Jews, actually pure or mere half-breeds?

Science has demonstrated Jews and whites are different races, then if a Jew and a white have a child, wouldn't that make the child a half-breed?

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Ash Can Nazi Jews are a species of Vampirical, Parasitic Alien Psychopaths who tried to control and interbreed with Humanity in their quest for universal domination. These parasites created the brainwashing cult called "Judaism", also known as "The Worship of Money" and "Ritual Infant Sacrifice", and in the Dark Ages were the inventors of the two most Anti-Intellectual religions in the world: Christianity and Islam. Some famous Jews include: everyone who works on the banks, in television, in movies, in radio and in print media. Jews have trolled, scammed, ruined, pillaged and destroyed every single civilization on the face of the Earth. This is why in the dictionary the verb Jewing also means to troll, lie, decieve, con, fool, steal and manipulate others for profit.

Judaism was the world's first master race theory. The Jew religion teaches that Jews are the Chosen People of God and that there is a sacred mystical quality to Jew DNA that makes them different from the rest of humanity; essentially admitting they were Aliens. In olden times, Jew prophets would, under the command of YHWH, frequently lead the Jews on genocidal rampages against neighboring populations, and even today leaders in the Jew state of Israel often cite Jewish religious ideals to justify their ongoing genocide of sandniggers. Admittedly, this is amusing, but is still no excuse for being the thieving little hooknoses they are. Judaism ironically found its mirror-image inversion in the anti-Jew Aryan racialism of the Nazis. But this is all bullshit, since there's no pure Jewish left as they all mixed with white people and slavs, while also experimenting to create the ultimate Slave Race by forcing our own Human females to mate with severely retarded wild animals.

Despite only being 0.19% of the world's population, Jews control 99% of the world's money. (See: Rothschild, Warburg, etc.) The only nation's whose money is not issued by a Rothschilds bank are Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. Noticing anything there?

They also control the media, the banks, Facebook (as Polandball learned the hard way with multiple bans for Nazi content), LiveJournal's porn, craigslist, Stratfor, textbook publishers, music (especially Pop Music), gold, and diamonds. And no, we're not fucking joking about this. If you don't believe that Jews control everything, just look up a list of Media Jews or finance Jews on Google. Or just look at the always disproportionate number of Jewish names in the governments of the West. Case in point, Roman Polanski and and Jeffrey Epstein got off without serious punishment for raping little girls (as recommended in their holy book, the Talmud), something a goy would have done serious pound-me-in-the-ass prison time for. The Jews use the money to fund their militarized colony of Israel, a Jewish state created in the Middle East, which Jews consider the Promised Land. The Arabs don't think so, so The Kike Reich has fought many wars, and has turned the Jews into a warrior race as well as a scummy thieving one. Basically, the only part of the world that's not controlled by the Jews is Asia, because the Muslims don't tolerate their kike bullshit and the only way for Jews to hold them down is to send the Israel Defense Forces to buttfuck them, and the Chinese are the only race with potential to out-Jew the Jews and actually threaten them.

Jews are well known for being filthy hypocrites. For example, they deny the right of other religitards to practice their own shitty and barbaric rituals and then go on a daily penis-cutting spree, in the name of their money God.

Jews were the inventors of Capitalism, created when Christian Europeans threw away their morals and decided to embrace Jewish practices like usury (see: John Calvin). Jews were the first group to create a sophisticated banking system, which they used to finance the Crusades in order to pit Christians and Muslims (both adhering to religions derived from Judaism) against each other to kill as many people as possible in a macabre human sacrifice to YHWH. Karl Marx, however, was a Heretic Jew, which was why he understood money so well, and decided to be all rebellious and edgy by inventing communism, when in fact he was tricked by another Jew, Moses Hess, the actual founder of Zionism, who ghost-wrote Marx's The German Ideology.

The Jew banking system was based on fraud and lies, so when it inevitably collapsed, the Jews just pwned as many people as possible by unleashing the Black Plague on them. Later, Jews economically controlled medieval Venice (the first modern maritime trade empire), and then crypto-Jewish merchants economically controlled the Spanish Empire, including the slave trade. Openly Jewish bankers orchestrated the Dutch Empire and founded Jew Amsterdam (later Jew York). Later the Dutch Jews moved to London because they thought it would be a better base for a global empire, and actually brought a Dutch nobleman, William III, with them, who they installed in a coup d'état (more like Jew d'état, amirite?) as new King of the British Empire. For hundreds of years, Jewish bankers controlled global trade through their bases in Jew York City and London. European colonialism was, through its history, essentially a plot whereby Jews could gain control of gold and diamond mines in poor countries and increase their stranglehold over the global economy.

At this point, the average person might say, "Wait a minute... that sounds like a conspiracy theory!!! One small race couldn't possibly be responsible for so much evil!" Well, here's a fun fact: in 1913, Jews seized control of America's sovereign power to control its own currency by establishing the Income Tax, and brought about the Federal Reserve system (a parasitic Ponzi scheme, modeled on the earlier Rothschild-dominated Bank of Cock-slime England, in which any dollar printed as legal currency is actually a dollar of debt owed, with interest, to the Jew-controlled private banks who own the shares of the regional Fed banks). The architect of this system was a Jew named Paul Warburg. Paul's brother, Max Warburg, worked directly under Hjalmar Schacht And His Dancing Monkeys in Germany and directed the currency policies of the Third Reich that allowed Hitler to build his war machine. What's truly fascinating is that the Warburg family has a long history of grand-scale fraud -- the family was originally named del-Banco, and was the most prominent banking family in the Republic of Venice during that state's period of imperial supremacy in the 1400s. Between that and their habit of eating pickled cunts, the whole thing is repulsive. It's somewhat stunning to contemplate that it's not merely impersonal monetary systems that have existed for so many centuries, but in fact for over 500 years the same Jewish families have overseen them and maintained economic dominance.

Jews also enjoy slicing up baby penises for fun, some even enjoy sucking them. See below.

Some suggest that we should use Jews instead of dogs to sniff out large amounts of concealed cash or anything else worth smuggling at airports due to their sensitive Jew noses. Obviously, this is a horrible idea, because the pay is bad, and the dirty Kikes would probably form a union and demand moar money, thus increasing the burden on taxpayers everywhere.

Duh, whites are different races than jews, theres oceans there, fishes arenr men, men arent like the things on other side of ocean.


Fucking retard. Go sell your horror stories to wherever they fucking care

Pic related is a Famous half white/half Jew.

Nice pasta.

That picture creates a rather intense feeling of hate and disgust towards that jewish boy. He looks sleazy, with a fake smile, dark little eyes, and disproportionate facial features. What the hell is happening

His father was a professional scientist, his Jew mom was a bum.

>typically miserable Goy (lower IQ of course)
>not smiling because he's filled with inner rage and despair
>won't even look at the cameraman, probably out of shame or a sense of inferiority
>nose barely big enough to allow any oxygen to the brain, resulting in heightened aggression
>Jewish master-race
>filled with internal happiness that can't be destroyed or suppressed
>looks straight at the camera, a sign of confidence
>nose is a product of thousands of years of selective breeding and helps sniff out good investments

i also h8 jews goys am i cool yet?

Itt: shills and people still too brainwashed to understand the juden way

looking at that picture makes me want to strangle that greasy little kike. I want to watch the life escape from his body as he struggles and writhes to take a breath as I'm crushing his larynx.
anyone else?

kek beat me to it

>nose is a product of thousands of years of selective breeding and helps sniff out good investments

I get the same impulse

>people still wasting time blaming everything on the jews while boat loads of muzzies are landing on their shores

>if a Jew and a white have a child, wouldn't that make the child a half-breed?

why are freckled green-eyed redheads, grey-eyed blondes, blue-eyed brunettes and black haired white girls all lumped into the same race?

So what would you call each of these if they are not the same?

And here we thought the sjws wanted to complicate things with more than 2 genders.

this is what a Sup Forums meetup looks like
is it really surprising these people attack jews rather than muslims?

Because kikes are the true enemy.
Niggers and muzzies are just tools that zionists use.


Attention everyone, Human Phenotypes is back!
race deniers on suicide watch

Le 56% guy spotted.

fuking trash

Shit, I have nothing but Slavic ancestors but left kid's nose, chin and jaw is just like mine

>to sniff out good investments

stop lying sholomo and admit it's because you're a sandnigger and need a big nasal cavity for thermoregulation

whites are not a race . the fact that communism and nazism failed proofs that whites are not a race. each european country has a different mix of dna .the word white has always been a word that was used to describe white skin or a white soul . even adolf know this stuff.

>why are freckled green-eyed redheads, grey-eyed blondes, blue-eyed brunettes and black haired white girls all lumped into the same race?
Because, literally, American education.