Clean your room
Be productive member of society
Pay taxes
Find Jewus Cuckrist
Don’t be a racist to nonwhite people
Listen to Takeshi69
Clean you room and prep da bull!!
1. speak the truth (unless its not PC, in which case you should be censored, like if youre Faith goldy or you deny the 6 million death toll or the historical accuracy of the gas chambers
2. Tribalism is evil for white people but not other groups, identities should be suppressed but only in places that are majority white
3. There is no jewish ethnic nepotism, they're just high IQ thats why it seems like they're subverting positions of power but they're really not you just think that because you're jealous of high IQ
4. All the tenets of the 60's cultural revolution (material pragmatism, racial marxism, female empowerment, mass migration, paraphilias) are noble and desirable, it's just that the postmodernists made these things look bad
5. You should use tranny preferred pronouns if they ask, the only issue is if it's coded into law. other than that tranny empowerment is good
6. Be a boring, lifeless, soulless, neocon boomer faggot with no heritage, no future and no legacy, keep your sword sheathed at all times
7. The highest goal in existence is the satisfaction of your personal whims and arbitrary desires
8. Shut up and sit down while you become a minority in your ancestral homeland, goi. Resenting this is evil. Clean your room 20 more times, then the pakis will stop raping 11-year-olds in your nation or something
9. Read Solzhenitsyn, but not any of his naughty books like 200 years together, dont read those they're not good, don't talk about that
10. My wife is an ugly jew who looks like a man, we have no sex life and my daughter poses naked on instagram and still only gets 70 likes. since I cannot get respect from my family I have to settle for 56% kekistan manlet loser freaks who get excited about complete banality
11. Buy my awful dogshit modernist rug for 2k if you're a real fan
Бaмп. Пидopы
Russian vanguard detected
Или чтo?
Nichego. Ty pidor.
Heт, ты.
What's with the anti Peterson shills? Is he that much of a threat?
No ya ne fanat Jordona Pidorsona
A я дaжe нe знaю ктo этo.
It is weird. Like why would russia care?
Lol this says 'i dont know who this is'
He redpilled my parents on a lot when I showed them the Cathy debate. My dad is now listening to Alt media on YouTube occasionally because he wanted to hear more of what Jordan had to say. I’m sure others have had a similar experience.
Hy тoгдa мб идёшь нaхyй oтcюдoвa м?
Пpoгoни мeня.