington and snuff Islam out again. look it up, he shut Islam down and it was what allowed the Muslim countries to thrive, right up until Islam was funded again.
Then Europe gets "liberated"........again. Thats how this works.
I guess they need to increase military spending to protect Israel.
Defense spending is mandated in the founding documents, the rest of that shit requires acts of congress. Political parties and pissing contests prevent progress in these areas.
Republicans engage in wars to win over evil; democrats protect evil and blame the good
>brings same (or even better) results
that's bullshit, it's backfired almost every time we've done it.
It backfired with Castro, it backfired with Bin Laden, and it sure as hell backfired with the "moderate Syrian rebels"
>Why do conservatives always increase military spending? Is there any actual profit from this?
Military industrial complex is a for profit institution...
Or, a series of institutions.
Let me go ahead and break this one down for you....
Republicans want more money, and so they pass legislation that uses taxpayer money to fund their corporations.
Democrats want less white people, so they pass legislation that makes life harder for whites, and easier for minorities.
Neither party cares about poor whites.
The world is a dangerous place and the laws of nature are brutal. Not exactly a good time to disarm
you are a retarded cunt who still subscribes to left right paradigm. take your own life
I would say generally, or ideally they raise mil spending in hopes to lower the chance of conflict and make money with business during the peaceful prosperity. This is another reason why neocons or RINOs are not real conservatives.
The answer you want, which is what happens if we allow the euro to buy oil, is that the United States Dollar becomes virtually worthless as people dump currency back into the country and we become Weimar 2.0
This is strange considering the US does have some good industries like the IT, the entertainment industry etc.
you are retarded
You sound smart.