Isn’t Christianity idolatry? You weirdos worship a man who was a lying manipulative delusional hippy
Isn’t Christianity idolatry? You weirdos worship a man who was a lying manipulative delusional hippy
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jesus never existed. they had census back then, he's entirely made up. the story is based on the myth of zoroaster
Christians are infidels.
There's other religion and ancient text proving Jesus was real.
I will say this
Any religion where you worship anyone other than god is a cult
Christ was a man
You are part of a cult
I wouldn’t say that as I’m not a Muslim, I actually think the core principles and morals of Christianity isn’t bad at all in terms of how to live your life, but I just feel like it is obvious idolatry and I want to know how Christians justify the worship of a man
Like what ? That ‘historical’ document that was written 65 years after his death.
The Old Testament is simply the history of how satan became prince of the world, and caused our first parents to defect from God. It relates how the synagogue of satan was established on this earth, it tells how it has worked since to prevent God’s Plan for the rule of the universe being established on this earth. Christ came to earth when the system reached the stage that, to use his own words, satan controlled all those in high places. He exposed the synagogue of satan (Rev. 2:9; 3:9;) he denounced those who belonged to it as sons of the devil (Lucifer),whom he castigated as the father of lies (John 8:44) and the prince of deceit (2 Cor. 11:14). He was specific in his statement that those who comprised the synagogue of satan were those who called themselves Jews, but were not, and did lie (Rev. 2:9; 3:9). He identified the Money-Changers (Bankers) the Scribes, and the Pharisees as the Illuminati of his day. What so many people seem to forget, is the fact that Christ came on earth to release us from the bonds of satan with which we were being bound tighter and tighter as the years rolled by. Christ gave us the solution to our problem when he told us we must go forth and teach the truth, regarding this system (John 8. 31:59;), to all people of all nations. He promised that if we did this,knowledge of the truth would set us free (Matt. 28:19;). The Luciferian system has developed until it is in its semi-final stage (Matt. 24: 15:34;), simply because we have failed to put the mandate Christ gave us into effect.
Bro I’m being completely honest with you, you’re insane
OP is a Jew
Today i learned jesus was the first globalist
No it’s not haven’t you heard
The Bible is meant for interpretation
It’s about hamburgers and French fries blended in vanilla shakes
it is the idea of the perfect man that people worship you fucking retard
also reminder that jesus was a blonde tanned white guy
You speak by the power of satan. Any spirit who denies Jesus is the Christ is not of God.
you're an idolater worshiping a MAN as a false god - that is the greatest sin out there bro
Jesus is God made into man. He is literally God. Worshiping him is worshipping God.
So many Christian illiterates on this board who don’t have a working understanding of the teachings of Christ and the message of the disciples.
Also, idolatry is the worship of objects or images. Since Jesus isn’t an object, but God made flesh, worshipping him is not idolatry.
>You weirdos worship a man
No need to say anything more than that for it to be idolatry.
I worship the almighty God, the one who came down to earth as a white man to be the savior.
This. There’s no way he was a demonic Khazar.
Christians are so spiritually retarded I have to fight my sense of pride when I get reminded of them. This is wrong guys you're so lowly and proud of it that you become stumbling blocks to serious people.