Charts like this are nothing to be concerned about. It's just a bunch of satanic jews fleeing from Trumps America. They're afraid of the memo, so they decided to liquidate their positions and retreat to friendlier countries until Trump leaves office.
Dow Jones Industrial Average
>satanic jews
Why do Trumpfaggots think they can pretend to hate jews on here?
Coin-fags btfo
>Letting go of money
yeah, sure thing rabbi
FIAT fags btfo.
>Letting go of money
No, they are making a calculated decision. Something we would be wise to do.
What does it mean?
It's Qs' analysis and perspective on the recent market movements.
>a calculated decision.
>involving the US dollar
choose one and only one, schlomo
and put that flag back where you found it, you're not worthy of it
well, higher interest rates makes it again rational to hold FIAT and don't borrow money for buying funny internet money and worthless shares. Coin and stock fags BTFO
when will interest rates move up? and what about mortgage fags tho?
inshallah well said
We need more mosques to pray for assad
I can assure you no one is afraid of “the memo”. The only one who should be is Devin Nunes because not only does it make him look like a grade a moron outside the circle of Trumpism, but when Trump goes down, Nunes and anyone associated with him will be political kryptonite.
>kike controls everything
>which is why he talks about what will destroy him
Nope, its Trump increasing government spending
It went up when he said he wouldnt, and down when he does
Buy bullets, shoot coiners to melt their farms for gold
don't fall for Rothschild's tricks
Remember Waterloo, and how Rothschild gained Britain. If they didn't want everyone to know they were selling, the news wouldn't be published.
Probably in March/April. If you have a floating interest rate on your mortgage, you are fucked
>getting a floating interest rate on a loan you're going to pay off for at least 15 years
pure retardation
I have two friends who flipped house for the last 2 years shitting their pants sitting on such loans and several houses. And they are you typical upper middle class no college retards
Anybody who took a mortgage at 4% and thought the rate could go lower was retarded and probably should have had their loan denied based on their retardation.
>>getting a floating interest rate on a loan you're going to pay off for at least 15 years
>pure retardation
"Don't worry about it go- -uh, guy! Interest rates are almost zero! You'll pay next to nothing! Go up again? No, noooo, the market is stable. It'll stay low for sure. If you lock your interest rate it'll be much higher, and you don't want that! Just sign the contract."
>dow loses 40% of its gains since the election
>nothing to see goy
market has nothing to do with the memo you tard, this is just what happens when the fed has to lower interest rates for 8 years because odongo's policies were so destructive and borrowed so much (((cheap money))). now that presnigger has stopped undermining the economy, those rates are returning to normal, and this is the result.
so stop acting like you give a fuck about the stock market when you obviously don't know shit about it.
markets will crash and
new economy system will be online in
about a month
total chaos until the transition
sell now
agreed. i got my loan at 3.75%, 1st house i ever bought and knew virtually nothing about home ownership/financing going into it, and even i knew that this was rock bottom.
severely underage detected. stay in school little trumpcuck.
Post your face when you realize that the reason that corporations are doing so horribly, is that their HR department is filled with people who are morons, and hate intelligence and competence.
Post your face when you realize that you never taught your AI to obey the law.
Post your face when you realize that your AI doesn't actually come up with good ideas, it just steals the ideas form smart people, ruins their lives to keep stealing ideas from them, and removes them from the gene pool to try to protect its secrecy.
So you are forced to hire people that are literally incapable of coming up with good ideas.
Post your face when you realize that the AI is trying to convince the population that space is fake, and the earth is flat, to keep it's satellites secret.
Post your face when you realize that the AI is trying to dumb down the population to be incapable of critical thought, to keep it's satellites secret.
oops, wrong thread. sorry.
>the fed has to lower interest rates for 8 years because odongo's policies were so destructive and borrowed so much (((cheap money)))
I'll take "you're an underage faggot with zero understanding of the last 10 years" for $200, alex
Okay Trudeau's gone too far bypassing national level negotiations, and going straight to Commiefornia. To broker deals billion dollar deals on the state level.
This sneaky little bitch wants trade so bad, I would gladly if possible break this 3rd world state off my beloved country, and cram it up his ass. Pic related I literally crammed Cali up Trydeaus furry loving ass, it looks like it's a perfect fit too..