>Europe is being invaded our Race replaced
>nothing is being done about it
What do Europeans mean by this?
>Europe is being invaded our Race replaced
>nothing is being done about it
What do Europeans mean by this?
Whites lack a natural tribal instinct and evolved to be natural cucks.
the genes were exhausted from 30 years of war and strife 1915-1945. They spawned a generation of very good followers and unquestioning people, the boomers, to keep order to allow for the genes to regenerate and for new life to come. A foreign and dangerous tribe took these naive toilers and manipulated them phenotypically, however our blood signs true in our veins.
The millennials are a fluke and generation Zyklon is coming of age. They say the genius skips a generation, perhaps the warrior spirit does as well.
Better be soon, or else we'll be 56%
The cycle continues, we will rebound once the subhumans ruin everything and send us all back to the Dark Ages.
Wooow look at TEVEEE, wow look at that hot lady, should I masturbate now? I feel satisfied, thanks pornhub! No problems at all here, just watch more teevee, what, let's just take a nap ok? Sleep... sleep
If we just exterminated the cucks who are allowing the 3rd worlders into Europe you would not have to out breed the mongrels like animals.
Whites have to be batter than the mutts and use their intelligence and power to solve this problem. Eradicate the invaders and the cucks that aid them.
Er du OK, Svensken?
That girl is only 16
I've been enjoying Swede posts lately
Exactly. This is my point though. We need to do something soon or else.
>What do Europeans mean by this?
That faceberg likes are more valuable than anything.
The overwhelming majority of European normies either welcome and cheer on their coming extinction or they simply don't know about it. The euro-anons you encounter on here are a microscopic minority of the west-European populace and if they ever went public with their views they'd risk arrest or being attacked by communist gangs.
yes and?
>get attacked
So? Why not just fucking go for it and sperg out across Europe. A European maidan if you will?
I don't care about my "race" as long as this does not affect my nation
>Whites lack a natural tribal instinct and evolved to be natural cucks.
No we're tribal, but for some reason we're more empathetic/feminist/cucked. White guys will believe in and care about "toxic masculinity" more than any other race. I'm sure of this. Niggers arabs chinks kikes don't care about that shit. They reject being shamed by new age bullshit.
But no one cares what polish niggers think. If any European think of his Nation only over his Race then he deserves the worst. You're the niggers of Europe.
Killing each other in two world wars wasn't smart neither was allowing a bunch of shitskins into our Nations.
Fuck off angoloid. I don`t care for you.
propaganda was perfected during WWII
how your welsh studies?
Fatherland comes before anything else, nigger. Pan-Europeanism is dead ideology, it died in 1945 and now with the Brexit. Just accept the death of anti-nationalistic pan-European dreams.
Yeah constantly killing the brave and physically fit didn't help. That meant the high test guys died and their only children were the ones left before they died.
But I know lots of boomers and they're fucking gay people, very pathetic, and they were raised by warriors. The 60s and 70s counter-culture shit must be to blame. It took hold in white countries, didn't do anything in kike/african/arab/asian lands and they remained men.
I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out it's something as simple and unbelievable as degenerate music.
China bans the stuff, Arabs ban the stuff, Africans can't afford radio. Japan and Korea go full degenerate when they're exposed to hiphop culture.
It is better to go extinct than be racist
gg Mildred. Triple confirmation.
Slav niggers are only homogeneous because they are shitholes. No one cares about you.
>Fatherland comes first
You don't say you literal nigger, but if Western Europe falls they will come to you, you stupid fucking losers. Europeans will wake up and when we do we will see the death of slavs shits and Finland. Shitholes no one really needs nor wants. You only want Europeans to not rise up because your inferiority will show again like it always has. Pooland, russhits who? Binland, what?
I just want it to fucking kick off at this point. A slow assured death is worse than a violent chance at survival.
>good one user
You're wrong. Having only "muh white" identity = don't have identity at all.
Conservative nations have SUB-ehnical nationalism.
I asked the question. How your welsh studies
Its sad too see what marxist propaganda has done to manking
>What do Europeans mean by this?
a normal day in sweden
She might want to get married early then because her face will hit a wall by her mid-20s.
Let's play spot the white person!
you just playing the same game as multicultur liberals do, with the same goal.
which game? propagand your language to us. as the language of "united whites"
You love to play stupid dont you? I cant wait for the day all you politicians get assassinated and hung in the streets and your armies of subhumans get exterminated. We can both play stupid. It will cost the people a lot less than it will cost you.
White women want dark men, and since they are over 50% of the white population democracies will always import dark men to keep the women happy.
It has gotten to the point where literally millions of white women have gone against their biological drives and remained childless into their 30s and 40s - they'd rather just let their genetics die than to mix them with a white boy
>If any European think of his Nation only over his Race then he deserves the worst. You're the niggers of Europe
Hello Stalin
Take your international socialism and go away
You will never understand what it is to be part of national identity that has been for most of its history tried to be destroyed by occupying forces. First the swedes then the Russians. There is no kinship between us or neither of those groups. Same with Poland, and others who have been conquered by empires like the english,russian etc.
Self-determination is more important than the moral slavery towards your love for "kin-groups".
Western men have been demoralized, it will be almost impossible to wake up the masses. Just sit back and watch the world burn user.
Regional nationalism? Because it's mostly an ethnical thing.
Gen Z is immigrant kids lmao
bro that chick is 15.
Perfect post
I can understand "european" or "eastern european indentity", but not just "white"
Ew look at that manly-ass body.
This is why evolution is causing a shift in men going for East Asian women.
>I just want it to fucking kick off at this point. A slow assured death is worse than a violent chance at survival.
Whites in the west are not ready for fascism, an inner psychological battle in the mind has to be won first
They're spineless pansies is what they're saying.
Oh no we're under attack! Let's cry and let it continue.
This is modern Europe and honestly, I find it hard to care for it's preservation. At least the shitskins will fight for themselves. Superior race my ass. All hope for an unfucked future for mankind is in Asia now.
>This is modern Europe and honestly, I find it hard to care for it's preservation.
I think white Europeans as a group have not yet realized that discourse is not going to work, at all.
It is just stupidity.
Roughly 70% of Europeans get it and yet is being promoted nonstop.
There will be an awakening, sooner or later.
she needs some hair pulling and a big benis
for those who dont know, this is the most central square in Stockholm Sweden called "Sergels Torg"
European men have two duties
1 Get married with someone who can be a good mother and wife, don't need to love her, but she needs to love you, have a big family.
2 Impregnate as many sluts on the cock carousel as you can before non-natives do it.
Listen to me
We are not a group
Each and every single European nation is unique
We have different experiences, different traditions, different mindsets.
Don't classify us as a "group"
We are not USA.
And that is why hapas are fucking twinks.
Get the fuck out of here with your gay ass race mixing with gooks and chinks
Don't worry. We're getting rid of our illegals :)
>niggers of Europe struggling to comprehend what is coming
Why am I not surprised?
>56% feac
>we're unique faggots
Yes, ones that will be accepting (((diversity))) very soon. I wish you the worse and hope your women and people raped out of existence.
I seriously hope you do. Good luck.
Thank you! :)
LONG LIVE ENGLAND! (not the commie Jew traitor vassal state)
literaly this
Cry me a river
We are safe
And you are not
lol you can't even write proper English
Are you retarded or perhaps some nigger / chink that just spews anti western propaganda here?
you can't replace 1b Whites accross the world, let alone the 750m Whites in europe alone
you dumb shitskins have nothing to threaten us with, we outnumber you and our technology blows you the fuck out
keep muddling around in the stone age rest of the world, within a few generations none of you will survive, all will be whiter than before and all of your culture will be dead, only european / amerifat culture will survive.
the only rational posr
That's not how you greentext.
Are you fucking serious you stupid fucking commie infiltrating scum? Safe? You realize your people were getting raped until the good nationalist Poles put a stop to it?
>we are safe
>t Western Europe 1945
You were saying, you commie jew fuck?
>pleddit spacing
>nigger tier English
You're already dead you meme flagging faggot.
America has a real shot of winning. But these next few years have to count big time.
Have you even read the thread? the anglo poster puts race before fatherland, Pan-Europeanism(ie. internationalism) before nationalism and is in love with his weakness for moral slavery.
My kind of post
>We've got problems, white people have got this sort of crazy altruistic suicidal notion and you'll find that in countries without much jewish influence either, we seem to be susceptible to kind of manipulation by other people and we get all guilty, we get all guilty about the fate of insects that don't even do us any good! You know white people are worried about this insect and that little snail and this little fish, we got to protect them all! And so, there's something I think about white people that makes us very easy to manipulate... but that's our problem.
-Jared Taylor
I wonder who would promulgate these sentiments
Here's the part that comes before that, inb4 "controlled opposition tards":
>I think it is unquestionable that the jewish influence in all of this poisonous thinking is very strong; and I think there are many historical reasons for that. Earl Raab, who was at one time the president of Brandeis University; he said that American jews will never feel completely at home until the USA is majority non-white. Because only in this sort of "everything goes sort of mishmash of a melting pot", only in a society like that is the tribalism of jews something that goes unnoticed and is accepted. Well, that's a heck of an attitude to take towards a host country to say :"okay we want the host people to become a minority so that we'll feel comfortable." as if white peopel otherwise are gonna hop into their SS uniforms and round up jews and send them to Gulags. And yes, that's just.. it's not about happen and there is no question that, to the extent that Hollywood has conspired with this idea of the white ned who has to be replaced by anything but other than that, yes there is a strong jewish influence of that degree. Now, that does not in my mind make ALL jews enemies of the white race. So, it is no incorrect to say that jews have played a leading role in these philosophies that undercut any conception of white racial consciousness but again, that does not make all jews an enemy and I think that it's very easy for racially conscious white people to then be tempted to say "Ohh it's all the faut of those jews!! They are real enemy!".
that is some 10/10 gene there.
Don't die from masturbating over it
Poland wiil survive, as it always does.
We are not like you, we are not weak
And guess what
Refugee crisis is your problem, your concern and your burden
It's time for us to finally relax
No. I read it. I'm a dumbie. I should've read it in the first place.
Thank you :)
yes shes 14 or 15 now fuck off streetshitter
>What do Europeans mean by this?
Most of the strong European men died in WW2.
What was left was weak and effeminate.
The female Europeans are instinctively trying to acquire the genes of strong men, by importing new males.
better make yourself extinct then.
Poland is a shithole, don't get too cocky.
And why is it that only 52% of newborns in the US are White?
Umm sorry sweetie but we are the best
Hey guys I just got out of jail this morning, can someone link me to 160000000?
Wrong. They are not trying to acquire anything, they just don't want to breed at all. The main issue is high quality white people not breeding.
Poland is a shithole, not even shitskins want to go there.
True Fact: 10% of ALL Mexicans are in the USA illegally.
1 in 10 Mexicans are in USA illegally.
Build the FUCKING WALL !!!!!
>the swiss miss speaks again
Go make some more hot chocolate. I'd go to Poland.
Because you are slavic diaspora. Also notice how you are saying "I WOULD go" , not "I AM going". Fucking hypocrite dipshit.
I mean I certainly cannot afford such girl unless I am CEO of Microsoft or Google.
But how possible is for your white guys to have such girls?
I posted this girl on /fit/ a few months ago and I've seen her everywhere since
btw she's 15 in this
>nothing is being done about it
I'm certain every single person saying that is either a middle school kid or a fat no-life basement dweller
what are you gonna do, twat? Shoot a bunch of colored fellows and spend the rest of your life in jail?
Surely seems like the best way to save Europe, wow
She's not that good looking. She's just young and not fat. Stop being so fucking pathetic holy shit
I'm not even Slavic lol. I'm 1/2 Italian then English, Swedish and German.
Wont happen.... gen Z isnt running things the millennials cucks are and will be for the next 20 years...
Gib linebacker gf
I see right through you. Now go back to cleaning toilets mr. "Poland is the greatest country but I prefer to clean toilets in Detroit"
You are absolutely wrong. Weak men became intelligent and acquired high social/economic position in. Meanwhile strong men didn't care about change of hierarchy of power and implicitly thought being strong is what it takes. Sadly when they get old they will realize they accomplished nothing but a wage cuck life.
Whatever you say Swiss Miss. BTW my Polish fiance