Is this how you imagined your life would be?
No it isn't when I left high school I had a job and friends now:
>20 years old
>only had one job when I was 16-17
>never had a gf
>cant drive a car
>relies on his mum for everything
Is this how you imagined your life would be?
No it isn't when I left high school I had a job and friends now:
>20 years old
>only had one job when I was 16-17
>never had a gf
>cant drive a car
>relies on his mum for everything
Other urls found in this thread:
Its a good reminder that a strong family should be the priority of all western political agendas
Yep the number 1 issue is divorce if my dad didn't leave I'd be a completely different man.
>boot salesman on 53k a year
>staging coup d'etat against retarded boss to become the boss
>gf i rarely fuck
>nice ish house in paki/poo suburb
Could be worse
being a neet is repilled. Don't work for a system that actively funds your replacement.
>20 years old
ur like a little baby
>>cant drive a car
were you molested in one?
>no gf
>no car
>no job
At least I have some guns
Run away from that which you are afraid, as fast as you can.
>Jr officer in Air Force
>Saving up to replace college beater car
>Small house on base
>Spare money for guns 'n stuff
>Still no gf though
I can't really complain desu
I watch this channel a lot.
Getting into trades and apprenticeship is doable.
You just have to not be a pussy and work hard.
Well you're in a better position than I am
>be me
> almost 21 yrs old
>never had a job
>have a shitty car and licence but never use it
At least you've had a job before. It will make you slightly more employable than I will ever be.
Get right
This is now an aussie thread
This too. Its why I'm not getting a job in college until Trump does a hefty amount of serious Sup Forumsack shit
The good news is that you are young. Immediately stop lamenting your situation and begin looking at what you can do to improve your situation. Find a trade school. Learn to be a welder or a plumber and you will be making heaps of money in a relatively short number of years.
here u go rare aussie
yeah I bet you'd look like this man right here
Your young as fuck,
get your shit together you have plenty of time.
Did you finish High School?
Oh look another aussie in this thread looks like im giving out another rare one!
this accurately describes my life right now
and my age too
Also too scared to kill self so forced to live with pretty much 0 future prospects
My cousin was like you cunts.
Then he got an apprenticeship he was computer gaming virgin.
Now he is a semi alpha normie with a girlfriend.
Your situation is not that bad, I'm your age and in pretty much in the same situation, except I've never had a job. You also don't live in Poland, so keep your chin up, cunt.
Its good advice but over time it is becoming more impracticle and impossible.. tapering off. Im 37 and i used to be in the exact spot.. I did what you are saying perfectly, with flying colors but society is changing over time. Im not sure that i would continue giving that advice.. there is some point in all this that a persons individual judgement is necessary. For example if you are a NEET in certain situations, you may be so set back that it would be unintelligent to try in that manner. You would get some ways but lose big time at some point. You would lose big time and it would be more intelligent to see that first without investing all the time energy and compromise with others who you will harm. The world is very superficial and although i understand where the normal chads or gung-ho guys are comming from that is not intelligence for everyone because they would hurt others. This is what happened in my life. I had weird alcoholic parents and i did just what you are saying perfectly.. i lifted weights, was completely redpilled, did everything strictly and by the book, women liked it alot... But it was disastorous and i lost big time.
One formula doesnt work for all people and all situations, life simply doesnt work like that. I would have been more intelligent to asses my situation from the start, but to be in that spot and do it good is one of the hardest things to do in life.. It involves going beyond and withstanding most of the influences that almost EVERYONE succumbs to. Very difficult.
>So no one told you life was gonna be this way
you worry about things that aren't important because you're 20 years old
Try the same but 23, I will off myself any day now
>25 yo
>have a degree with average score 3,5
>worked only two months, lost job because of nofap
>never had a gf
>have addiction to shitpost on political theme
Man I knew so many fucking degenerate fuck ups at 23 your still young as fuck, you could go on a couple year bender doing coke and fucking bitches and still have enough time to get your shit together.
ok you are really fucked because your from russia.
>lost job because of nofap the power of trump
>never had a job
It's fine. I'd ""started"" to work only at 23 yo. But it was a bad experience so I had even more hard depression than before it.
I just fucked up the proffessional orientation. But not even sure, maybe my degree is ok for me.
I thought I'd be dead by now.
Turns out things don't always go as you plan.
>21 years old
>Studying to become teacher
>Have two jobs
>Can drive a car
>Rely on my parents for housing
>Few friends
>Never had a girl
>Depressed because of no cool friends and qt girlfriend
>Recently met a qt who was all over me, then I discovered she was 5 1/2 years younger than me.
>Can't date her because too young and will risk losing potential job as teacher
I know that somewhere up there, God is laughing at me. But me fortune will turn someday.
I had a feelings to a woman from a different dept, I thought she is the same yo as I, but I was wrong, she already has a family.
Just fuck a hooker. If your not religious.
The worst is when you realize you have to start over.
>get chemistry bachelor's
>no jobs
>start over
>go back to school for another bachelor's
>make $31k teaching, good job security
The only real downside is the fact my salary will never really grow. Still, I made it, you can too.
>when I left high school
I think I see the problem there.
If you want to have a decent career after high school you need qualifications or to learn a trade. Working as a waiter or as a shop assistant will only get you so far and it is a young persons game, too.
Look into what your local collage or adult education center has to offer and get at least a levels (or the Aussie equivalent) or an apprenticeship in something that has worth (think trades like plumbing rather than barrister).
After you actually have a qualification in a trade the money will come rolling in and in larger amounts than your 2 bit Saturday job you left high school for. You can even use some of that to get driving lessons and buy a suit to wear to impress ladies.
He hasn't even started.
I'm Catholic, also I am a firm believer that only desperate betas fuck hookers. Who the fuck pays for sex?
>go back to school for another bachelor's
Also I'd studied FIVE years, not four like you.
A trade in Australia does not require high school and pays really well.
Most of my mates left school at 16 and are on about 70 k aud a year now.
If only you could get neetbux in the US. There just comes a point in time here when you just have to work if you want to survive.
Are you actually dating this qt that was all over you? Are like, are you trying to date her? She'll prolly be legal in less than two years. Why not just continue a relationship with her and refrain from sex until she's legal?
I've done 8 years of undergrad famalam.
Yeah I agree but if your a 21 year old virgin, unless through religious conviction then your a fucking desperate beta.
On base is absolute horrible idea unless housing+utilities+gas+time on road is more then BAH allowance.
boomer go away
what and get shilled shitcoins.
If he can't clear the small hurdles, I sincerely hope he doesn't give up when he hits the start over wall. desu I'm lucky I made it on the second try.
Not interested in the sex, I can wait for that as long as she likes and longer, tbqh. I would like to court her, but no one would believe me if I'd claim I'm not in it for sex. This is how degenerate our culture has become. Haven't spoken to her in some time, but I'm quite sure she is still in love with me as I've never seen a woman so enchanted by me in my entire life. Could be one of these notorious insane teen crushes you hear so much about.
You're young. You have time to start building a career. Don't worry about it. Worry about that when you start reaching 24, 25ish and are in the sane position.
Yes, that means start now
Yeah, that's why I gave him that advice, but it sounds like OP left high school because the thought he was made with whatever crummy unskilled job he had. Then he was probably sacked or left it thinking he could do better.
Got to do an apprenticeship to learn a trade, you can't just come straight out of school and go for trade jobs without one. It isn't an easy option either even though it pays well and you can do it if you aren't academically gifted, it is a hard days work and you are paid accordingly.
Your life is good when you're a child because your parents make it that way. When you get older, you demand more freedom. This comes with more work in order to maintain the same standard of living. This work is what you do during this period of your life. You continue to build something until you have what you've wanted and you will deserve it because you have earned it.
>left high school
>20 years old
SON some people get locked up for longer than 2 years just for a small bag of something. Quit bitching and fix your shit
To the young guys in here, just go and work. Work hard. Push for a full time position whenever you can - it may take a few years.
I've been where you are. I dicked around after high school, dabbled in uni and part time jobs. Mostly just partying and wasting the weeks away. I told myself I wasnt gonna be like my parents with some boring full time job earning under 100k a year. Eventually you grow out of your stupid fantasies and realize youre not going to be a celebrity and that you need to earn money.
My life isnt what I wanted or expected, but I now earn 62k/year, more than enough for a single young 20's guy. Im starting to get respect in my career and not feel like a total loser anymore.
You feel like shit because you do nothing. You look at hard work and think its beneath you, so you continue to do nothing. You need to wake up and just go for the money anywhere you can. You will gain knowledge and self respect on the way. People tried to tell me this stuff when I was 17, 18, 19 and I didnt listen. I just kept failing uni courses and going to house parties trying to put off adulthood. It leads to depression and self hatred.
You're not paying for the sex you're paying her to leave.
Haha, a classic.
>26 years old
>Renting a house
>Lost my gf before i got the house, was planning on finding work, but not anymore
>Don't have a license.
>smoke weed and drink alcohol almost every day playing vidya
Thanks for making me feel good about myself.
I'm going to be totally straight with you here: if you're not interested in the immediate sex, and you are actually interesting in a long term relationship with this girl, you really, REALLY need to start courting this chick. I was in a relationship with a high school sweetheart for five years, even though there was over a three year age gap between us. Women are hard-wired to go after older men, especially if they have their shit together. If you set up the relationship now, you could very likely end up with a woman who is extremely faithful to you forever. Reconsider whether or not you want this opportunity to slip through your fingers. Many men would kill for something like what you have.
Life is so easy in the western world. If you can't fucking make it here donate your organs to science. Maybe someone who can will use them.
It's true though, girlfriend wife you really have to pay for the sex.
I'm cool with younger girls but this is as much as 5 1/2 years. I guess I won't get any older because of my baby face which makes me look at least 3 years younger. I will consider your advice. Now I just have to find her again, but that is just a matter of time.
You're welcome user. I don't feel too bad about it myself. I could have it worse. I just don't feel like wageslaving at the moment. If the moment comes where they want to put me to work i'll only do so when it's well-paid and full-time. I'm 'earning' more than some wageslaves atm that get fucked with their contracts so overall.. not doing too bad.
To be fair, you are paying for more than that. She cooks, cleans the house, gives you children and raises them for you. She's also a qt companion. I like to think I'm paying for that, instead of sex.
The truth is that Im ready for war and it's been a long time coming so all you NEETs better figure your shit out right quick cha
You're still really, really young. Get your shit together now though before it's too late.
>I'm going to be totally straight with you here: if you're not interested in the immediate sex, and you are actually interesting in a long term relationship with this girl, you really, REALLY need to start courting this chick. I was in a relationship with a high school sweetheart for five years, even though there was over a three year age gap between us. Women are hard-wired to go after older men, especially if they have their shit together. If you set up the relationship now, you could very likely end up with a woman who is extremely faithful to you forever. Reconsider whether or not you want this opportunity to slip through your fingers. Many men would kill for something like what you have.
People in their 20s need to realize that days go slow, but years go fast.
You won't think much different when you are 35, but "magically" all the reasonable and modest women seem to be taken.
You will wake up one day and wonder what the heck happened.
It took a conscious and measured inner dialogue when I was about 21 to say: "Ok...if I want a conventional married life, why would I break up with this person? What do I think I'm entitled to? She wants the same thing, and I'm completely comfortable with her. Should I risk going for a 8.5 instead of an 8?"
But NOW...oh my god...I'm so grateful I hung in there.
Late 30s now....wife is demonstrably one of those women who thirsty guys meet via work and "hit on".
Looks-wise very solid, but I never thought she was objectively a smoking hottie.
However, being that she's a good wife, and good mom, and inaccessible, that apparently ups her value to single dudes who squandered their 20s due to being a slob, being too shy, or thinking they are entitled to plow bitches for a decade before picking one at random and making a decent marriage.
Now. Biology clearly designed us to pair off earlier.
Thirsty single office cucks are miserable cretins. Holy shit.
I can't help but being a little smug about it.
>19 years old
>currently NEET
>no licence
>no gf
>only year 10 education
>live with mum
I don't know where to go from here, I was looking at the ADF but after seeing how pozzed they've become I think it may not be worth the time or effort trying.
*18 years old
Just some final advice: if the legal age of consent in your country is 18, and you do enter a defacto relationship with her, it is imperative that you explain the precariousness of your situation and that she understands that there are to be no sexual interactions between the two of you until she's at least of legal age. There is a strong possibility that if you don't cave and start pushing sex in the relationship, she will. If that happens you must keep your wits about you and refuse any of her sexual invitations. I'm speaking from personal experience here. These kinds of relationships can be extremely complex to initiate and maintain, but the early hardships will taper off leave the relationship stronger for it.
>has a gas station job
>relies on parents if i need to go somewhere
>sits at home all day and shit posts on Sup Forums Sup Forums and /k/
>goes out shooting inna woods or range once inna whille
>25 y/o
>haven't had a job in 3 years, never held job longer than 2 months
>no resume
>dropped out of community college
>all certifications expired, no job skills
>play video games all day and live with dad
>no neetbucks, 200$ in bank account
Get on my level fags, actually don't because my life is constant pain and I hate myself
You sound like a solid guy and your advice makes sense. Thanks a lot.
1) move to usa
2) army, navy, air force, marines or coast guard (pick one)
3) buy car with money from job
4) use car, money, and accent to pick up dumb american sluts
5) profit
check the laws and make sure everything u do is legal but dating a 17 year old as a 22 year old (or wtv it is) is a literwl jackpot man. Only way to get a faithful woman is when theyre young
>26 years old
>still in college studying computer science
>Huge faggot with anime girls all over the place
I thought I would be married with kids right now, but I can't even afford a ring to propose to my girlfriend of 5 years.