Do finns have a culture and history of their own or are they just a Swedish-Russian mix?
Do finns have a culture and history of their own or are they just a Swedish-Russian mix?
show your real flag faggot
If I remember correctly, Finns all come from only 2 men and are their own special gene group.
Finns were tribal niggers, who only recently discovered civilisation. They are doing surprisingly well.
Their language isn't even Indo-European
They definitely have the small country syndrome and it's quite pathetic how the are unable to detach themselves from swedecucks. They should abolish mandatory swedish and start cultivating their own language and culture. Subbed (((american)) tv shows have also fucked their youth.
Not many russians who employ finns, swedes on the other hand do own companies and influence our culture.
the eternal sven - should have guessed
Yes, thanks largely to Russia for granting us autonomy that allowed our own cultural identity to form.
Russians are a Swedish-Finnish mix
>The history of Finland begins around 9,000 BC during the end of the last glacial period. Stone Age cultures were Kunda, Comb Ceramic, Corded Ware, Kiukainen and Pöljä cultures. Finnish Bronze Age started approximately 1,500 BC and the Iron Age from approximately 500 BC and lasted until 1,300 AD. Finnish Iron Age cultures can be separated to Finnish proper, Tavastian and Karelian cultures.[1] Earliest written sources mentioning Finland start to appear from 12th Century forwards when Catholic Church started to gain foothold in Southwest Finland. Due to the Northern Crusades and Swedish colonisation of some Finnish coastal areas most of the region became a part of the Kingdom of Sweden and the realm of the Catholic Church from the 13th century onwards
What is the fingol saying?
Speaking swedish for some reason. So no idea
They love cigarettes.
I know that for sure.
Strange, when I was in Oslo I saw more niggers in 1 day than an entire month in Stockholm
saying, "give me food or i die. master" or something like that
So you are part Swedish, or are these communities gone/segregated
Kek, thanks
Oslo is the only city in Finland that has any niggers. Try Malmö if you want an eye opener.
They have been self-segregating since Russia took us over.
>Oslo is the only city in Finland
uhhh what
From what I understand the cultures gradually merged and mixed with swedes along the coast
dutch boy smoking to much reefer
Learn how to read, Sven. There are more cities, but only Oslo has niggers in it.
.... your retarded
Probably american tourist in amsterdam.
We don't celebrate Finnishness in any way. Estonians are more proud Finnics than we are, at least they have the Laulupidu.
Because they all concentrate in Oslo. Meanwhile in Sweden, they were in every town I stopped through on a train and bus journey from Öresund to Gällivare
How the fuck should I know? I'm an American exchange student. I can name every city in the US and don't know shit about European capital names. I'm sure you don't know any American cities either besides the big ones.
>Dutch education
You burgers are dumb as shit...
Yes I get your point, I could use the same argument like other people use with Sweden... Why should I care about Malmö and other small shitholes when I live in Stockholm's inner city?
Same retarded logic that other EU countries use in regards to Sweden, even more retarded when neighbouring countries use that logic since people can move and live freely across the entire union, basically our problems become your problems when we can't handle them anymore.
At least I'm trying, faggot.
Just wait until you visit the U.S
Give me source ivan?
can op into?
What are we even seeing here besides angry drinkers and a few happy fingols raising a flag?
>*proceeds to gargle Achmed's cock
Meanwhile in reality.
I dont know thats why i need the fucking source.
Hopefully never
Was really sad to see niggers in places like Jokkmokk and Gällivare tbqh, didn't think they went that far
Will Russia be the next world super power?
wont be long til you strap nukes to some of the 20mill sandniggers you got.
Quite ironically, but it was Russia who basically created finnish state and national identity.
We allowed finns have education in finnish language, we allowed them to have parliament and constitution and so on.
Swedes are getting to niggers territory with all this "WE WUZZING"
Thanks Vladimir.
Government spread them out purposely, most will leave and head to larger cities when they are no longer forced to stay at their "arrival location", which is usually after 2-3 years.
Swedecuck henchmen still around here will deny it but it's actually funny how Ivan was ten times better ruler to finns than swedethrash ever were, just look at their 5th column still residing here with mandatory swedish etc.
Not that I don't prefer independence still.
That's because we didn't want to be part of Russian empire. We had no problems being part of Swedish one. Don't ake it sound like you are some kind of liberator. We hated you then and we hate you now.
>be Finn
>have to be brought into civilization by the Swedes
>be subservient to Swedes for hundreds of years until Russia takes you and you have to be (albeit less) subservient to them
>gain independence
>go right back to living in Sweden's shadow as the backwoods redneck cousin
>all your most successful people are Fennoswedes, not even true Finns
Are Finns the ultimate cucks? They've been slurping Swedish scrotum for most of their recorded history
>brought into civilization
>have to go to church every sunday
>pay taxes to the church in the form of grain
>the church destroys your native culture
>nothing really changes, the resources just fall in the hands of the church
>all your most successful people are Fennoswedes, not even true Finns
everything you need to know about amerimutts
That's what they try here as well, and they all eventually end up in Oslo. Some even went back to the refugee camp in Lebanon rather than stay in northern norway
>be swede
>invade yourself with niggers
>no problems being part of Swedish one
Ahahaha..... swede using a finnish ip I bet.
Finland will be there when sweden crashes, taking what they want in land and women..
>." Englund thinks that the period of Sweden as a superpower was the common "property" of Sweden and Finland, because the rise as a superpower would have been impossible for a poor nation without the resources of the eastern part of the realm"
>9000 BC
>Ignoring the Fenno-Korean Hyperwar of 20000 BC
Shameful ignorance
swedish perkele trying to defame the finns!
take that arab sausage out of your mouth before you talk to me sven
Swedish royalty came from Finland. Finns established all the kingdoms in northern eurasia. Atlantis was finnish. Ancient egypt was finnish.
What makes fennoswedes not true Finns? Can you name differences except our mother tongue? Genetically fennoswedes are Western Finns. Every fennoswede except the most rural old people speak perfect Finnish.
I'm a fennoswede-finn mutt and I can't think of a single thing that's ''typical'' for the other group and not for the other.
Reminder that sweden is our brothers are the eternal dane is the true enemy
>The final times of the union were a time of unrest in most of Finland, not only in Vyborg. In the late 16th century, the Danish went on pillages on the Finnish coast, and the pirate captain Otto Rudi robbed Turku and its cathedral's treasures. As the Danish union king Christian II of Denmark came to power, in his coronation he had tens of Swedish noblemen beheaded. This was called the Stockholm Bloodbath. The Swedish nobleman Gustav Vasa rose up to oppose the union king and won the peasants on his side. The German Hanseatic merchants also supported Gustav Vasa and provided him with weapons and money. The Finnish-born brothers Erik and Ivar Fleming conquered the Finnish castles for Gustav Vasa and drove the Danish away from Finland in 1523. The age of the Nordic union came to an end, and Gustav Vasa became king of Sweden and Finland.
Das rite. Norway is a finnish colony.
You were almost right Rajmo.
Please show your swedish flag. I did not know you could choose finland from the options.
Pls. Literally the richest culture. Our national epic is larger than Greek mythology.
Fenno-swedes effectively self segragate and maintain institutions for their own privilige.
Hyvin on mennyt itämainen ja ryssien propaganda Johannekselle päähän.
>Ruotsin valtakunta ollut sellainen jossa Ruotsi oli emämaa ja muut alueet sen siirtomaita. Pikemminkin Ruotsin valtakunta koostui kolmesta ydinalueesta joista kaksi sijaitsi nykyisen Ruotsin ja yksi Suomen puolella (nykyinen Varsinais-Suomen alue). Turun seutu oli siis tuon valtion oleellista keskusaluetta. Todellisia provinsseja löytyi siis sekä nykyisen Ruotsin, Suomen että Baltian alueilta. Ruotsin valtakunnan koko perusolemus on mitä ilmeisemmin Suomessa ymmärretty fennomaanien propagandan vuoksi liian paljon emämaa-siirtomaa ideologialla värittyneeksi eli Suomi "uhriutettiin".
The whole Finnish race was born out of homo sex?
Finlanida is cool.
But deserved to get nuked for helping to eternal Fritz.
gav fogden pekka mat eller dog han
We are sorry liberator but can you please not try invading again okay?
>What makes fennoswedes not true Finns?
Snöjuden are of Swedish genetic heritage. I don't even have anything against them but the language needs to go
People pre-nationalism had a completely different worldview and it's dumb to project modern nationalistic identities to middle-age peasants. A peasant in Suomi would go most of his life never hearing anything except Finnish. Communities were small and people were likely to die in the same village as they were born in. Did the peasant care if taxes went to a Finnish-speaking Lord in Turku or Swedish-speaking Lord in Stockholm? No.
Monarchy in the days of horse-travel was not a dominant all-reaching Big Brother that could see and micromanage every part of our life as they do in modern times.
>But deserved to get nuked for helping to eternal Fritz.
You helped the Germs too in 39-40 you mongoloid
Finland had KANGZ long before swedes came here. First crusade got BTFO hard. Under swedish rule it was punishable by death to tell stories about ancient finnish KANGZ.
Ruotsalaiset ovat yrittäneet tuhota suomalaiset useaan otteeseen. Ellei venäjä olisi vapauttanut meitä, niin suomalaisia ei ehkä tänäpäivänä olisi edes olemassa. Kuinka paljon rkp maksaa sinulle tästä?
>genetic studies show that Indians and Finno-Ugrics carry a special Siberian gene.
Onni, my lost brother!
>venäjä olisi vapauttanut meitä
*yksi rupla talletettu tilillesi
Pan turanic empire when?