Listen up brosephs, the more testosterone a person has, the more likely they will be in favor of individualism and right wing politics. Therefore, we need to help each other max out the test and our fellow bros. Do this:
1. Lift 3-5 days a week
2. Ensure adequate Vit D and 30% diet of healthy fats
3. Get Plenty of Rest
4. Engage in competition and win at things
5. Smash Some Pussy
Testosterone- The Link to Right Wing Politics
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In addition, foods such as Broccoli and Eggs increase test or lower estrogen. Avoid Plastics and Xeno-estrogens while lowering stress.
>the more testosterone a person has, the more likely they will be in favor of individualism and right wing politics.
What did he mean by this?
Also, keep your nuts cool, avoid alcohol, don't eat a few hours before bed, believe in yourself and have some decent breakfast.
What a beautiful photo
individualism is cancer, return to the White racial collective and fight for our group's right to survive
kys boot licker
you're stuck in a world where everyone else uses a group strategy.
You will need to embrace one as well if you wish to survive.
Nothing wrong with physical fitness but dumb meatheads will be sent to the frontline as machine gun fodder
Speaking of Vitamin D; can anyone recommend a non-soy based capsule form? I do know that most of the your body's Vitamim D is gathered through exposure to direct sunlight but I work in IT and spend far and away too much time in front of a terminal. I have some Nature Made brand Vitamin D3 5000iu capsules but they are soy-based and that makes me a bit uncomfortable. I've also read that it's not D3 that is needed but D5? Any advice is appreciated.
High five!
They're obviously Russian
too much casual sex is detrimental, though. once every two weeks+nofap is ideal.
>smash some pussy
but women dont like me and i have a small peepee
>right wing
Fuck off Schlomo, individualism means not looking beyond your nose and becoming the only white individual in your country/neighborhood in a lifetime. Libertarian right-wingers are degenerative soyboys thinking of themselves as chads.
Reals onion champions are all national socialists, fascists or broad authoritarian nationalists.
Wouldnt worry about soy in miniscule amounts but NOW brand is phenomenal and cheap.
Perhaps self reliance is a better word? I'm not saying dont be part of a collective, but to be individually strong is a great asset.
Just become the best version of yourself, you should be able to score something. I didn't lose my virginity for a long time, grew up an introverted fat boy, but now I'm an introverted socially awkward chad.
Real national socialists got their shit pushed in like bitches.
Become the guy you pretend to be when you're trying to get laid.
>Real national socialists got their shit pushed in like bitches.
by how many countries? like 15, yeah?
how many of those countries have professional soldiers today that would hesitate to use violence?
thats right. /historical anecdote
Individualism us a group strategy. The strategy is for the group to do whatever they want individually and the let nature sort it out.
Done a couple cycles myself. I would highly recommend someone form a solid base first and maybe later try no earlier than late 20's to early 30's to try anabolics.
individualism AND collectivism simultaneously tho >>
> (OP)
>In addition, foods such as Broccoli and Eggs increase test or lower estrogen. Avoid Plastics and Xeno-estrogens while lowering stress.
just for the record, xenoestrogens actually act as estrogen blockers. they occupy the receptor but there simply are none in nature that are as potent as estradiol.
the sum effect will be somewhere from zero to slightly androgenic
ffs, 150cc/wk is a high-t dose, not a bodybuilder dose just a feeling good dose. $40 bottle lasts for months, and you're talking about plastic and broccoli.
Nasty. Trip.
Not sure how to break this to you, but roos pretty much do nothing other than sleep fight and fuck.
Can I just take test cypionate?
> (You)
>Done a couple cycles myself. I would highly recommend someone form a solid base first and maybe later try no earlier than late 20's to early 30's to try anabolics.
i was suggesting it more as an anti-soyboy, antidepressant, anti-neumale measure not so much for getting huge
you're completely right for adding mass, but they'll give trt to 90yo men. if they're adults, a 2x trt can replace a lot of shit that doctors give them these days.
also. CRAZY CHEAP. even for the high-end stuff its no big deal. (you have to cycle off periodically)
This guy fucking gets it
It really is. Ukraine, I wonder? Makes me think of that for some reason.
Second vote for NOW products.
>Become the guy you pretend to be when you're trying to get laid.
Ha, this is great. If you don't work in advertising you might consider it.
take your entire hemisphere and chuck it into the trash
or just read this, christ this text.
Those are jewish actors. Look at the guy in the left
Don't forget Super Male Vitality.
That photo of the soldier being hugged from behind, looking all stoic and strong....
Its fucking 1am in Aussie land but fuck it...I'm going to hit the gym for an hour. Most inspiring shit Ive seen in ages. And I already did 2 hours at lunch time (legs are fucked from pressing already, will do chest tonight).
Heil Hitler bros. Have a goodnight.