>30 years ago allowing homosexuals, Italians and Irish into white supremacist organizations was unthinkable
>Women weren't given major voices or taken seriously
>Now they are all regularly courted as "allies"
Is this proof that you just hate who ever it is socialy acceptable to hate? I guarantee in 30 years you'll be letting in transsexuals and Asians. White supremacy is gonna end up diverse mark my words, you have to move with the times and open up your recruitment as straight white males decrease which is what you have been doing.
30 years ago allowing homosexuals, Italians and Irish into white supremacist organizations was unthinkable
Asians are already allowed. Trannies will be my kids generation. I can see it now.
white supremacy doesn't exist, nigger
>a literal nigger telling me im not white
if you where to dose yourself in hypochlorite you still wouldnt compare to my paleness nog
Jews thrive on gradual change.
No blacks, no dogs, no Irish never forget.
Show your flag kike
your right fellow tyrone we should like team up againist the wh*ty you with me?
Here you go.
I don't want team up against anyone, I just want everyone to get along in peace. You only have one short life, why waste it on hate?
Oh yeah isn't Tyrone an Irish word lol?
The Irish are not white.
Only Scottish, English, Welsh and Ulster Protestants are white.
Catholics, Irish, Spics, Wops, Gerrys are not white they are mongrel dogs.
Only British Protestants (or descendants thereof) are white.
>Italians and Irish into white supremacist organizations was unthinkable
Not really. The guy who killed George Lincoln Rockwell was Greek and was an ex-member of his group. Irish, Italians had no problem joining. Maybe in 1948 they wouldn't be allowed, but not in 1988
Paki strikes again
Okay but I'm still right that you never used to accept Italians and Irish.
English are crypto kikes and a lot of them are dark. Funny how they had the nerve to say the Irish weren't white when they're probably the palest people on the planet
I'm not English. None of them are dark, though.
As an Irish male living In the UK it is honestly funny to see British nationalists get vocal when they have very little importance politically. Ireland has a very left government but at least they don't claim to be right then have a remainer as leader.
You’re only white if the Anglo hates your guts
Just you keep paying into HMRC you subordinate dog!
Rowan Atkinson is English and looks like a middle easterner. There are plenty of dark Brits. I never thought of the English as a nordic looking people
Nordics aren't white. Only British Protestants (Formerly Picts) are white.
>welsh are scottish are white
>irish arent
you do know that we had colonies on both countries and even a little bit of england and for scotland being born of irish culture scotland or scotia was a term to be repesent us irish people during roman times the only reason why scotland even fucking exists as a identity today and is refered to as such is because of are ever lasting presence sassenach
You're not white.
says the ukistani
Name one white person.
>The Queen
Nordic blood.
This. They always talk about America being zogged. London was zogged before there was a USA. Rothschild's have owned you since Waterloo. How come every time UK wins a war they somehow lose? Rothschild's push your royalty around. Is that maybe why they had an unfortunate plane helicopter unscheduled rendezvous?
Lol what has the helicopter crash got to do with the Jews?